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Question Is Sub Zero's d4 better than his d1 and d3?


they all have there uses
d4 has good hitstun which allows you to dash up and keep pressure very easily but is the slowest to come out of the 3.
d3 is faster and is good to set up a throw right after it
d1 is his fastest and will knock people out of the air if they jump right when you do it (d3 will miss). It's ok to interrupted strings but the big problem is it can be punished even if it hits by very fast attacks. Most people won't be able to react to punish it but they will have frame advantage afterwards to continue pressure
from my experience, D3 has faster motion and shorter hit box. D4 has longes hit box, and D3 and D4 are only for poking, while D1 is actualy doing some damge (if u need to finish the round). Maybe somene with more experience can confirm this.
From my experience: d+4 is for crushing certain things and getting in a quick hit which you can cancel into Clone. d+1 is for stopping jumpers, but you have much better options (or A much better option, with 2,2, but I'm sure there are situations where perhaps d+1 would be preferable, due to frames and such). d+3 I don't really advise, simply because if you do d+3 and then try to dash for pressure, you often get Ice Ball.
so you guys don't have one go to down poke to counter rush down, pressure, endless stringing on you? like you try to use all three in a situational way?


the special effects
D1 is good for relieving pressure and creating space as you can drop a clone right at there feet. Like the above said, d3 is good for a throw and d4 is good for your own pressure.


looks like sub got best down 4 in the game ?
It's ok, but I don't know about that.

Anyways, d1, d3 and d4 are all very situational. I'm gonna quote Loot (with my own changes) on this:

D1 is good for relieving pressure and creating space as you can drop a clone right at there feet, but it has short range. Like the above said, d3 is good for a throw and d4 is good for your own pressure, it has good range.