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National Post: Student Reprimanded for Stopping Knife-Wielding Bully at School.


I always found this weird. I heard that if you're getting robbed and you attack the robber, you can get sued. Just doesn't seem right to me. I can understand that it'll reduce unnecessary violence, but why should the owner of a house have to sit idly and let the robber get away with their possessions?

eh alot of shit is changing in america. the news was reporting that a military vet got charged and his weapon taken away for defending his home when someone broke in

i hate guns but im not going to fault a rational human being for owning one and im sorry but if someone broke into my home you can bet they will leave in a body bag one way or another


They also have armed teachers in certain schools in Texas.

yea and what has that done so far to change anything?

nowadays people are so paranoid you just dont know how they will react. your a gun owner right? can you honestly sit there and say with all the stuff going on in schools one teacher may not use that firearm because they assume a threat?

back in febuary i read an article on how a secretary at a college called the cops on a student because his ring tone was the fresh prince song. she actually thought it was talking about violence.

that right there to me says someone like her would use a gun in the wrong way

heres the story btw



Being a dick head doesn't prove anything but ignorance and immaturity.

I'm done with this conversation.
I agree with you. It's clear that some people are content to just blurt out incoherent thoughts in blind support of a political ideology. They don't bother to use logic or look at reality and history.

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