Before i get into this, let me just say that i am by all means NOT bashing this game, and i applaud NRS for their effort in making this title, but im just asking the community, is anyone already kind of bored of this game as i am??? I mean i still play it at casuals wit my kh crew, but as far as having the anticipation of coming home and playing like i did on its initial drop? I dont have that passion anymore, maybe its the game mechanics, the fact that im not able to space someone out and whiff punish as i did in mk, or the face that i have to respect jump ins because certain characters lack a proper anti air, or maybe its because " in some ways" armor is even a bigger issue in this game then it was in mk lol, again im not bashing the game, it has its own ways of being fun, but im just asking you guys, whos in the same boat as how i feel?, whats your reason for slowly losinng interest in this title, or do you only keep playing it because their is tournaments and money involved, and not because its fun.