My blades will find your heart
I wanted to make a thread on this as these are universal tools that have a TON of uses that people still are not using. I'll be seperating meterless B3/F3 with Meter Burned B3/F3. MB B3/F3 is ofcourse armored, which makes it the go to choice in some cases. Canceling into MB B3/F3 also has its uses, but it costs two bars of meter
Meterless B3/F3
Without meter B3 and F3 are still very versatile moves. Here are all the uses I have personally found for meterless B3/F3.
- All F3s and B3s are launchers. However, they are also usually slow on startup. The first thing to learn is how many frames of startup your characters B3s and F3s are. Then it is good to learn their ranges and how close your opponent has to be for them to hit.
- All F3s and B3s are safe on block. Most of them grant some sort of frame advantage, which you can use to set up pressure and/or frame traps. Once again, you just have to remember the startup. If your character is lucky enough to have faster startup on their F3/B3, you would be a fool not to use these moves as much as possible, as they are safe on block.
- All F3/B3s are chargeable. This is great for forcing a reaction from your opponent. If your opponent tries to hit you out of it you can cancel into forward or backdash to cause them to whiff and punish it.
- All F3/B3s are cancelable into forward or backdash. This can lead to a lot of mindgames and is a great footsie tool. As mentioned above, you can charge the B3/F3 and backdash if your opponent tries to punish. If they backdash, you can forward dash to get them closer to the corner. If you condition your opponent to fear F3/B3, you can also cancel into forward dash for free pressure. While your opponent worries about being hit by the F3/B3, they will be prepared to block it and won't expect you to cancel into dash.
- B3/F3 are universally unclashable. They are a great way to close out a match.
- B3/F3 can be used as a standing reset if done correctly. You have to hit them right before they hit the ground, and it creates a "splat" effect that stands them back up. Going along with this, most B3s and F3s give a lot of frame advantage on knockdown. (Credit to Rip Torn)
- There are some other obvious ones as all F3s are overhead(not 100% sure, am I right?), all B3s activate stage transitions, and all B3s and F3s can be used to extend combos. If you want to have high damaging corner combos, F3 is better because you don't have to worry about stage transitions and it doesnt bounce them back as far.
MB B3/F3
Obviously the meter burned F3/b3s have the same uses as the meterless B3/F3, but with armor it gains quite a bit of uses that do not work with meterless B3/F3:
- MB B3/F3 is a universal answer to all interactables. Although you do get hit with the full damage, you will start a combo to do the same if not more damage. This is especially useful if you corner someone and they want to MB an interactable. You just have to make sure your B3/F3 will hit, and you have enough health to survive the interactable. It is still recommended to know how to dodge interactables.
- MB B3/F3 are great oki tools. You can armor through most wakeups with them, and if the wakeup isn't multi-hit you can even absorb the hit and then get a full combo. Or you can cancel into backdash to make the move whiff and then punish. If your opponent gets smart and stays down or techs, you can keep the pressure by canceling into forward dash(obviously you woulnt want to keep doing this as it is wasting meter)
- MB B3/F3 are the universal answers to frame-traps and pressure characters. All you have to do is MB B3/F3 and you get a full combo after any strings/moves. This allows almost every character a GTFO move and way to deal with frame-traps and pressure. The thing to remember is the armor will only absorb one hit. So multi-hitting specials and multiple hit strings can beat your MB B3/F3. You can figure out what beats your armor by taking your startup of the move, and figuring out if two hits of the string/special will come out during that time.
- MB B3/F3 can be used as an Anti-Air against certain characters. Your armor will absorb the jump in hit and blow them up for a full combo. This may not work on characters who: Have an airdash or can cancel JI attacks into air specials. It COULD work if the characters have these, but just know they have an answer. This isn't nearly as good as using a regular AA, but it can be used to end a round or match if needed. (It is also the answer to Scorpion ji1 tele shenanigans #kappa #YOLOSwag)
Bounce Cancels
If you use a string you can use Forward dash MB(F3) or backdash MB(B3) to cancel into that move. It will be armored but it will cost you two bars. Even with the high meter building in this game, two bars is a lot of meter. These setups are more like gimmicks to end a round/match or turn the tide when needed. Again: THESE ARE MORE GIMMICKS FOR ENDING THE ROUND. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
- Bounce cancels can create extra mixups that your opponent must block. For instance, if the string ends in a low you can FADC into MB F3 to make the last hit an overhead. Your opponent probably will not expect this the first time you use it, so it is basically a free launcher for you.
- Bounce cancels can also make certain strings safe or grant frame advantage. If you have a string with great range but it is unsafe, you can FADC to make it safe or advantaged. If you need to end a round, you can use the safe/advantaged string to lead to more crucial pressure or a throw.
- Bounce Cancels can be used to extend combos and do combos not able to be done without them. I have not practiced these as they are unpractical for high level play. But if you want to make cooler combo videos or want to impress your friends, test it out.