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UFGT9 Injustice Top 32 Off Stream - Sabin, Chris G, Slips, Dizzy, Tom Brady, Pig of the Hut and More


Seriously, heckling players during matches is fun (within limit of course)...
This is probably what gets some people confused. You say there are limits, so who exactly sets those limits? You? Me? The stream monsters or the random parent sitting in the crowd? And how exactly does that get decided? If one person pops off, everyone says it's just hype. But then another guy pops off and he's a racist and no one's laughing. That is not logical. It sounds like it's driven by emotion, which is exactly what people are saying we shouldn't be feeling (e.g. don't take it personal, you're just being a pussy, etc.).

So, yeah, I'm just looking for an answer because I remember having a discussion about this in a Sociology class way back when in college, and I don't remember being given a good answer back then either. No one really seemed to know, so it was really just arbitrary (i.e. If I say it, it's OK, but if you say it, it's not OK).

Keep in mind that this is simply something I'm curious about. I don't really care what gets said at tournaments and I don't believe in banning or ostracizing anyone. Hell, I like that asshole Aris the most out of all commentators, Lol.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
It was seriously so stupid that top 32 of Injustice didn't get time on stream.


I'm a literal Sloth
Omg the people in here are hilarious "Popping off isn't cool". Welcome to the FGC, where shit talk and pop offs are COMMON. alucarD's pop off wasn't even moderately big, AT ALL. If you can't handle shit talk, seriously this is the wrong community for you.


Going Hard in The Paint!
its not the pop off its self, it was what he said i being a white man feel very uncomfurtable when the n word is said and i know for a fact other people there were probaly the same, hear me out on this if i started screaming n**** this and n**** that id get killed literaly murdered "being white" why the fuck do you guys feel the need to say that shit dont you understand its a word of hate thats was made to put down your race? like have more respect for yourselfs and others around you his "racist" pop off would have been fine if the N was taking out and replaced with anything else i mean come on have some fucking class just a little bit. and 1 more thing i think the tourney people should be carfull with these "pop Offs" some people dont fuck around and would have splatterd that kid so i think things need to be toned down a little bit. hate me, agre with me i think people should hold them selfs in a better way we want mroe people to come to these events not less and by watching that i know some people are now turned away from fighting tourneys just my opinion
its not the pop off its self, it was what he said i being a white man feel very uncomfurtable when the n word is said and i know for a fact other people there were probaly the same, hear me out on this if i started screaming n**** this and n**** that id get killed literaly murdered "being white" why the fuck do you guys feel the need to say that shit dont you understand its a word of hate thats was made to put down your race? like have more respect for yourselfs and others around you his "racist" pop off would have been fine if the N was taking out and replaced with anything else i mean come on have some fucking class just a little bit. and 1 more thing i think the tourney people should be carfull with these "pop Offs" some people dont fuck around and would have splatterd that kid so i think things need to be toned down a little bit. hate me, agre with me i think people should hold them selfs in a better way we want mroe people to come to these events not less and by watching that i know some people are now turned away from fighting tourneys just my opinion
homie you not gonna ever understand thinkin this mindset "they can say this and that but i can't because I'm white" because it is wayyy deeper than what im going to get into.

Of course you cant say it because it can be used in a form of disrespect, like you know what it is. Black people normally say it in as a term of endearment.

If tom brady or anyone woulda got upset at that popoff then they need some thicker skin. If you wanna be the best youre gonna get hype when u 2-0 or 3-0 one of the best MK/DC players in the world. thats braggin rights... and brag he did. "didnt he just win ect? get him the fuck out of here"


Going Hard in The Paint!
homie you not gonna ever understand thinkin this mindset "they can say this and that but i can't because I'm white" because it is wayyy deeper than what im going to get into.

Of course you cant say it because it can be used in a form of disrespect, like you know what it is. Black people normally say it in as a term of endearment.

