This is probably what gets some people confused. You say there are limits, so who exactly sets those limits? You? Me? The stream monsters or the random parent sitting in the crowd? And how exactly does that get decided? If one person pops off, everyone says it's just hype. But then another guy pops off and he's a racist and no one's laughing. That is not logical. It sounds like it's driven by emotion, which is exactly what people are saying we shouldn't be feeling (e.g. don't take it personal, you're just being a pussy, etc.).Seriously, heckling players during matches is fun (within limit of course)...
So, yeah, I'm just looking for an answer because I remember having a discussion about this in a Sociology class way back when in college, and I don't remember being given a good answer back then either. No one really seemed to know, so it was really just arbitrary (i.e. If I say it, it's OK, but if you say it, it's not OK).
Keep in mind that this is simply something I'm curious about. I don't really care what gets said at tournaments and I don't believe in banning or ostracizing anyone. Hell, I like that asshole Aris the most out of all commentators, Lol.