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Morals of Morality?


Too old for this Shit
All this talk about XB1 and PS4 has got me thinking.... Mainly about our society and morality..

Microsoft comes flat out and delivers their game plan about the XB1 and is immediately flamed by fans, critics, skeptics.. You know the story.

Sony sits back and lets Microsoft meltdown on its own, while just saying the basic opposite of what Microsoft did and are considered the savior of gamers. Yet some interesting things have come about in regards to Sony giving digital options to publishers therefore potentially not being so much more different in the end. You know the story...

This is what got me thinking.. Why is it we live in a society where people say.. "Just tell me, I can deal with it"..then that person does the exact opposite and ends up going Chernobyl?

-Parents want children to be honest-" I dont care what you do or did, just tell me as we will work it out" yet when a child does- many parents fly of the handle..
-Significant others say-"if you are going to cheat on me, tell me or break up with me, don't let me find out" yet when you do - many significant others fly off the handle
-Role models, Hollywood, Stars get caught up with drugs or with performance enhancers.. And media and civilians say-" If they just would have come clean from the start.. It would be much better for them"- yet when they do they get publicly shelled and questioned WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU BRING THAT UP?

Barry Bonds, Tiger Woods (X3), Major League Baseball, hell, any Major League Sport, Lance Armstrong, Microsoft, Sony.... Why do we seem stuck in a huge double standard? Is it better to do the right thing and risk the backlash? Is it better to hide the wrong and hope you don't get caught? Is there a happy middle ground that you need to dance between where admission or denial is only due to severity?

I'm truly interested in what people's thoughts are.. In the most recent news I can think of as an example would be Tiger Woods..
-He gets caught cheating on his wife with multiple women/affairs.. Media ousts him, he loses endorsements, possibly his livelihood, his family and a lot of respect..
Tiger pays his dues, he makes due and makes his comeback..
-In one of the most recent golfing majors.. Tiger was asks about one if his shots where he came forward and said- "I gave myself a favorable lie", this had been tossed between him not knowing the rules, golf not having a strict rule, or just a strange circumstance behind the shot.. But basically Tiger came forward on national interview and said "I cheated".. Media and public were going NUTS!!! "Why would you admit it?!", "can you believe Tigers interview!?" "What was going through Tigers mind!?"
Ummmm- the fact that last time he lied he got damn near crucified?! No one really stood up and said.." Good for you Tiger.. Way to stand up!"

People say they would have preferred Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa and the rest of the steroid era to come clean up front... Are you kidding? They would have been chewed up and eaten alive..Maybe the steroid era gets in to Hall of Fame.. Maybe with aster ex maybe without , . Yet Pete Rose is out if baseball permanently for gambling??

What is your stance, opinion, view? Do you say something and mean it? Say something for lip service? Dance in between? And what are your expectations of others?
Bottom line: I expect reasonablility, toleration and a general good-nature from others.
In these instances of cheating and drug-usage, I would've preferred them to come clean, but these matters are of little concern to me.

Double-standards are to be expected from humans. Why shouldn't you expect this from them? Humans are not machines; they are illogical, inconsistent, and hypocritical. The difference is that some humans seek to amend their imperfections, while many others are apathetic to such things.


Too old for this Shit
Bottom line: I expect reasonablility, toleration and a general good-nature from others.
In these instances of cheating and drug-usage, I would've preferred them to come clean, but these matters are of little concern to me.

Double-standards are to be expected from humans. Why shouldn't you expect this from them? Humans are not machines; they are illogical, inconsistent, and hypocritical. The difference is that some humans seek to amend their imperfections, while many others are apathetic to such things.
Masterfully put Alien thanks for your input!


Filthy Casual
I'm surprised you're surprised at hypocrites and double - standards. When faced with crisis people tend to react emotionally which leads to irrational statements / actions.


Too old for this Shit
I'm surprised you're surprised at hypocrites and double - standards. When faced with crisis people tend to react emotionally which leads to irrational statements / actions.
Not surprised.. I guess it stems from the fact that one of my biggest pet peeves is "Monday morning quarterbacking"... So much easier to do and say after the "crisis"...but really what during the "crisis"