If tom brady or anyone woulda got upset at that popoff then they need some thicker skin. If you wanna be the best youre gonna get hype when u 2-0 or 3-0 one of the best MK/DC players in the world. thats braggin rights... and brag he did. "didnt he just win ect? get him the fuck out of here"

yes i do understand that but still i think for the people who feel awkward when it is said u should be screaming it in public idc if your black white mexican whatever it shouldnt be screamed at a public event you cant deny that ... and poping off i said was fine i just cant stand racisim even if it is coming from a black gentleman ... if u think im wrong that is your opinion and i respect that but still as a tourney orginizer i would have been very mad at that
yes i do understand that but still i think for the people who feel awkward when it is said u should be screaming it in public idc if your black white mexican whatever it shouldnt be screamed at a public event you cant deny that ... and poping off i said was fine i just cant stand racisim even if it is coming from a black gentleman ... if u think im wrong that is your opinion and i respect that but still as a tourney orginizer i would have been very mad at that
awkward or uncomfortable feelings come from unfamiliar situations. these guys were acting like themselves and it didnt seem like anyone took it personal. I dont know the boy Paulo's or whatever's situation but he seemed like he was white and didnt get too upset when Alukard called him "my nigga"

Made Capo

I'm sorry, but yelling out "Shazaam" sounds silly as hell. Shits mad annoying.

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Old Member
I beat Mike Infinite and Flux (after Flux promised he'd open me up) at a tourney saturday. I was gracious in victory but of course I popped off a little. Making faces during combos and the whole 9. That's the nature of the game, we're not robots, if you're not passionate you're doing it wrong. As for the N word, it's 2013, nigga = dude, at this point. It's not a race thing, it's just intense, it's aggression. Good for Alucard and Ares players.
. . . And Tom pops off like nobodies business, wise and humble all knowing tom is just the face he has to put on when new MK's drop because the face of our community can't be a dick. Once we're all settled and alas, Tom starts getting bodied, we're all fair game


its not the pop off its self, it was what he said i being a white man feel very uncomfurtable when the n word is said and i know for a fact other people there were probaly the same, hear me out on this if i started screaming n**** this and n**** that id get killed literaly murdered "being white" why the fuck do you guys feel the need to say that shit dont you understand its a word of hate thats was made to put down your race? like have more respect for yourselfs and others around you his "racist" pop off would have been fine if the N was taking out and replaced with anything else i mean come on have some fucking class just a little bit. and 1 more thing i think the tourney people should be carfull with these "pop Offs" some people dont fuck around and would have splatterd that kid so i think things need to be toned down a little bit. hate me, agre with me i think people should hold them selfs in a better way we want mroe people to come to these events not less and by watching that i know some people are now turned away from fighting tourneys just my opinion
You do know Tom Brady says nigga too right?
He's said it on stream and in Kombat Tomb Podcasts, in person, etc.

People always like to comment about popoffs from behind a computer screen when they don't even know how their favorite players act when they win in public.
You guys are lucky athletes aren't mic'd up, especially in Football or NBA, some of y'all would probably have your fairytale world ruined.

What do you think happens on the field after a TD or any type of hype play? They pat each other on the ass and say GG?

Can we stop pretending we're saints.

As long as there is no violence. All good.


You guys are lucky athletes aren't mic'd up, especially in Football or NBA, some of y'all would probably have your fairytale world ruined.

What do you think happens on the field after a TD or any type of hype play? They pat each other on the ass and say GG?

Can we stop pretending we're saints.

As long as there is no violence. All good.
no, THEY are lucky they aren't miced up. Trash talk is all good, but yelling profanity and slurs in public just makes you look like an idiot. It doesn't matter what activity you're taking part in at the time.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Once again, people not understanding the meaning of two different words.

People want to associate "n***a" with "n***er". The words are NOT the same and have completely different uses. One is a racial slur towards people of African descent, the other is essentially an "inappropriate" way of saying "dude", "fool", "friend", etc., and has no racial ties, really.

