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The Internet: A place for sharing information.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Not for being Jerks for no reason.

There is an unfortunate thing that happens through the anonymous nature of the internet, and I suffer from this too. I think we all do to different extents. The unfortunate thing that happens is that we too easily forget that we are talking to real people, with real emotions.

The internet is by far the single greatest invention in human history, because it is a culmination of every other great invention in history. The sheer amount of information is unmeasurable. With this wealth of information, there are going to be huge gaps in knowledge. A 10 year old kid from Brooklyn could be interacting with a physicist at CERN and too easily do we default to an arrogant, selfish tone because we simply don't want do deal with them, instead of using the internet what it was made for.

Often I feel the internet is even sort of a diary for people, where they release stress. Maybe some ass hole cut you off on the way home, and now you get home and see these "Idiots" on the internet and take that anger out on them. I know I have done stuff similar to this.

So why then do we persecute those less knowledgeable than our selves so readily on the internet? Should this invention not be used for the improvement of people, but rather to demean them at the first available chance?

We have access to this wonderful thing, where opinions from literally around the world come to share. I think we too easily forget how remarkable this is, I know that I do. For a large percent of human history so far, the concept of "Around the world" was a dream.

So next time before you hit the enter key, stop and think.
Think "Am I taking out my pressures and stress that happens in the real world on this person?"

"Am I ignoring their opinion simply because mine differs, or have I actually looked into it"

But finally think "Is what I typed worth permanently putting on the single greatest invention in human history?"

Why can't we all just get along?


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
TLDR, and no... the internet is a horrible place for only the most vile and evil to thrive... stream monsters and trolls


Nightwolf of the galaxy
TLDR, and no... the internet is a horrible place for only the most vile and evil to thrive... stream monsters and trolls
Don't ever say tldr again. If you aren't going to even read what some one has to say, don't waste time or energy replying.


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
Don't ever say tldr again. If you aren't going to even read what some one has to say, don't waste time or energy replying.
No I was joking jesus... my post was meant to be a parody of what people do on the internet as a joke with tldr and talking about trolls and stream monsters


Augmented Wallet Squeeze
No I was joking jesus... my post was meant to be a parody of what people do on the internet as a joke with tldr and talking about trolls and stream monsters

It's not a parody if it's true. This is a looooooooooooooooooooong OP and he didn't have the time to make a TL;DR section. Plus, don't separate Stream Monsters from trolls. They're both in the same alley.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
No I was joking jesus... my post was meant to be a parody of what people do on the internet as a joke with tldr and talking about trolls and stream monsters
I apologize, but reread what you posted. Does it seem sarcastic or joking to an outside person? Sit in my shoes for a second. Think about the time I spent typing this on my phone, only to have the first post I see say "tldr".


You don't got the cash, You don't get the ass
I apologize, but reread what you posted. Does it seem sarcastic or joking to an outside person? Sit in my shoes for a second. Think about the time I spent typing this on my phone, only to have the first post I see say "tldr".
It's fine, and yes I will admit I could of written it better so sorry about that


Get over here!
I apologize, but reread what you posted. Does it seem sarcastic or joking to an outside person? Sit in my shoes for a second. Think about the time I spent typing this on my phone, only to have the first post I see say "tldr".
I am an outside person and I could clearly tell that he was joking...


The King
Not for being Jerks for no reason.

There is an unfortunate thing that happens through the anonymous nature of the internet, and I suffer from this too. I think we all do to different extents. The unfortunate thing that happens is that we too easily forget that we are talking to real people, with real emotions.

The internet is by far the single greatest invention in human history, because it is a culmination of every other great invention in history. The sheer amount of information is unmeasurable. With this wealth of information, there are going to be huge gaps in knowledge. A 10 year old kid from Brooklyn could be interacting with a physicist at CERN and too easily do we default to an arrogant, selfish tone because we simply don't want do deal with them, instead of using the internet what it was made for.

