tbh i dont really think Scorps is "broken", maybe a bit overpowered and very much braindead. He's still very beatable, you're just doing like 10 times the amount of work the Scorps is doing in order to go even or win lol.
The main issue though imo is how he's a "game changer", kind of like MvC3's Phoenix, and NOT in a good way.
The moment he's picked he completely changes how the game is played and how you approach the matchup, you have a new aspect that you never have to worry about against other characters which is always watching your back in pretty much any distance, be it j3 or the teleport. he completely negates a part of the engine (interactables), shits all over zoners and zoning in general, and has unseeable resets that force you to keep guessing everytime no matter what character you're playing (IIRC no character has a real way out of this) and it goes back into the same reset situation as long as he has meter so he can keep being a full-on derpy retarded asshole till you're dead or his meter runs out, they usually are 2 sides of the same coin though so it doesnt make a difference.
I still dont think he fits in the game and I dont understand why he was released 3rd and not Zod. maybe they really are following the "the newer DLC is more retarded" formula and they figured Zod is definitely the bigger derp out of the two =__=
I'm really scared of what Zod's gonna do to the game lol.