Interjecting? Kind of like how you just did? Don't call the kettle black etc. etc. Or how about you coming to Pigs offense like a over protective girlfriend. Riding dicks? Hypocritical etc. etc. Your post failed.
You should post how his cock tastes so everyone else that follows him around like he is a seeing eye dog will know what to expect when its their turn.
The difference is you jumped in a conversation between two people you don't know personally and began to be overly disrespect one of them who said nothing that was disrespectful nor concerned you.
My interjection was justified the moment you called my actual friend a scrub bitch. Real world or forum world that won't go unaddressed.
It's irrelevant. I wasn't talking to Reno. In what world is it right to be put down, but when someone speaks up a outsider comes in....oh wait nvm......that does exist. In slums. nvm
Once again to be clear YOU came into a conversation when no one was talking to you. I came in when you verbally bitch slapped my friend with term "scrub bitch"
LOL it's not the DS nerfs. It's just the forum bully mentality. I don't think half of you would have the balls to say any of this to my face. You should treat someone with respect.
You were the one rushing in to situation that didn't concern you name calling and taunting like a bully.
I came in like the friend who saw this happen and wasn't gonna stand for it. Jackass
I personally will be glad to say this to your face and am an advocate of doing so. I'll be at CEO and EVO if you want to get together and chat.
Lastly I am glad that it seems you've had a positive paradigm shift after all of this. I myself am big on people being a little more sensitive to others when trolling or responding to fellow community members about a topic they may feel passionate about. That's part of the reason that pissed me off so much. It just happened to be my buddy you were being an uncalled for dick to so I couldn't let it slide this time.
Being that you've apologized to Pig and made peace I have no further beef with you and wish you well.