Often I feel the internet is even sort of a diary for people, where they release stress. Maybe some ass hole cut you off on the way home, and now you get home and see these "Idiots" on the internet and take that anger out on them. I know I have done stuff similar to this.

So why then do we persecute those less knowledgeable than our selves so readily on the internet? Should this invention not be used for the improvement of people, but rather to demean them at the first available chance?

We have access to this wonderful thing, where opinions from literally around the world come to share. I think we too easily forget how remarkable this is, I know that I do. For a large percent of human history so far, the concept of "Around the world" was a dream.

So next time before you hit the enter key, stop and think.
Think "Am I taking out my pressures and stress that happens in the real world on this person?"

"Am I ignoring their opinion simply because mine differs, or have I actually looked into it"

But finally think "Is what I typed worth permanently putting on the single greatest invention in human history?"

Why can't we all just get along?
Nice post, but people won't care or listen. Internet will always be this way. A month from now anyone who did listen to this will be the same way they were. Jerks. Doesn't matter. But I like your message kid. YOU GOT SPUNK! :)


Nightwolf of the galaxy
True... but nevertheless I know most people on TYM by now... so I could have probably been able to tell if it was anyone else.
And it is great thing that you have been able to interact with TYM enough to know peoples styles, see the reason I posted this was because I keep going further and further away from the internet because of these problems. I love TYM, and would love to be able to know every one well enough to understand the subtleties in their posts. The problem I am faced with now is that the internet as a whole is making me want to not go on it anymore. From EVE boards to youtube comments I just see so much hate and it really makes me sad.


Get over here!
And it is great thing that you have been able to interact with TYM enough to know peoples styles, see the reason I posted this was because I keep going further and further away from the internet because of these problems. I love TYM, and would love to be able to know every one well enough to understand the subtleties in their posts. The problem I am faced with now is that the internet as a whole is making me want to not go on it anymore. From EVE boards to youtube comments I just see so much hate and it really makes me sad.
Trust me I feel the same way. I definitely know where you are coming from.
There is an unfortunate thing that happens through the anonymous nature of the internet, and I suffer from this too. I think we all do to different extents. The unfortunate thing that happens is that we too easily forget that we are talking to real people, with real emotions.

The internet is by far the single greatest invention in human history, because it is a culmination of every other great invention in history. The sheer amount of information is unmeasurable. With this wealth of information, there are going to be huge gaps in knowledge. A 10 year old kid from Brooklyn could be interacting with a physicist at CERN and too easily do we default to an arrogant, selfish tone because we simply don't want do deal with them, instead of using the internet what it was made for.

Often I feel the internet is even sort of a diary for people, where they release stress. Maybe some ass hole cut you off on the way home, and now you get home and see these "Idiots" on the internet and take that anger out on them. I know I have done stuff similar to this.

So why then do we persecute those less knowledgeable than our selves so readily on the internet? Should this invention not be used for the improvement of people, but rather to demean them at the first available chance?

We have access to this wonderful thing, where opinions from literally around the world come to share. I think we too easily forget how remarkable this is, I know that I do. For a large percent of human history so far, the concept of "Around the world" was a dream.

So next time before you hit the enter key, stop and think.
Think "Am I taking out my pressures and stress that happens in the real world on this person?"
"Am I ignoring their opinion simply because mine differs, or have I actually looked into it"
But finally think "Is what I typed worth permanently putting on the single greatest invention in human history?"

Why can't we all just get along?
Not that the average corrupt human would care.

The Internet may have been invented as place for sharing information, but it has grown into more than that. With the good comes the bad.

An understandable situation.

The anonymous nature of the Internet allows those who would otherwise fear physical retaliation to act out their own foolishness or "tough guy" fantasy. It is nearly a waste of your time to try reasoning with them, for wisdom is an abomination to the foolish.

Once again, the average Earthly human is not concerned about that.

Quite the sentiments, Rokin.

>Why can't we all just get along?
Simple human nature.
As long as there are differences, there will be dispute, intolerance, and hatred. As long as there are humans, there will be no peace. You must learn to expect as much from them.