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Tech MK9/Injustice Player Report Cards


Hey guys. Today I will be doing player report cards by request. If you have a request please make sure it's someone I've played or have seen them play many times.

As an example I will start off with GGA Wafflez.

Execution: B
Spacing/Footsies: B
Punishment: A
Adaptation: C
Clutch: C
Edit your first post with what exactly is identified as "Clutch" for example.

Clutch, "those times in a competitive match where everything is one the line with a pixel remaining - you are able to still think clearly, but fast to overcome and comeback, in even the most seemingly impossible situations."

^ example

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Lol ikr? I do 40%+ unbreakables and whiff punish EVERYTHING, yet i only got a B for execution and footsies :(

You got a B in execution because you go for max damage a lot but I've seen you drop them sometimes. Execution is a balance between going for the highest possible damage yet also never dropping.

(stop fishing for props btw. You too cowboy)


Execution: A
Spacing/Footsies: A
Punishment: A
Adaptation: A
Clutch: A
Straight A player.
The funny part is that this is true. Well maybe with the exception of Clutch since he let LionHeart get away with a blocked slide and it cost him the set.


The Ignore Button Is Free
You got a B in execution because you go for max damage a lot but I've seen you drop them sometimes. Execution is a balance between going for the highest possible damage yet also never dropping.

(stop fishing for props btw. You too cowboy)
Guess I can't argue with that.


You should bring back the stock market lol. That was awesome, and had more interesting explanations than report cards


Execution: B
Spacing/Footsies: D
Punishment: B
Adaptation: C
Clutch: B
Execution: B
Spacing/Footsies: B
Punishment: C
Adaptation: B
Clutch: A
Isn't this proof that MK players have no fundamentals? Our two time EVO champion gets a D in spacing/footsies.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
Isn't this proof that MK players have no fundamentals? Our two time EVO champion gets a D in spacing/footsies.

It just means fundamentals aren't everything. Gotta give Carl his props for winning the world championship jumping around teleporting like a maniac.