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Favorite skins/costumes for every character

King Contradiction

Nueb Member
Superman - Red Son
Wonder Woman - #600
Green Arrow - Arrow outfit looks great, but the voice isn't that amazing
Aquaman - Regular, I guess. I don't really think Aquaman has any good costumes until he gets New 52 Aquaman.
Batman - Batman Beyond
Green Lantern - Tough decision, its a tie between the YOLO Lantern and New 52.
Cyborg - Regime
Raven - Teen Titans
Shazam - New 52
Nightwing - New 52
Hawkgirl - Regime
Flash - Elseworld and New 52 (another tough one)
Martian Manhunter - New 52 :(
Joker - Red Hood or Killing Joke
Solomon Grundy - Baus Grundy
Doomsday - Default
Killer Frost - Regime
Catwoman - Arkham City
Harley - Arkham City
Deathstroke - Teen Titans until he gets his Arkham Origins outfit :D
Lex - Default
Black Adam - Regime until he gets his New 52
Sinestro - Regime
Ares - Regime
Bane - Knightfall
Aquaman - Default
Ares - Default
Bane - Knightfall
Batman - Default/2p Default/Beyond/Arkham City
Black Adam - Regime
Catwoman - Arkham City
Cyborg - Default
Deathstroke - Default
Doomsday - Default
The Flash - Regime
Green Arrow - Default
Green Lantern - New 52
Harley Quinn - Classic/Arkham City
Hawkgirl - Regime
The Joker - Arkham City
Killer Frost - Default/2p Default
Lex Luthor - 2p Insurgency
Nightwing - 2p New 52
Raven - Default/Teen Titans
Shazam - Regime
Sinestro - Default
Solomon Grundy - Boss Grundy
Superman - Godfall
Wonder Woman - #600


Don't Hate
Aquaman - Flash
Ares - Default
Bane - Regime, Knightfall color 2
Batman - Default Color 2, Insurgency, Arkham,
Black Adam - Regime
Catwoman - Arkham City
Cyborg - Teen Titans
Deathstroke - Default
Doomsday - Default
The Flash - Elseworld
Green Arrow - Arrow
Green Lantern - New 52 Yellow
Harley Quinn - Arkham City
Hawkgirl - Regime
The Joker - Red Hood
Killer Frost - Regime = the best. Reminds me of Storm with the mohawk.
Lex Luthor - Insurgency player 2
Nightwing - Regime Color 2
Raven - Default/Teen Titans
Shazam - Regime
Sinestro - Regime
Solomon Grundy - Red Son/Boss Grundy
Superman - All of them tbh.
Wonder Woman - #600/New 52


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Aquaman - Flashpoint
Ares - defautl
Batman - Batman Beyond
Black Adam - Default
Catwoman - Arkham
Cyborg - default
Deathstroke - default
Doomsday - default
The Flash - New 52
Green Arrow - Insurgency
Green Lantern - NEW 52
Harley Quinn - Classic
Hawkgirl - Default
The Joker - Red Hood
Killer Frost - Default
Lex Luthor - Kryptonite
Nightwing - Damian Wayne Regime
Raven - Default
Shazam - Default
Sinestro - Default
Solomon Grundy - Da BOSS
Superman - Godfall
Wonder Woman - BIKER WOMAN ( I like the coat) ( i want NEW 52)


Aquaman - Regime
Ares - Default
Bane - Default
Batman - Insurgency
Black Adam - Default
Catwoman - Arkham City
Cyborg - Default
Deathstroke - Classic
Doomsday - Default
The Flash - New 52
Green Arrow - Arrow
Green Lantern - New 52
Harley Quinn - Arkham City
Hawkgirl - Default
The Joker - Default
Killer Frost - Default Alternate
Lex Luthor - Insurgency
Nightwing - New 52 Alternate
Raven - Teen Titans
Shazam - Regime
Sinestro - Default
Solomon Grundy - Boss Grundy
Superman - New 52
Wonder Woman - #600


Waiting for Havik
I remember people saying Black Adam's alternate was amazing...smh.
Best costumes for some chars:
Batman default but alternate color.
Superman default
Deathstroke default
Catwoman default
Green lantern new 52
Shazam new 52
Ares both (except th eyes)
Harley all costumes
Hawkgirl Regime
Lex default

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
Aquaman - Regime
Ares - Regime
Bane - Regime
Batman - Beyond
Black Adam - Regime
Catwoman - Primary
Cyborg - Regime
Deathstroke - Insurgency
Doomsday - Primary
The Flash - Regime
Green Arrow - Primary
Green Lantern - Regime
Harley Quinn - Arkham City
Hawkgirl - Primary
The Joker - Primary
Killer Frost - Primary
Lex Luthor - Primary
Nightwing - Regime
Raven - Primary
Shazam - Regime
Sinestro - Regime
Solomon Grundy - Boss Grundy
Superman - Godfall
Wonder Woman - Regime​


