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[REQUEST] Red Hood for DLC

should Red Hood be DLC

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Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
see i dont get why red hood is so demanded. hed just be another ds people would whine about

im not saying that to be a troll but lets all think logical here
no he would be completely different he'd be rushdown.
what makes you think he'd be like DS? he wouldnt have a rifle or sword and thats half of DS moveset


so does Harley.............................................

you know how i feel about harley....... dont get me wrong tara strong is great but harley isnt what i would call a real villain when it comes to her own

shes only famous because of the whole psycho bitch stalking lovey dovey crap for mr j


Watcher, not as much a player
And Joker, but besides the point. Do we really need more "dark and gritty" characters? I love the character choices, but I still say we need someone from Metropolis instead. 7 characters from Batman/Gotham is good enough, and yes I know the series makes tons of money because it's Batman, and it deserves that rep because they have good comics, movies (Batman and Robin anyone? :joker:) , and recent games. There just should be some more variety.


Ok let me try to be as less biased here as i can, for people saying no Red hood we want zatanna!! let me just say Zatanna is also a Batman character as she and Batman know each other since she was a kid and she has appeared in ton of Batmans storylines but now they both ( Zatanna and Red Hood) diverged into other storys so basicly both character now own their rights and Independence from their originals... But lets be honest guys why not make everyone happy i for once see the perfect season pass beeing MMH Zatanna Red Hood ( will not give another name simply cause its not proven that guests will not appear at all ) i mean MMH we all now the story everyone wants him even i do, Zatanna yes, im all for Red Hood but would love to see her make the game, and Obviously Red Hood would be my new main if he made the cut. Im sorry to those who ask for diferente characters than this obviously we cannot please everyone but i think the names i droped please ALOT of people.


And Joker, but besides the point. Do we really need more "dark and gritty" characters? I love the character choices, but I still say we need someone from Metropolis instead. 7 characters from Batman/Gotham is good enough, and yes I know the series makes tons of money because it's Batman, and it deserves that rep because they have good comics, movies (Batman and Robin anyone? :joker:) , and recent games. There just should be some more variety.

red tornado, blue beetle, icon, vixen , the atom , brother warth ( blue lantern) , mongul static and firestorm ( so far we have zero fire type charachter) would be my picks.


Ok let me try to be as less biased here as i can, for people saying no Red hood we want zatanna!! let me just say Zatanna is also a Batman character as she and Batman know each other since she was a kid and she has appeared in ton of Batmans storylines but now they both ( Zatanna and Red Hood) diverged into other storys so basicly both character now own their rights and Independence from their originals... But lets be honest guys why not make everyone happy i for once see the perfect season pass beeing MMH Zatanna Red Hood ( will not give another name simply cause its not proven that guests will not appear at all ) i mean MMH we all now the story everyone wants him even i do, Zatanna yes, im all for Red Hood but would love to see her make the game, and Obviously Red Hood would be my new main if he made the cut. Im sorry to those who ask for diferente characters than this obviously we cannot please everyone but i think the names i droped please ALOT of people.

see the thing is though we want zatanna simply for being a female charachter not because she is a bat charachter. besides i think she deserves a spot more than harley let alone killer frost ( not knocking frost but zatanna has had her own series for crying out loud

besides zatana could be great if done right and i cant even begin what her finisher would be like since there is alot that could be done


see the thing is though we want zatanna simply for being a female charachter not because she is a bat charachter. besides i think she deserves a spot more than harley let alone killer frost ( not knocking frost but zatanna has had her own series for crying out loud

besides zatana could be great if done right and i cant even begin what her finisher would be like since there is alot that could be done
Oh my friend i do agree with u plenty believe me i do, i always liked Killed Frost but to be honest never really saw her be a good pick for this game, and i Do like FireStorm and Red Tornado a lot, but dealing with the cards we are given here lol... if i had my hand on this Aris Killer Frost, would be replaced by Atrocitus and one of those i said before ( Fire or Red Tornado) this obviously asuming a new season pass with MMH is indeed coming cause then i would take out cyborg as well. but since this is as things are i would have to agree i would like another female and Zatanna is cool i like her a lot but there makes 2 more slots empty that i can clearly see filled by Red Hood and MMH to make everyone happy wouldnt you agree?


