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How Do You Deal With Heavy Rushdown?

I'm pretty new to fighting games and I'm still learning this one. The main issue I heavy is people who rush down really hard. I don't know how to keep them out. For a newer player like myself it's beyond frustrating and just infuriating. I literally have 0 clue what to do when being crossed up, mixed up, having pressure applied, ect. I really need help because I feel like I'm never gonna improve until I address this.


Learn the mix ups, And learn how to block cross ups, Learn one character match up a day. Just block, some where along the line they will make a mistake that you can get full combo punishes on.
also lots of strings in this game are interruptable/duckable/backdashable figure those strings out in practice.
You will improve if you keep working at it man, i wish you luck.

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
Step one: Abuse push block.

Step two: Spend time in practice mode learning to interrupt, backdash, block mix ups, cross ups etc. All the information is there


Push block helps a ton in avoiding dangerous guessing games.

Other than that you just gotta sit down and learn to defend the strings for each matchup. It takes a shit load of time, trial, error, and work. I usually like to focus on one matchup per week.


Just do what I did and pickup Doomsday and suffocate them.

Don't worry about it, the game is less than 2 months old. Just keep playing, experience will help you get better and help you adapt to the nuances of the game. Try to dictate the match, make them play your game.
Push block is great. Whenever I use it, most people just blindly jump back in because they're so upset that they lost their ability to pressure. I just anti-air to full punish or use a well-time b3. If you're sure that your opponent is going to continue pressure, use wake up attacks more often.