Fabulous Goofball
Aquaman - Regime - He looks pretty sexy in his Regime outfit. ;)
Ares - Default
Bane - Knightfall - Looks much better without all those tubes, plus I get a nice view of dat chest and abs. ;)
Batman - Batman Beyond - The voice doesn't match the costume in my opinion but I still think the costume looks bad ass.
Black Adam - Default - Only because he looks like M. Bison on a bad day.
Catwoman - Selina Kyle
Cyborg - Default
Deathstroke - Insurgency - Big Boss, that is all.
Doomsday - Default - Looks much better than his regime costume, it's better to just leave him in the shorts. Maybe Fleshpits Doomsday? <3
The Flash - New 52
Green Arrow - Insurgency - Simply just love how he looks like an actual Archer Hero and not some rejected MK Ninja(Refering to his default).
Green Lantern - New 52
Harley Quinn - Classic
Hawkgirl - Default
The Joker - Final Confrontation - Classic Joker, hell yeah!
Killer Frost - Default
Lex Luthor - Insurgency
Nightwing - New 52 - Love the hair and looks sexy, really helps too that he's voiced by my favorite voice actor Troy Baker(Who is also sexy) ;)
Raven - None - She just looks hideous in everything.
Shazam - Regime
Sinestro - Default
Solomon Grundy - Boss Grundy - Mob Boss Zombie, what's not to like?
Superman - Red Son - Black and Red suits him well.
Wonder Woman - #600


Hot Gyahbage
Aquaman - Flashpoint (Despite that effed up buzzcut)
Ares - Regime
Bane - Knightfall
Batman - Beyond/Arkham City/New52
Black Adam - Regime
Catwoman - Arkham City/Selina Kyle/Ame-Comi
Cyborg - Teen Titans
Deathstroke - Teen Titans
Doomsday - Regime
The Flash - New 52/Elseworlds
Green Arrow - Arrow
Green Lantern - New 52
Harley Quinn - Classic/Arkham City/Ame-Comi
Hawkgirl - Regime
The Joker - Red Hood/Arkham City
Killer Frost - Regime Alt Color
Lex Luthor - Kryptonite Suit
Nightwing - Regime/New52
Raven - Teen Titans
Shazam - New52
Sinestro - Default
Solomon Grundy - Red Son/Boss Grundy/Regime
Superman - New 52/Red Son/Godfall
Wonder Woman - #600/New 52/Red Son Alt Color/Ame-Comi Alt Color/Regime Alt Color


Aquaman is dead lel
Aquaman - Default, it's plain and simple and in alt color
Batman - Default, it just looks awesome
Nightwing - Regime, long hair bithces
Grundy - Red Son, USHANKA
GL - YOLO Lantern, YOLO is power!
Sinestro - Regime, dat hat


Aquaman - Default
Ares - Both
Bane - Default
Batman - Arkham City/Flashpoint/Default
Black Adam - Default
Catwoman - Arkham City
Cyborg - Default
Deathstroke -Classic titans/Default/Flashpoint
Doomsday - Default
The Flash - Default/52
Green Arrow - Default
Green Lantern - Default/52
Harley Quinn - Classic/Arkham City/Default
Hawkgirl - Default
The Joker - Arkham City/Default/Red hood
Killer Frost - Default
Lex Luthor - Default
Nightwing - All
Raven - Default/Titans
Shazam - All
Sinestro - Default
Solomon Grundy - Default
Superman - Red son/Default/52
Wonder Woman - Default/Red son/52


Aquaman - Regime
Ares - Default
Bane - Knightsfall
Batman - Default
Black Adam - Default
Catwoman - They all suck but the ones I hate the least are Arkham City and Regime
Cyborg - Teen Titans
Deathstroke - New 52 think? The Pirate one
Doomsday - Default
The Flash - Hard to tell they all look the same so I'll go with Default
Green Arrow - Default
Green Lantern - Yellow Lantern
Harley Quinn - Classic/Arkham City
Hawkgirl - Default
The Joker - Tourist
Killer Frost - Default
Lex Luthor - Kryptonite Armor
Nightwing - Default
Raven - Teen Titans
Shazam - Regime
Sinestro - Default
Solomon Grundy - Red Son/Boss Grundy
Superman - Godfall
Wonder Woman - #600/Red Son