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Injustice, no backward comparability on Xbox One :(


cr. HP Master
I wonder how I am wrong when I never said I spent $100 on a hdmi or said $100 hdmi are better than cheaper hdmi. Hdmi is same all around.
Supposedly the gold tips and diamond tips produce better fidelity. Even I didn't spend $100 not even $40 on those.

I just said hdmi are "needed" to produce that visual and audio fidelity. The guy I was responding to said hdmi cables are not needed.
Excuse me, but I do infact use HDMI cables lol. You didn't specify that your brand of HDMI is Monster. Monster makes a lot more than HDMI cables. I was assuming you were using Monster cables for absolutely everything lol. Just be more clear.
There is no need to wiki what monster cables are and what they're capable of lol. If you think I know nothing about technology, then that's just silly. My job revolves around expanding technology. With that said, it was still a decision you made. It's like arguing your television is better than mine because yours is 1080p and mine is 1080i. There may be a difference in specs, but not to the average eye. :coffee: Also, you will still be using all those wires with the Xbox One. Especially if you want this "superior" quality you speak of, so it changes nothing for you.
I never said you have no knowledge of tech. I said you have no knowledge of top level entertainment center, and I am not sayin this in a disrespectful sense though it is coming out that way since it is being types and not spoken.

If you expand tech for a living and your saying monster(hdmi cables essentially) are not needed to produce heightened results or take true advantage of a sophisticated entertainment center. I think you may need to review your career. Your analogy makes no sense because you are using an example that has no meaning bases behind it.

With the Xbox One I get to replace my cable box, my Blu ray.
That's two boxes gone, two monster cables gone. Space created. So what do you mean I do not save space?

Excuse me, but I do infact use HDMI cables lol. You didn't specify that your brand of HDMI is Monster. Monster makes a lot more than HDMI cables. I was assuming you were using Monster cables for absolutely everything lol. Just be more clear.
Ok. Look. You jumped into a conversation that had nothing to do with you. How am I supposed to be clear with you when my conversation was directed at another poster and you jumped into the scene brand new and took it upon yourself to respond as if it was geared towards you? I was clear, it was a post intended at somebody else and they're response to me.

Also, how are you going to sit there and say you did not know i was talking about Monster HDMI when I clearly stated in my post that you challenged:

"Monster cables or any form of high def cables are indeed needed"

You need to be more clear when you jump into things. Lol.


cr. HP Master
I never said you have no knowledge of tech. I said you have no knowledge of top level entertainment center, and I am not sayin this in a disrespectful sense though it is coming out that way since it is being types and not spoken.

If you expand tech for a living and your saying monster(hdmi cables essentially) are not needed to produce heightened results or take true advantage of a sophisticated entertainment center. I think you may need to review your career. Your analogy makes no sense because you are using an example that has no meaning bases behind it.

With the Xbox One I get to replace my cable box, my Blu ray.
That's two boxes gone, two monster cables gone. Space created. So what do you mean I do not save space? Lol
I guess you haven't read my most recent post. You didn't specify that you were talking about HDMI cables. Monster is a brand that makes cables for nearly everything. I figured you were using Monster cables for surround sound etc. etc. I know without HDMI you cannot watch full High Definition movies(i.e. 1080p). It is essential to have for the full HD experience. Your post just wasn't clear. No disrespect.

As far as space goes, I guess I do not share your problem. I do not own a cable box and can already watch cable television through my xbox 360 if I choose. So I basically have 1 television, 1 console, and one HDMI cable in my living room lol. The Xbox One has nothing new that the 360 can't already do, besides voice recognition. But I do not care for television so my PS3 is in my living room, which essentially means by bluray player only has one wire as well.


Saffa.... go watch that game informer interview,75% of the shit you said is not true.
A lot of the things I said are my own logical deductions (as opposed to believing anything a paid game reviewer tells me). Do you REALLY believe they will just let you get a free install code when you buy a second hand game, or that they will allow a free transfer of such a code from a seller to a buyer (or from a friend to a friend) ?

Congrats, you are less deluded with the gaming industry than I am.


cr. HP Master
A lot of the things I said are my own logical deductions. Do you REALLY believe they will just let you get a free install code when you buy a second hand game, or that they will allow a free transfer of such a code from a seller to a buyer (or from a friend to a friend) ?

