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Which Character is right for me?


Well back in MK9 I was a HUGE Sub-Zero and Sektor fan. Soc TYM coming into a brand new game I must ask you; which character is the best choice for me?(all opinions are welcomed):)


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
I'm giving you a character(s) based upon playstyle preference.
Sub-Zero/ Sektor- big combos, medium normals, (kind of) versatile, and safe.
Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Cyborg, Black Adam, Superman.

knight x1868

Blue Lantern Corps
I've had a hard time figuring out a main too.
My main was Kitana in MK9 but I also used Reptile, Raiden and Kano.

So I'm going to need a strong zoning character with mid-range potential if I want to keep that strategy...

I have really enjoyed playing with Catwoman, Arrow, Black Adam, Aquaman and Raven...


I've had a hard time figuring out a main too.
My main was Kitana in MK9 but I also used Reptile, Raiden and Kano.

So I'm going to need a strong zoning character with mid-range potential if I want to keep that strategy...

I have really enjoyed playing with Catwoman, Arrow, Black Adam, Aquaman and Raven...
Strong zoning and mid-range potential.

Deathstroke and Green Lantern

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
As a Sektor player I kan tell you that Batman is the most like him.. Low starter, 6 frame jab, similar projectile with knockdown (MB), Bats which work like a better Homing Missile and just overall versatility.

He's like a better Sektor..


I recently asked what charcters shared similarities to Sektor&Sub-Zero from MK9. Now, TYM, I ask you. Which characters share similarities to Reptile, Skarlet, Freddy Krueger, and Jax?


Show me what you can do
Reptile and Skarlet are hard to pinpoint (for me) but Killer Frost and Catwoman come to mind.

FK being one of the best zoners I'd say Deathstroke or Cyborg. Cyborg and Jax seem similar as well.


Reptile and Skarlet are hard to pinpoint (for me) but Killer Frost and Catwoman come to mind.

FK being one of the best zoners I'd say Deathstroke or Cyborg. Cyborg and Jax seem similar as well.
Thanks for the responses. I'll be sure to hit up Cyborg and Catwoman Immediately!


Dualshock 2 User
Skarlet maybe about = to Killer Frost. Safe slide and able to punish Deathstroke's low guns from everywhere...seems fun to me as a Skarlet player. <3 Skarlets combos.


Yea I read all of those and thought killer frost immediately. Nightwing a close second but I think hes more the sonya blade of the game.