A pool is a luxary to have in your backyard! And do you have a driveway?
Btw congrats on the house!
Pools are a liability.
Take my advise with a grain of salt; home ownership is something I'd like to get out of and never do again. Although I would not be opposed to a condo provided maintenance is not my responsibility.
Here goes; take home improvement classes, learn carpentry, plumbing, electrical, etc. Things break, and paying someone else is super expensive, and if you can't do it you can't spot someone you're paying that is cutting corners. If your dad can do this stuff and lives nearby, it will be a huge help (my dad built his own house, but sadly lives too far away to come help / teach me what to do).
dont let things go; do repairs immediately as things that need fixing will only deteriorate and make repairs that much more expensive. Take excellent care of the home, dont let cleaning slip, and learn what preventative tasks you should do. Inspect your property regularly. Make sure you have good insurance, dont skimp. Go to flood.gov and find your flood risk level and buy appropriate coverage for floods as its NOT included in your homeowners policy.
Don't plan on moving for a long time. Remember your home is a LONG TERM investment. If you buy and sell frequently you'll rack up debt due to closing costs and interest as the start of the mortgage you're mostly paying interest only. As you pay more principle, your equity increases, but until then you're just buying money.
Do not become emotionally attached to your house; home is where ever you hang your hat, your house is an investment.
Of course, you may want to talk to a real financial planner for your specific situation.
I am jealous that you're in Philly, I really miss the city.