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TYM signatures?

Please someone of the moderators can inform us when signature change option will be back?
Here you go:
As for the sigs, that's something that we're still trying to nail down. When we have an official answer, you'll know.

As for when the issues will be fixed... again, no concrete time (at least as far as I personally am aware) but it is being worked on now, don't worry about that.


Get over here!
The option to edit signatures should be available to everyone again. Update to this is coming soon.

If you can't please tag me & Storms in this thread asap. thanks!
Wait... so just the option to edit signatures? Or can you add them. I had no sig before the change... and I want to add one. I cant figure out how to do it though.
Edit- Never mind. I reread the rules and I guess gifs aren't allowed in your sig. Will I get infractions if I use this ghetto signature at the end of most of my posts? I will stop if it isn't allowed.

Tim Static

STORMS it seems not everyone has the option for sigs back. :(

Wait... so just the option to edit signatures? Or can you add them. I had no sig before the change... and I want to add one. I cant figure out how to do it though.
Edit- Never mind. I reread the rules and I guess gifs aren't allowed in your sig. Will I get infractions if I use this ghetto signature at the end of most of my posts? I will stop if it isn't allowed.
Yes, gifs are no longer allowed as sigs. This goes for tapatalk & forum.