Congrats, you are less deluded with the gaming industry than I am.
Hell no! LOL. There WILL be a price to play used games. I'm 100% on this because they are not speaking clearly about it now. Regardless of if the console has launched that should be a simple yes or no answer. I wonder how Gamefly will work? Microsoft is already ridiculous. I pay for Netflix and Hulu, but to be able to watch movies I pay for I have to pay Microsoft monthly as well. The whole thing is a scheme that most of us are dumb enough to fall for.


cr. HP Master
I would also like to state that MILLIONS of people have been paying Microsoft $8 a month for years only to have this console be the result? GTFO. With all the money they receive from their customers they should have been able to produce a machine that is leaps and bounds ahead of the PS4. Instead they produce a next gen gaming console that is weaker than my old ass gaming PC that cost $400 to build. Fanboys are such fools.


cr. HP Master
Every game is linked to your xbox account, so you will NOT be able to lend your game to a friend so he can play. But if you go to a friends house to show him a game, then you can sign into your acccount on his xbox and then it should work. Otherwise you will need to pay full price.

That in itself is wrong in my opinion. Who is going to let their friend borrow a game for weeks and use their account the whole time to beat a game? That would prevent you from playing games at your home lol.
i didnt say you spent 100 bucks, im saying they are all the same regardless of price. Read this article and educate yourself my man. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20056502-1/why-all-hdmi-cables-are-the-same/
Exactly my point. Why are you telling me this when I never said/challenged there was a difference between the cables in the first place?

I dont need to educate myself on somethig i already know. So my point is - what is your point? You just brought up a argument/statement to challenge me about something I never brought up in the first place.


Exactly my point. Why are you telling me this when I never said/challenged there was a difference between the cables in the first place?

I dont need to educate myself on somethig i already know. So my point is - what is your point? You just brought up a argument/statement to challenge me about me something I never brought up in the first place.
ok, i must have been confused on the conversation, my bad.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
XboxOne is a joke, no way in tarnation will I be supporting this console.

Forced online activation for all games, the need to be online once every 24 hours for authentication, being rigged to Shitnect, an over emphasis on "TV" and other media bs, along with 3OS's holding up 35% of the system's RAM is a farce. Can't wait to see how they dig themselves out of this hole.

I prefer 360 over PS3, but I'll be running back to Sony's waiting arms come release. (Though if they turn around and align themselves with same type of practices, they can bugger off as well.)

Seriously, no where in that conference did they say no backwards compatibility, .
Furthermore, not only will 360 controllers not be compatible, in all probability, neither will this generation's fight sticks.
Eh ill probably end up getting both (i know. Rich people problems) but its just a matter of what one i want first. When it comes to the Xbox one, the one thing that really interested me was the potential of integrating the heartbeat sensor into the horror genre.

Sent from my Gameboy Color using Tapatalk 2


All set with the Xbox One if it retails at $700. Microsoft has a lot of balls to jack up the price that much for this new system that, as far as I'm concerned, makes video games take a back seat to entertainment. The whole Siri shit they're doing is dumb and the Kinect gimmick needs to whither away. Regardless, $700 is ridiculous, especially considering how extremely pathetic the Xbox 360s hardware was.


cr. HP Master
Oh yea. I cannot get them. Due to my location and how cable companies work in zones. Where I am at here in the states Cox cable runs my zone and they have not updated to where they provide an app unfortunately. Lucky you I wish I had that option.
Is Cox going to be on Xbox One? From what I seen it is still Xfinity? If they don't that means you'll still have that pesky cable box lol.


cr. HP Master
All set with the Xbox One if it retails at $700. Microsoft has a lot of balls to jack up the price that much for this new system that, as far as I'm concerned, makes video games take a back seat to entertainment. The whole Siri shit they're doing is dumb and the Kinect gimmick needs to whither away. Regardless, $700 is ridiculous, especially considering how extremely pathetic the Xbox 360s hardware was.
In all honesty the Xbox One isn't a huge improvement hardware wise either lol. I think next gen consoles are coming too soon. Sofware should be created and developed further first.


Unban Joker
I am buying One regardless.
Somehow it doesn't surprise me that the same person who'd say this after that trainwreck of a press conference would also be the type to buy into this snake oil horseshit:

Monster cables or any form of high def cables are indeed needed if you want to get the best out of your sophisticated entertainment center. Especially the ones with platinum or gold tips. It pushes out gigs of information.


In all honesty the Xbox One isn't a huge improvement hardware wise either lol. I think next gen consoles are coming too soon. Sofware should be created and developed further first.
By buying this system, we are proving that they can put forth no effort and still millions and millions of dollars. It's a shame that they're jam packing all this crap into that cable box and selling it for that much money.