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[Jul 9, 2013] Clash at the Copa Vi (Philadelphia, PA)


Zatanna for DLC!
Hey guys Just letting you know Big E is gonna start running some more tournies at the copa more frequent.


SFXT ($2)
UMVC3 ($5)
SF4:AE ($5)
IGAU: ($5)

I'm going with the ruleset we all basically agree except for one thing:

Scorp is not banned

Stage Selects are going to be 50/50, Loser picks

All rounds until Grand Finals are going 2 out of 3 rounds

Grand going to be 3 out of 5.

Hoping alot of the NJ,DE,PA and other region can come to this.



Zatanna for DLC!
They say 6 for like preparing set ups and some casuals they don't usually start sign ups until like 7, injustice doesn't start till 8 so you okay. If there is a dire need. I 'll let E know to hold it because more people are coming. He wants people to come. My goal is to make him see how big the scene for injustice could really be for bi weeklies such as this.


Button Masher
also i can bring my xbox if needed with all patches & dlc
and some fucking WW costumes . tired of fucking flashpoint.


Zatanna for DLC!
I'll bring mine. I do have everything except for New 52 skins for the pre order. and everything is up to date.


Button Masher
also i have an asus evo monitor too. but it seemed like big e had plenty.

my plans for clash at the copa are simple.

turn it into injustice over MvC and AE :D

injustice with most set ups & stream time if streamed


Zatanna for DLC!
It's meant as a bi weekly and trying to get into local community here. Like those are long drives for me to go to the break, this is only 30 mins away to 45 for me. That's why I'm going.

Also keep in mind.

they'll be 5 dollar burgers deals and 6 Dollars for Tokyo Teas (think long Island Ice teas but better). We want to have a laid back atmosphere as well as build the community. So let's try to come out.



Zatanna for DLC!
also i have an asus evo monitor too. but it seemed like big e had plenty.

my plans for clash at the copa are simple.

turn it into injustice over MvC and AE :D

injustice with most set ups & stream time if streamed

I don't know if they'll be streams, but I'm gonna try to "Arturo Sanchez" it and Record it on my phone if there is no stream.


Button Masher
I don't know if they'll be streams, but I'm gonna try to "Arturo Sanchez" it and Record it on my phone if there is no stream.

well i plan on getting steaming stuff sometime soon worst comes to worst i can stream it when it happens.

but i agree with the bi weekly & growing this is only 20-30 mins away compared to 50min-an hour 20 minutes

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Fuck yeah. If work allows, and for all my bitching about not having anything to do offline, I have no reason in the world not to take Slade and Scorp out on the town.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
why are you running this on tuesdays? id like to go to both this and the break. i think it would be best if they were on seperate days


Zatanna for DLC!
That's something to ask Big E on. I just post the event. I think he wants more of the local area I.e. Philly, SNJ, DE to be able gather. It's rather hard for me to say the least to go to the break every tuesday.