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I'm going to post this and hopefully it will cause much discussion.

i tried to get a funny omegle convo to post on here but i failed :( they always ask if i'm male or female and when i reply "i'm a flaming undead skeleton from the netherrealm who wants revenge" they leave.


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
Side note to anyone, is Drive good? I've randomly heard a few people talk about it recently.
It's one of the, if not the best, movies of 2011. I'm not a big fan of Winding Refn (the director, his Pusher trilogy are highly overrated, in my opinion), his work with this movie is superb. Although, word of advice, it's not an easy movie to watch: slow pace, sudden tempo changes and brutal violence. Also, his soundtrack is really good.
Stranger: hi
You: Will this always be a world of dictators?
Stranger: hahahahah
Stranger: when will it not be?
You: So Black Adam will remain top tier?
Stranger: humans look to a guide the top tier would change eventually but not the power tilling over the people
You: Wow that's deep man