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UFGT9 Injustice Top 32 Off Stream - Sabin, Chris G, Slips, Dizzy, Tom Brady, Pig of the Hut and More


i Use a modded cyber now
These type of pop offs are what fueled players like Chris G, Yipes, Justin Wong, F Champ and other top tier players into becoming better. There is nothing personal when the pop off is about the game, some people get bothered by it, but at the end of the day that's what separates the sharks from the pot monsters at tournaments. The top players get fueled by this and come back with different strategies to make sure this never happens again, and rebuttle with their own shit talk. This is pretty much the entire capcom fgc, we wanted them to take part of our game well now we just have to show them who's boss.


Hat tier ftw
Awesome Art, I really appreciate you putting those recordings. Obviously, IGUA is pretty hype. Its a shame the TO is childish and puts up a bunch of dumb shit on stream.


I played him in casuals on Friday night. HM looped me to death. In hindsight, backdashing would of helped though. lol
I didn't play a single game of injustice until my first tournament match all week (which explains why I lost my first match). I worked extremely hard on UFGT staff to make sure that everything was run perfect and still asked for more because I wanted the tournament to be a huge success and a huge eye opener to the FGC as a whole. I think there might've been another shazam player there though, you might've played him.

If anyone would like to know how I play Shazam or why I do things feel free to ask me, I don't mind giving away secrets considering I won't enter another tournament for this game in a long while at this rate.


A prop on the stage of life.
I didn't play a single game of injustice until my first tournament match all week (which explains why I lost my first match). I worked extremely hard on UFGT staff to make sure that everything was run perfect and still asked for more because I wanted the tournament to be a huge success and a huge eye opener to the FGC as a whole. I think there might've been another shazam player there though, you might've played him.

If anyone would like to know how I play Shazam or why I do things feel free to ask me, I don't mind giving away secrets considering I won't enter another tournament for this game in a long while at this rate.

Ah. My mistake. There were indeed several very good shazam players there. I just couldn't remember the person's name then.
Stop being a bunch of fucking fairies.

CD jr says the N word 1000 times more often than everyone at any event combined lol. But they're all friends with Tom and REO so it's not even disrespect.

As for Alucard/Pig or anyone else popping off: Winning = bragging rights. Nothing more and nothing less.

It's hype. And even though Tom was obviously salty I'm sure he wasn't particularly angry at what was said by Alucard. He was just salty because he lost to Ares/Deathstroke and because he didn't make top 8.
Mark my words. If CDR jr says the N word while he is playing me, I will toss down the controller and end his tournament. There is no room for that. There are kids around.
Because that's how they roll
You don't have to like it, but if you want them to stop, beat them, it's pretty simple.
Maybe some people go to tourneys because of popoffs, maybe they dont. its very subjective.
Point being, people come from all different kind of backgrounds. its not really whitewashed like esports. people just need to man up and play better. as long as hes not in the dudes ear its fair game
I understand the whole if you dont like them beat them mentallity however theres no excuse for that behavior anywhere in my opinion. No one said it has to be whitewashed like esports but we shouldnt also expect people to act this way to prove the events not whitewashed. By the way in my opinion its worse than dude getting in his ear he put him on blast to the entire FGC and whys his boy putting in his 2 cents he didnt beat Tom.


I aint gonna front, I pop off, alot not on the level of Alukard or say a Smoothviper, I put myself around an OMGitzAndre but if you want dudes like this not to pop off, body them fools and make them quiet. One of the reasons I love the FGC over other scenes, dudes talk a big game, bring em down. Fuck do you know how hard i'd pop off if I was the one to knock Tom out? Ooooh lordy they'd hear my black ass all the way in Cuba.
Exactly you said it yourself you pop off but not on the level of alukard/smoothviper. In other words they went farther than most people which means they took it to far. Nothing wrong about the pop off but how long do you have to pop off and why do you need other people to help you pop off? Seems to me people that pop off like Alucard are the kids because i personally dont know any adults around my age that act that way.

I just find it funny how your comment stated dudes acting like kids when the ones that pop off seem childish. I actually work with little kids (elementary school kids) and thats the same behavior i sometimes see from them during recess minus some of the choice words used because i guess theres even some things they know better than.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
The only Injustice match of mine that I wish was recorded was me taking on The Based Abel. One of the best and closest fights that I've ever had in any fighting game and there was quite a bit of hype going on behind me for it. It was very fun.


I'd be embarrassed if I was popping off at public events like some of these people all while it's being recorded and put on the internet for ANYONE to see.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
INB4 hate on my pop off

FTR I did it for 2 reasons

1. Art had the camera on. M A X C P M BABY
2. Only so many chicago/gga chants i can take man in a 2 day span when playing so when i win i gotta return it somehow.

But its all love and respect. 16 bit+ dizzy and gga are my true "niqqas" lol

And GGA pimpimjim is my master
w1nter warz still had the best pop off on Justin Wong #HoldDat
Too bad I didn't have a twitter account to escalate it so I can be famous.

Also. people take pop offs too personally imo. I have been popped off at and trolled when lost. Also been hella trashed talked at when losing. Seriously, heckling players during matches is fun (within limit of course) and shutting up hecklers after a match is even better. I've heckled Pig Of The Hut during his matches in the past and he doesn't take it personally. He wins and shuts me up or holds that L lawl. Respect pig

D-Que Beats

Man if you guys are sensitive to these pop offs no one would survive in Atlanta and the Atlanta revival tournaments. its this x10 you just get used to it and have fun with them. No reason to get emotional and personal. lol....play with clint, pokchop, atlbatman, bigboy and a few others in the same room lol

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Too bad I didn't have a twitter account to escalate it so I can be famous.

Also. people take pop offs too personally imo. I have been popped off at and trolled when lost. Also been hella trashed talked at when losing. Seriously, heckling players during matches is fun (within limit of course) and shutting up hecklers after a match is even better. I've heckled Pig Of The Hut during his matches in the past and he doesn't take it personally. He wins and shuts me up or holds that L lawl. Respect pig
Im still holding


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
INB4 hate on my pop off

FTR I did it for 2 reasons

1. Art had the camera on. M A X C P M BABY
2. Only so many chicago/gga chants i can take man in a 2 day span when playing so when i win i gotta return it somehow.

But its all love and respect. 16 bit+ dizzy and gga are my true "niqqas" lol

And GGA pimpimjim is my master
dude cmon you were out of practice

if anything people need to talk about chaosphere vs wound

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
dude cmon you were out of practice

if anything people need to talk about chaosphere vs wound

Nah man you're seriously awesome and it feels good to know we have a top tourney sektor constantly wreaking brackets and people. Im glad you're GGA you deserve it hella


to put it simply...

grow some balls people.

great seeing everyone at ufgt9. I got bodied by semi evil ryu and iorn sword in MK. props to them. i was mad salty. but they leveled up drastically. so kudos to them.

i'll post more shoutouts later. <3 you all I spoke to and/or who showed some love.

i'll address the ISSUES with UFGT9 vs. the MK/Injustice community on OBS tomorrow (I was one of the Staff members of UFGT9). I HAVE A LOT TO SAY. -__-


In Zoning We Trust
What happened to Brady's "walk/block/dash/punish" against DS??? He made it sound so easy like it was effortless, and with the nerfs in effect I would've assumed it would have been a cake "walk" inside.

Guess it isn't as easy as advertised after all.