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Come On Die Young
Last weekend, I joined some of my fellow NY teammates to play Injustice at J360 's place. We had a good night, I gained some matchup experience and had fun. Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten any sleep as Insuperable had an appointment in the morning and I figured I might as well stay up and take the early bus back with him and his brother.

We got in the elevator around 7AM to catch the 7:15 bus. I noticed an old woman in the elevator staring at us as we went down. She looked at us and asked, "are you guys going to the beach?". Knowing I've heard this phrase before, I responded "no, what do you mean?". She smiled and turned forward without responding.

A few seconds later, we exited the elevator and went out toward the bus stop. Exhausted, I didn't notice the woman had disappeared until we got to the bus stop across the street. I was a little confused, to be honest. I figured I'd ask someone about this. I went up to a man in line at the stop and asked him if something was going on at the beach today. We were in the Bronx after all and Orchard Beach is a popular area during the summer.

The man smiled and looked at me, "you going to da beach?".

"No," I said, "I'm just wondering what's happening there".

"Ohhhhh my friend, no one going to da beach anytime soon" he replied. "But you know my boy Rolando's got da hookups. There going to be ladies as far as the eye can see".

"How do you even know about this?" I said. The man was in his early 50's. I couldn't imagine it was what I was thinking of.

"Know what?"

"About da beach"

"What beach?"

He seemed genuinely confused. He turned toward the approaching bus and stepped on.

When I got home, I began doing some research on Video x Games, a tournament coming up in St Maarten, commonly referred to by its promoter Rolando as "the beach". The tourism board of St Maarten provides the tournament with a large amount of money to bring as many gamers as possible to the event. This year, they're trying to make it as big as possible, but something seemed strange about this.

I continued my research on the area. In 1813, a large gathering happened on a southwest beach of the island. Hundreds of locals gathered for a ritual to capture the spirits of the island's lost souls. In the morning, they were all missing. Some suspected they had walked into the ocean and drowned, but no remains were ever recovered.

Something was obviously happening, and I needed to find out what. In the corner of my eye, I saw a bright light flash in my room. My roommate's laptop had turned on. I had sworn I saw it closed when I walked in the room. There was an image displayed on the screen. When I looked down, I saw the same thing on mine.

It recognized it immediately. It seems this goes deeper than I thought. Be careful.



My mom tells me I'm pretty

This is a true story by the way people hahahah. Once the lady said "Are you going to da beach?" on the elevator I started cracking up lmaoooo. Also, is anyone above 21 looking to book a room at EVO?? My brother can't go and Rev0lver and I are looking ;_;