Forum General Emeritus
Longtime fans of Mortal Kombat 2 may be deeply puzzled by this video which appears to be a "teaser trailer" for something...the question is, what is it? Given what the video contains, could this be a hint towards a possible remaster for an old MK title, or a hint towards MK10 being released for the next-generation consoles which are scheduled to arrive at the end of this year...or something else that escapes our minds entirely?
As a couple of you guessed, this video is referencing an event....AKA a tournament that will be taking place in November/December. It is an MK2 tournament (online). More details on the format will be revealed later in the summer. I will say this though... We (@Ththuvhul and I) are aiming to make it an event that ANYONE can win, not just the elite few. So where does the PS4/Xbone come into play, you say? Funny you should ask...
NOW, the hype has begun

Credits to MKillBill.
Article edited by GamerBlake90
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