Your right. But before the patch you would not be able to combo into interactable by just using 1 and 2 buttons, if I'm correct. You had to use the interactable button.
i REALLY hope they change it back to that,
or if even adjust the sensitivity
Your right. But before the patch you would not be able to combo into interactable by just using 1 and 2 buttons, if I'm correct. You had to use the interactable button.
Each press of the green buttons is considered to have happened in sequence and will execute the CatWoman combo. Be advised that this illustration shows the minimum time needed or rather the fastest possible speed to do this combo. There can be multiple empty frames between the inputs. If you do it faster though then you get the blue example which results in the 2in1 input and the interactable being used.
There is a big, huge difference whether you are doing the string inside a combo within range of an opponent or not. The first example shows that doing 2in1 outside of a combo is difficult to do. You have to be fast enough and lucky enough to press both buttons within 1 frame. You will not be able to do this reliably. It is also important to understand that if there is no interactable nearby then the "2" is swallowed by the engine. The combo won't happen. So if you do the blue example without any interactable nearby then you will only get "1". You were too fast for the game.
If there is an opponent in range then the whole thing changes dramatically. If you press the "2" in "1,1,2" within 99.9 ms or three frames then you will get a guaranteed interactable. If you press it within 99.9 ms and 133.3 ms then there is a chance you get the interactable. Your normal combo is only guaranteed if you delay for at least 133.3 ms. You essentially have to delay your input for at least 4 frames to avoid the usage of the interactable during a combo.
Good question. My tests were done with simple normal strings like 1,1,2 or 3,3,1,2. For non-combo testing I simply used 1,2 and 2,1. In your example I would assume that it is considered outside because it is not a "dial a combo" situation. I would imagine that the 4 frame window only applies to buffer situations where the interactable acts as a cancel. That being said maybe even the "b" in "b12" could possibly change the properties. I will take a look at situations like this in the next test run. I want to understand how the buffering works in this game.As aquaman, a common BNB I use is b12 xx db2, b12 xx db1, d3. After the b12 xx db, i will sometimes get interact instead of b12. I know its from me doing a slide input and if I do it slow enough it is fine. The question is, does this combo follow the "outside of a combo" rules (1 frame) or "inside of a combo" rules (4 frames)?
Ok, I did about three hours of testing with Aquaman. Well, your stuff didn't take three hours to test but I found an input "bug" while doing so and needed to make sure that I did my stuff right. I needed to redesign my testing because of this "bug" and that's why it took longer but more about this on a later date and back to your questions:webreg
As aquaman, a common BNB I use is b12 xx db2, b12 xx db1, d3. After the b12 xx db, i will sometimes get interact instead of b12. I know its from me doing a slide input and if I do it slow enough it is fine. The question is, does this combo follow the "outside of a combo" rules (1 frame) or "inside of a combo" rules (4 frames)?
Very interesting, thanks. I think bullet point #4 is what causes me to get interact. Even though I disable negative edge I still have a habit to hold down buttons when doing strings. Although if I didn't i'd get B2 anyways which would probably be worse, so /shrug.Ok, I did about three hours of testing with Aquaman. Well, your stuff didn't take three hours to test but I found an input "bug" while doing so and needed to make sure that I did my stuff right. I needed to redesign my testing because of this "bug" and that's why it took longer but more about this on a later date and back to your questions:
I did look specifically at the db2,b12 string. There are six things that can go wrong with this string.
- Pressing the "b" from "b12" in the same frame as "1". This results in the "b" being ignored and you'll do just "1".
- Letting go of "b" from "b12" before pressing 1. This results in the "b" being ignored and you'll do just "1".
- Pressing "1" from "b12" while still being in recovery from "db2". You'll get "b2" instead of "b12".
- Pressing "1" from "b12" while still being in recovery from "db2" and keeping it pressed while pressing 2. You'll get the interactable.
- Pressing "1" and "2" from "b12" within the same frame. You'll get the interactable.
- Pressing "12" of "b12" too late and dropping the combo.
Could be two. I didn't want to go into details yet because I didn't have the chance to analyze it properly. The thing is that this doesn't work inside buffered strings but it works in links like the "db2 -> b12" discussed previously. In any case it is more than enough to mess up some combos and jump ins I imagine. It should be only "j1,1+2" but instead "j1(hold),2" works as well if timed badly.webregOh wow, 3 seconds is really long.
From what I have seen, colt is the batsignal here for confirmation on whether NRS is aware of something like the 1 + 2 issue. To summarize:I just want a tweet or something that shows NRS is aware of this... the 1+2 sensitivity is killing all my inputs :X Happened to me at UFGT many times as 112 is one of Cyborgs best block strings
Why is a pressed down button that already executed an action still considered valid for another action seconds later? You can also do "b12" and keep "2" pressed. Then later press 1 again while being in front of an interactable. It makes no sense.
Hey that keeps happening to me when trying to learn that combo! Is there anyone to stop doing it?This happened to me very frequently on my hitbox while messing with Batgirl combos
This can also happen with the other inputs made for sticks like 1+3, 1+2+3, 2+3
In hawkgirls corner combos using B1~WE3 multiple times you can get a B3 cancel after the B1 if you do the input too fast and end up wasting 2 bars of meter and dropping the combo
In past, was possible to do an combo to interactable using 2+4 if you don't want to use the interactable button.Your right. But before the patch you would not be able to combo into interactable by just using 1 and 2 buttons, if I'm correct. You had to use the interactable button.