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Dealing with Gimmicks.


I can't somehow out play really gimmicky people (Noob's spamming charges/slides then teleports, really fast projectile spamming like kung lao's hat, liu kangs fireballs
Sektor's really lame teleport etc)

I use characters with slow projectiles (Sub/Kitana) so it's not like I can win a war.
Also I get so fed up with how the game can't keep up sides but that's another story...

My first post and it's in the wrong section... great.


i agree with you,

players who spam and do only their specials are really LAME, and deserve to be fatalityed.

To counter that, just wait on them to do those teleports, projectiles, and punish them after you block.

Its really sad to when they play you in PLAYER MATCH, and back out after one game, seriously, go play ranked matches if you only want to play once.


I was using kung lao a bit when fighting a night wolf earlier and I was dive kicking but when I was dive kicking I was going the other way... not towards nightwolf to attack for some reason.. sometimes i dont switch sides to block quick enough etc etc.

i agree with you,

players who spam and do only their specials are really LAME, and deserve to be fatalityed.

To counter that, just wait on them to do those teleports, projectiles, and punish them after you block.

Its really sad to when they play you in PLAYER MATCH, and back out after one game, seriously, go play ranked matches if you only want to play once.
I can block but as I try to dash block I get chipped to shit :\
With Sub zero try not to let them get you full screen so if they are jumping away dash with them to keep nearby, then when they start spamming block and time a projectile to trade with a freeze then dash in and combo them, or dash block in, it only takes a few dashes to get in, and the chip damage isnt that much.

Or just do what i do when they resort to these cheap tactics, the next match pick kano and knife/upball spam them. Kanos knife will win most projectle wars, and when they start trying to get in by jumping a projectile upball them. Or you can jump a projectile and do an air ball and it will hit them full screen.

Then maybe they will think twice about playing that way when its done to them.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Welcome to TYM man. Yeah you pretty much have to practice against some easier tactics that scrubs will try to abuse but it gets easier in time. Just jump over his shadows and dash in, once you get in close you should be ok. Noob believe it or not isn't that hard once you get in on him.
Good advice in here for you. But about the "keeping up sides" that will take some specific practice and memorization to learn where the came will change your viewing (I still get caught missing jumpover punches lol). And always be sure to not sit on the block button, learn how fast you have to let go before you can go into an attack/dash (I'm not sure of the specifics, but they are out there).
Welcome to TYM man. Yeah you pretty much have to practice against some easier tactics that scrubs will try to abuse but it gets easier in time. Just jump over his shadows and dash in, once you get in close you should be ok. Noob believe it or not isn't that hard once you get in on him.
What is a scrub?