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Official TYM E3 thread!


Hey guys,

This seems to be a pretty good stream, if you're interested in the entire E3 event.
There should also be a back-up, so you can watch it, if you missed anything:
If you want a quick summery ... PS4 won the console wars. Buy that console and stay away from the X-Box Done, since that's what it is - it's done.
Here are some mash up's, if you don't want to watch the whole thing. But, I don't know if it's worth watching the mash up's. Didn't check them out, but feel free to do it yourself:
To honor the new PS4 let me add some quick links for you from the stuff that happened during the Sony presentation:
X-Box One didn't have a bad game line up and even revealed a new Killer Instinct, but is that enough to convince you to deal with Micro$ofts greed on a 24-hourly basis?
And there were also few more games, but I can't find proper links right now.
There were also 3rd party games of course! Here are few of them:
There are also already some very biased articles from some gaming sites. Obviously they're only there so that they would get more hits / more comments / more money, but they're also true at the same time and just the way of writing I personally would always want to see from sites which cover up the gaming industry:


Did you guys see that the PS4 will have a bunch of free to play exclusive MMO's?

DC Universe Online will be one of them, which is really a great, entertaining game.
Besides that there will be Planetside 2 and ... War War ... War-something, can't remember the name. But a MMO shooter!

Ou, it's starting on Gametrailers!


The X-Bone will show 20 games on stage, interesting. "No Kinect" they said >_> I highly doubt that.

PS: Dat Katey is hot. I would not say No to her.


I'm a literal Sloth
I have a feeling MS' conference is going to be really shitty. Oh well, is it tomorrow yet? I want that Nintendo news.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Let it be known that today may mark the beginning of the incoming 2nd great gaming crash, at least in M$' situation that is :)


Fingers crossed for a new Killer Instict game. Don't care about any of the Xbox Juan crap, just watching the conference to have a good laugh


According to the Twitch E3 schedule WB will announce 2 new titles, next to: LEGO Marvel Heroes, Batman: Arkham Origins and Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure.

I'm pretty sure it won't be a game from NRS since they just finished Injustice and have been working on DLC. I'm thinking more next-gen Batman game and something else(perhaps FEAR).


So the fist game Micro$oft announces is a Kinect Sports game by RARE and the second one is a game, which will be available on the PS4 as well? How stupid can you be?

MGSV... Looks damn good. A lot like Red Dead Redemption though..