UsedForGlue i get what your trying to say but i dont agree,
imo your ego would have to be pretty high of the charts to think "im so good, 2 months into a game the developers are forced to nerf a char because of what i can do" but in a way its not so much the player,its more the char.
take kl for example, people could say PL got him nerfed by what he did at 1st evo but ask yourself was kl meant to have 80%+ combos and just do 24~low hat all day up close, was that his intented design of play, more than likely no, so while PL found the smart stuff to abuse 1st when it came to the attention of NRS it was clear that shit needed to go.
like how kenshi when un-nerfed because his bs was brought to the table to late to do anything about it.
i think its been mentioned a good few times(but saying that i dunno if its true) that most if not all changes happening now were pre-planned so unless some high level player was mopping people up with harley pre-release (shes been "nerfed" twice already) i dont think this way of thinking proves valid across the board