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How Many Current Xbox Owners Will be Making the Switch for Next Gen?

Will You be Making the Switch to Sony for Next Gen Consoles?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 77.3%
  • No

    Votes: 8 12.1%
  • Getting Both Consoles

    Votes: 7 10.6%

  • Total voters


*Supreme Member*
If you are a current Microsoft Xbox Owner, Please Sign/Post/Vote if you will be making a Switch from Microsoft to Sony for Next Gen Consoles.


Saint Op Omen

Savagely beating his super-ego with his id...
Not sure I qualify but I did buy a 360 first last gen and will be getting a PS4 first this gen...

Sent under duress.

Big Frog

I had Playstation before Xbox, but got an Xbox when it first came out. Been with them both since, and am finally going back to mainly Playstation. I never left them, but will be strictly PS from now on. I quit Xbox Live after the first Xbox Juan press conference. I honestly cringe at the sight of Mattrick and all those others guys. I still use Windows for certain things, but will never buy anything to do with Xbox again.

I've been playing nothing but old PS games and N64 lately and it feels good in my shorts. Xbox can fack off.
I was gonna go xbox1... Until I saw the bullshit Microsoft is on. THEN I saw the gametrailers interview. Now there is no way in hell I'm ever getting xbox1. Maybe if they change some of the always online bullshit. But that's not gonna happen this late. I hope xbox1 bombs hard just so Microsoft sees how bad they fucked up.


Up the Irons!!!
Not gonna get either for at LEAST 6 months, probably a year after launch. But from what I saw during the press conferences I'd probably go with the Xbone (Project Spark looks fun as hell).


I'm still undecided. I have an internet connection so the always online doesn't bug me lol. I also never buy used games. BUT... still can't make up my mind. -___-


Just some guy searching for a main
Own a 360 now. Getting a PS4 on launch. To me MS put too much into making an entertainment system than a gaming system. I have a HDTV, Smart phone and a Computer to do all that stuff, why would I want to do it on an xbox? Cause I can tell it too? I know how to use my tv remote or type on a keyboard. My phone can tell me anything I need to know about NFL. Plus used/rental games are always a bonus to someone who doesn't always have 60$ to get that new blockbuster game.


Staying with Xbox. I like their exclusives better, their controller better and I think they're taking some risks which may not necessarily be bad but which they knew would get a huge backlash cause people are afraid of change. Also the new (and old) Microsoft haters are blowing it way out of proportion IMO which makes me want to get one even more because I really don't think it will be bad at all like many people are saying (I don't think the PS4 will be a bad choice though, but I can't afford both).


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
As it looks right now, yes. But I don't see a rush to get either next gen console. The games I'm looking forward to, aside from Killer Instinct, which are TES, Arkham Origins, and Destiny, will all 3 be available on the 360. They will hold me over for awhile.

I do hope Origins is a lot longer than Arkham City though, game was waaay too short.
I'm probably going to get both on day 1. I mostly play Xbox on multi platform games and exclusives on PS3 but I think that's probably going to change next gen. Plus I really want to play some KI knowing that no other next gen fighting games will be out for awhile. My main issue is the idea of having to buy 2 more fight sticks :-(

Louisiana Shark

Louie Shark
Yeah I'm going back to Sony. I missed out on the PS3 and I've always wanted to play those KI games, but not even the new KI will get me to stay with MS and get the XB1.


Getting both, that was never in doubt. But definitely getting Xboned first. :coffee:
Where I stay, PS4 is out about 5 months before the Xbox (according to our biggest online retailer).

Is that not the case overseas? or are you just patient?


Mid Tier
lol, yah

Cost to Play KI Reboot $500+Game(whatever FTP addons and shit everything costs)+NewFightStickr+XbliveFee+Not being able to lend game to my friends or effectivily bring it to their house to play and get them interested, or bring it to offline locals = Priceless

PS4- Cheeper, I can use my PS3 fightstick on it, no online requirement, thats honestly good enough for me,

Fuck MS, and honestly Fuck Killer Instinct, it kinda looks like ass to me at this point anyways.

Peace MS, you obviously don't want my money, so I'm not going to be giving it to you anymore,