Oh my friend i do agree with u plenty believe me i do, i always liked Killed Frost but to be honest never really saw her be a good pick for this game, and i Do like FireStorm and Red Tornado a lot, but dealing with the cards we are given here lol... if i had my hand on this Aris Killer Frost, would be replaced by Atrocitus and one of those i said before ( Fire or Red Tornado) this obviously asuming a new season pass with MMH is indeed coming cause then i would take out cyborg as well. but since this is as things are i would have to agree i would like another female and Zatanna is cool i like her a lot but there makes 2 more slots empty that i can clearly see filled by Red Hood and MMH to make everyone happy wouldnt you agree?

and thats why i feel cheated when it comes to the season pass. yea its a nice thing sometimes but i just hate having to pay 15 bucks and wait 3 months to find out who i bought

that is why i think wb and nrs both did it this way because of blow back

i feel as a company/developer fans should know what to expect before buying.

this is why i miss the old days when playing a fighter hell this is why i hate how dlc is currently. back in the day people put in the time and effort and unlock shit. nowadays people are so lazy they spend 20 hours a day online but dont contribute that to solo play because they would rather pay w/e amount unlock it than jump online. and its like really how much more money do these big companies need? im just aggrivated and rambling becaus ei just hate what gaming has become currently period.

Adam Todd

I been thinking, it seems NRS wants to keep the number of heroes to villians equal. If the first leak list is true, then we got 2 villians and 1 hero and a MK rep. So the second pass would have to include 2 heroes and 1 villain, plus another MK. MMH, Zatana and Red Hood would be the villain, then Sub Zero will probably end it. I really wish there isn't any MK characters and that part of the leak is completely wrong. To me all I see is a wasted slot when I hear MK characters for DLC.

Nightwing Butt

The Hottest Butt In Comics
I been thinking, it seems NRS wants to keep the number of heroes to villians equal. If the first leak list is true, then we got 2 villians and 1 hero and a MK rep. So the second pass would have to include 2 heroes and 1 villain, plus another MK. MMH, Zatana and Red Hood would be the villain, then Sub Zero will probably end it. I really wish there isn't any MK characters and that part of the leak is completely wrong. To me all I see is a wasted slot when I hear MK characters for DLC.
I can kind of understand why scorpion is in, but I don't like his inclusion. I'm a huge MK fan, but I really hope the next season pass is strictly DC I'd much rather see Black Canary, Black Manta, Swamp Thing, Power Girl, Atrocitus, etc get that spot then have sub zero take up another space if they're going to put in another ice based character it better be Captain Cold.

Adam Todd

Black Manta and Atrocitus would be dope, some of the few characters I would consider to main if they got in lol along with Red Hood of course. Anyone else added beyond those three is icing on the cake for me.

Nightwing Butt

The Hottest Butt In Comics
Red Hood will be my main no matter what if he gets in, but if I get my hands on Manta, Atrocitus, or Swampy I'd play the shit out of them!!! :) I wish there would be like four or five season passes because there are far to many deserving characters I've grown up loving and far to few slots to include them all. I never would have guessed that people like Black Canary and MMH would be left out in the cold when Scorpion and possibly Sub-Zero or someone else get in... I just wish there was enough room for everyone. I still love the game though and am happy with what we have, but there are so many great characters who are going to get the shaft. Who knows what the future will hold though maybe there will be a couple stand alone DLC after the season 2 pass or maybe they'll be a bigger cast in injustice 2. :] Red Hood is definitely who I want most though if I had to pic one character to make DLC!!! :]