Also, I know some pretty intelligent individuals who have hella profanity in their vocabulary.
What happened to Brady's "walk/block/dash/punish" against DS??? He made it sound so easy like it was effortless, and with the nerfs in effect I would've assumed it would have been a cake "walk" inside.

Guess it isn't as easy as advertised after all.

Well I guess it doesnt matter that it was motherfucking slips that was playing deathstroke right.
Once again, people not understanding the meaning of two different words.

People want to associate "n***a" with "n***er". The words are NOT the same and have completely different uses. One is a racial slur towards people of African descent, the other is essentially an "inappropriate" way of saying "dude", "fool", "friend", etc., and has no racial ties, really.

Also, I know some pretty intelligent individuals who have hella profanity in their vocabulary.

thats racist


bye felicia
Once again, people not understanding the meaning of two different words.

People want to associate "n***a" with "n***er". The words are NOT the same and have completely different uses. One is a racial slur towards people of African descent, the other is essentially an "inappropriate" way of saying "dude", "fool", "friend", etc., and has no racial ties, really.

Also, I know some pretty intelligent individuals who have hella profanity in their vocabulary.
dude, they're the same thing. The only difference is who says it.


Going Hard in The Paint!
You do know Tom Brady says nigga too right?
He's said it on stream and in Kombat Tomb Podcasts, in person, etc.

People always like to comment about popoffs from behind a computer screen when they don't even know how their favorite players act when they win in public.

i dont care if he says it and im not defending tom at all in my post or even talked about him i am just dissapointed in the way people handle them selfs in public there is a place and time for things of that nature but not in public with hundreds of people around if i had a kid there and they were "popping off" like that id be so mad its not even funny like isaid before have some class


In Zoning We Trust
Well I guess it doesnt matter that it was motherfucking slips that was playing deathstroke right.
Coming from the video I'm referencing, no, not at all. DS zoning was great before, and is still great now. It's not like the vid said, "in the hands of great players this will be incredibly difficult to get around, but here's how to beat noobs". Dude made it sound like if someone zoned him with guns he'd eat them for breakfast because it wasn't that strong a tool, laughing about how easy it is to get around. It was as bad a downplay as players that shall remain nameless saying Frost isn't top tier because she can't "open people up".
This is probably what gets some people confused. You say there are limits, so who exactly sets those limits? You? Me? The stream monsters or the random parent sitting in the crowd? And how exactly does that get decided? If one person pops off, everyone says it's just hype. But then another guy pops off and he's a racist and no one's laughing. That is not logical. It sounds like it's driven by emotion, which is exactly what people are saying we shouldn't be feeling (e.g. don't take it personal, you're just being a pussy, etc.).

I see where you are coming from. It is driven by emotion in a sense too. People pop off or talk trash because they were expected to lose or the other guy insulted their skill or whatever the case may be. People I guess define their own limits and that is where you get the issue you are describing.

For me personally, shit talking is fine aslong they are insults related to person's skill and not personal aspects such as appearance or family. One other rule I follow by also is that the trash talking or heckling shouldn't be in the players "personal space" . What I mean that you shouldn't be yelling at someone right to their face as they are playing the match. Thats all I have for now. So in the aspect, Alukard and Pig's pop offs were fine.
Once again, people not understanding the meaning of two different words.

People want to associate "n***a" with "n***er". The words are NOT the same and have completely different uses. One is a racial slur towards people of African descent, the other is essentially an "inappropriate" way of saying "dude", "fool", "friend", etc., and has no racial ties, really.

Also, I know some pretty intelligent individuals who have hella profanity in their vocabulary.
This guy here was way ahead of his time


Finalyl saw the pop off, jesus christ that was a soft as fuck pop off, not any worse than Pigs. You telling me you ebat Tom brady in IGAU and you're not gonna pop off? Fuck outta here.


Going Hard in The Paint!
Finalyl saw the pop off, jesus christ that was a soft as fuck pop off, not any worse than Pigs. You telling me you ebat Tom brady in IGAU and you're not gonna pop off? Fuck outta here.
yes pop off but not say nigga 1000x times fuck out of here