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How's this game doing in your community or circle of friends?

Has your community stuck with Injustice?

  • Yes, they're playing it quite actively and loving it.

    Votes: 34 69.4%
  • Yes, but A LOT of people have dropped it and many who play don't like it.

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • No, my XBL/PSN group has dropped it by large.

    Votes: 3 6.1%
  • No, and even my offline scene has dropped it.

    Votes: 5 10.2%

  • Total voters


1 2 3 drink
I never had so many ppl playing the same game(injustice) in my friendlist. I even have to remove ppl from my fl lol. My irl friends dropped it after a day tough but they arent really into fighters.


Well, I haven't gone outside much since this game came out so it is affecting my circle of friends. Oh wait...


A lot of my PSN friends that were regular MK players didn't even pick up Injustice. Some of my rl friends are planning to pick up the game this summer though.

It's sad that a lot of people I knew completely dropped fighting games this generation. Ofc Capcom and Namco pulled some bad shit on us this gen


I mean no offense to anyone on these forums, but if you're primarily playing online, then you aren't really playing at all.

If I only played online I would of quit it by now too. Online is just nonsense. You can't even walk forward and block projectiles on reaction to the starting animation online.... you just have to stay full screen, jump like a maniac, or dash block the opponent's zoning(which becomes extremely predictable AND some characters can't even reliably do it like GL).

Also, some characters are completely unviable online because they NEED the ability to walk forward and react to things in footsies range, and some strategies with characters are extremely strong online.

In general if you're playing online only your going to get sick of the game simply because of the lack of options due to input delay, no question about it.

Offline communities for this game are THRIVING because the game is so solid. Online is a muddy mess and just promotes bad habits.
everyone don't have a shitty connection. My connection is very bad since I moved back in with my parents so I don't even bother going online. And when I do need to play an actual human opponent I can't play my friends who barely plays the game and they just mash buttons and don't know a single thing about the game and don't want to learn. Sometimes I go to my friend's house and play on his connection and his connection is great. And when I do this, I play people from here who also have good connections. If you are playing on a bad connection and know you are then yes you aren't really playing the game at all.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
most of my friends play cod but my only friend that is hard-core into fighting games goes to boarding school ._.


I am from South Africa. So right there I have zero local scene. I play offline against friends but they are not into fighting games so I end up raping them and they want to play something else after about 5 rounds.

If I try playing against my friends in the UK, I lag so badly that I literally cannot even combo after a naked MB Lanter's might (as an example)

I am restricted to guessing and projectiles.

Once every 20 attempts or so I find a semi-playable game on Ranked.

3rd World problems.