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It's amore, BABY.
That everyone, EVERYONE complains that superman is broken. Uncounterable, unstoppable. Yet he totally won the tournament... oh wait, the current best Superman player got outplayed by two separate players, especially by REO.

It's almost like people are complaining to early in a game that's a month old.
It's almost like a when a good player is approached with a character issue a month in he works on neutralizing it rather than crying.

I hope that Tuesday nerf is a rumor.


Truth, justice and the American way.
I agree. As a Nightwing specialist, I've already worked out a few different ways to counter f23 super breath. This game has an excellent training mode. I recommend people record f23 superbreath pressure and learn how to beat it. Hint hint. Backdash.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I agree. As a Nightwing specialist, I've already worked out a few different ways to counter f23 super breath. This game has an excellent training mode. I recommend people record f23 superbreath pressure and learn how to beat it. Hint hint. Backdash.
Backdashing doesn't beat it, its just an option.


breath will be -1 on block after the patch.

That was my only gripe with him. Everything else in his game can be overcome by good decision making, proper reads, and reaction time.

His backdash/dash is wicked fast but not broken
His trait is strong but not broken
His meter damage is good midscreen
His corner damage is holy shit good but I won't throw a fit if they don't nerf it.
His mixups are reactable (block the low, and if you see the start up on the overhead adjust to standblock)
His zoning is good but has alot of startup and can be reacted to by strong zoners (low shot, air shot)
His mobility is extremely good and is a big part of what makes him so strong.

He's a very strong character but post patch I wouldn't call him broken. This is all under the assumption that what m2dave reported about his breath nerf is true.


I agree. As a Nightwing specialist, I've already worked out a few different ways to counter f23 super breath. This game has an excellent training mode. I recommend people record f23 superbreath pressure and learn how to beat it. Hint hint. Backdash.
Ds can't really backdash out. he can try and jump out or has like a 2 frame window to armor a b3/f3 which can be baited and punished.

Not all chars can backdash out of his +1 breath pressure.
I agree. As a Nightwing specialist, I've already worked out a few different ways to counter f23 super breath. This game has an excellent training mode. I recommend people record f23 superbreath pressure and learn how to beat it. Hint hint. Backdash.
I hope you're in escrima when you're backdashing out of it.

I can think of like 3-4 different ways to counter it though in both stances.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I don't know anyone else's options. Back dash works for most of the cast. I can throw my 6 frame 113 if I suspect another f23 and my 113 wins every time.

It's not unbeatable.
You're thinking of F23 as a move thats designed to be looped. When its more like Johnny Cages F33B3 in MK, you can throw it out, and let the opponent make their own mistake, you can punish a backdash with a dash forward F23, or if you do it late you can just make them block it. If you stand there and people are throwing out 6f normals, you get a free whiff punish, he also gets air dash attempts and all that.

Never said it was unbeatable, but its an incredibly powerful and simple tactic that does alot of damage. Even if his breath does get nerfed, it wont change the way Superman players will use it.


Never said it was unbeatable, but its an incredibly powerful and simple tactic that does alot of damage. Even if his breath does get nerfed, it wont change the way Superman players will use it.
Except now people at least have better options. He's not at constant advantage with an 8 frame long distance mid that leads to 40+

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Except now people at least have better options. He's not at constant advantage with an 8 frame long distance mid that leads to 40+
It gives characters with 8f normals a chance cause his F23 will be 9f after a blocked ice breath.
9f normals will trade.

But again, their options really arent that improved by a 1f difference. Its just making a read is all. Like most things in this game.


It's amore, BABY.
People like Vagrant are the people who cried for Rufus to be nerfed when SF4 first came out.
Superman is Rufus.

-Dominant early in the game's life, due to people having weak basics (its a new game)
-No real mixup that isn't react-able, easily.
-F23 Breath is Divekick pressure, + on block and repeatable but not unstoppable.
-Divekick pressure leads to high damage on hit, higher in the corner.
-High if not highest corner pressure due to sheer damage.
-Corner mixups are tricky at best, but not REAL mixups. Opponent has to second guess himself to get hit.
-Lots of air mobility, making AAing him difficult.
-Relies on pressuring the opponent into making a mistake.

Except now, if his breath is -1, it's like taking Rufus' divekick and making it minus on block.
Which, in all of Capcom's stupidity, they were not stupid enough to do.

NRS, I truly hope you didnt listen to the whiners and the complainers. Because in a year, when other characters display their crazy broken tech and you've already nerfed the early game characters, we're gonna be stuck with a Superman that can no longer challenge it, wondering why we hate you. (a la MK)


trust me guys being a tier whore from game x y z I know what im talking about.

I like how you called out a guy for being a whiner when his main is the one getting the unjust nerfs


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
that's like saying cyrax isn't broken because it took him two years to win a major


It's amore, BABY.
No, it's like saying week 4 that Cyrax is broken so you nerf him. Let the game breath.

And yeah, if he didn't win a major for two years he's only broken on paper, not in practice. Or it took 2 years for someone to be good enough to be broken with him.

I don't think you understand what "broken" means.