Get over here!
Ok let me try to be as less biased here as i can, for people saying no Red hood we want zatanna!! let me just say Zatanna is also a Batman character as she and Batman know each other since she was a kid and she has appeared in ton of Batmans storylines but now they both ( Zatanna and Red Hood) diverged into other storys so basicly both character now own their rights and Independence from their originals... But lets be honest guys why not make everyone happy i for once see the perfect season pass beeing MMH Zatanna Red Hood ( will not give another name simply cause its not proven that guests will not appear at all ) i mean MMH we all now the story everyone wants him even i do, Zatanna yes, im all for Red Hood but would love to see her make the game, and Obviously Red Hood would be my new main if he made the cut. Im sorry to those who ask for diferente characters than this obviously we cannot please everyone but i think the names i droped please ALOT of people.
Some of us just want Zatanna because we like her... It isn't just because people don't want Red Hood. Her being a pseudo-Batman character is irrelevant..
I mean they prefer the Batman character least associated with Batman. This isn't me by the way... I want both.


Dojo Trainee
Ok let me try to be as less biased here as i can, for people saying no Red hood we want zatanna!! let me just say Zatanna is also a Batman character as she and Batman know each other since she was a kid and she has appeared in ton of Batmans storylines but now they both ( Zatanna and Red Hood) diverged into other storys so basicly both character now own their rights and Independence from their originals... But lets be honest guys why not make everyone happy i for once see the perfect season pass beeing MMH Zatanna Red Hood ( will not give another name simply cause its not proven that guests will not appear at all ) i mean MMH we all now the story everyone wants him even i do, Zatanna yes, im all for Red Hood but would love to see her make the game, and Obviously Red Hood would be my new main if he made the cut. Im sorry to those who ask for diferente characters than this obviously we cannot please everyone but i think the names i droped please ALOT of people.

i agree that zatanna is assotied with batman but zatanna has her own universe in justice league dark which i'm sure the game doesn't have anybody from that universe so why not her im not saying red hood is a bad choice i think it time from someting different this time


i agree that zatanna is assotied with batman but zatanna has her own universe in justice league dark which i'm sure the game doesn't have anybody from that universe so why not her im not saying red hood is a bad choice i think it time from someting different this time


Nightwing Butt

The Hottest Butt In Comics
Some of us just want Zatanna because we like her... It isn't just because people don't want Red Hood. Her being a pseudo-Batman character is irrelevant..
I mean they prefer the Batman character least associated with Batman. This isn't me by the way... I want both.
I agree I genuinely like both a lot and would love to see both in game. I like Zatanna and Red Hood because they're great characters it doesn't really matter where they came from. The whole to many Batman thing isn't a great argument I see where people are coming from, but I don't think that is a reason not to include anyone if they are popular and can bring something to the table. I love a lot of batman characters and DCU characters, but batman is the kingmaker everyone interacts with him in the DCU, every person on the street knows him, and his family and rouges are great and fleshed out characters do I think their more deserving then the rest of the universe no, but do i think their less deserving definitely not. Lots of iconic characters get there start from going through Batman or at least get some attention from being around him. Weather their a Robin like Jason n Dick, or a SudoBatman character like Zatanna or The Question, Even Katana, Black Canary, Power Girl ect. are in Birds of Prey and hang out in Gotham. Lots of characters interact with Batman characters without being Batman Characters and lots interact with him and are Batman characters, and both are perfectly fine. It's no secret though that Batman is popular and tie ins with him or even Gotham in general can give characters more attention because Batman gets all the lime light. It's not fair but it is how it is. Again this is just me but it's not so much about where the character came from it's about their story and how their powers can add to the game.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I don't think Red Hood getting in would mean Zatana got pushed out though. One's a villain while the other is a hero. If anyone, it's lame old Hawkgirl's fault there wouldn't be Zatana!
honestly i see no reason they both cant get in since we all know the 2nd pass is gonna have a female and she gets alot more requests than power girl