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My thought (analogy) on M$ policy changes.


This is like a woman being in an abusive relationship.

The husband (M$) slaps her (us the consumers) around and does as he pleases.

Then she decides she has had just about enough of this crap and leaves his sorry ass for a new guy (PS4)

All of a sudden old shitty husband gets a fright and makes all sorts of promises and apologies to get her back.

The dumb girls like to go back, but I am a strong black woman GAWDDAMNIT!



probably didn't search for it or look at the front page.
Oh FFS, call a mod friend to close it then .
I came on the site with an idea for a thread and made it. Sorry I did not run it past the local thread police first.


Ill be completly honest here im a Ps guy always been since the very first never got a Xbox... But as of late and seeing as im a fighting game player on most part (i do enjoy the ocasional adventure or survivel game) Xbox 360 impressed me a lot, with its smoothness running fighters and good online ( not to keen on having to pay for internet but nexgen already took that away on both consoles ).

This been said i was actually thinking on getting a xbox 1 this time around, u know give them a shot... but after hearing about those stupid restrictments i was like HELL TO THE NO ps4 for me all the way... Now that everyone is reporting Pre Order numbers for both consoles they see, the masses changing to Ps4 and they where Like... OMG this numbers are horrible lets change everything back to how it was supposed to be in the first place so ppl will like us again... But im not convinced, you knw why?.. they have a little statement at the end of everything basicly saying. MS and Xbox have the rights to chance their policies at anytime... What makes them a little down the line when ppl already have their Xbobx 1 installed neatly in their homes to say Oh ups this new update will require you to be online alway oh yes and did we mention we are changing this this and this to get more money from you guys ? oh yeah thats happening!!

Sincerely not gonna buy any of them in the first few months. i wanna see how badly both consoles really wanna rip us ( consumer) off!!!


Oh FFS, call a mod friend to close it then .
I came on the site with an idea for a thread and made it. Sorry I did not run it past the local thread police first.
well, i am only playing with you, and having said that

if i acted on every whim that passed through my mind without a second thought, id probably make threads like this too. alas...