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Injustice UK/European Gamertags / PSN IDs


Put down the controller and run!

Grundy Smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash!
:) I have to say it! One of the best Grundys i played against! Thanks for the experience! I am sure that next time we play, i will have an answer for your WC cancels. I feel that my main problem is that i can't concentrate on only one character and practice MU's.Good games man!
GGs man, maybe next round will be yours! :p


RIP Grundy
Hi guys, i introduced myself over in the noob intro thread but i thought i'd do it here too. Hi. I'm looking for some decent regular casual games. I main grundy and i have no idea how best to tell you my skill level so i'll just tell you my psn stats, about 85% win rate on ranked 1v1, lvl 69. If anyone fancies a game, please add me or post on here etc. My PSN is klesk_1 and i play most evenings GMT :)


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
Hi guys, i introduced myself over in the noob intro thread but i thought i'd do it here too. Hi. I'm looking for some decent regular casual games. I main grundy and i have no idea how best to tell you my skill level so i'll just tell you my psn stats, about 85% win rate on ranked 1v1, lvl 69. If anyone fancies a game, please add me or post on here etc. My PSN is klesk_1 and i play most evenings GMT :)

Klesk, you play Injustice too?

We need to make a set as soon as possible, mate.


RIP Grundy
Ahhh hey dude, how you doing, sure, love to. I remember your nasty abel from sf a few years ago! Will see if you're free tonight :)


"Burn baby! Burn!"
Any EU folks into this? :p

I'm craving for some online play!!!

If anyone is interested in some matches vs a "Green" Lantern, add me up: Nevan_PTF.

Oh by the way, just a question, but would the European scene, agree with creating an EU Injustice Clan?