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Identifying yourself as part of a sports team

Does it bother you when other people associate themselves as part of a sports team?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 29.4%
  • No

    Votes: 12 70.6%

  • Total voters


Forum General Emeritus
Does it ever bother you when other people make statements during a sporting event like:
"We need to get a new QB"
"We've won the super bowl 3 years in a row!"

...or even something like simply slapping a high-five with the guy next to you after a great play by your team? Like you as a fan had anything to do with the play that just took place?


cr. HP Master
I'm the biggest hypocrite in the world when it comes to this. lol. It really irks me when I hear people say those things, but then I catch myself doing the same. So maybe my opinion is invalid. I will say there should be certain ground rules for saying those things. Lets say you live in Montana and you're a huge 49ers fan. You have no right to say "we did this" type of b.s. The only exception should be for your home team since they represent your home/city/state. Or college sports. If you didn't attend the college, but you live in the city you still shouldn't be able to say "we." If you attended the college, sure. Like I said I'm a hypocrite with this though.


Frozen Earth
It has never bothered me. I've grown up in a state/community that's main focus during certain times of the year was game night. The teams we supported be it my high school football team (Big Tradition) or our states pride and joy UK Wildcats (MASSIVE Tradition) have always been representing us. Everytime you attend a game you're helping the team. Be it the 12th/6th man effect or buying the ticket you're helping your team carry on. I suppose you'd have to be involved with that type of community to understand though.
Now I've never said "WE KICKED YOUR ASS!" because thats awfully childish.


Dojo Trainee
I really only watch college athletics but it doesn't bother me. It's pretty common in the south to identify with a team and say "we." People take great pride in their teams here but everybody knows it's just to make life more fun and nothing more is meant by it. I'm a University of Florida alum, have given back financially to the school that has given so much to me, have attended every home football game since the early 90s, and I follow the Gators around on road games a few times a year. I'm not shy about my pride for my team and really neither are most fans of every other school I've ever visited (almost all of the SEC schools and FSU).


Nightwolf of the galaxy
I do not understand the pride of having your sports team win. How do you even pick who you want to win? Some arbitrary decision based on.where you were born? And then if you are born some where with no sports team it gets generalized to a "coast" and possibly country. Rooting for a sports team is essentially nationalism which is trash.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
I do not understand the pride of having your sports team win. How do you even pick who you want to win? Some arbitrary decision based on.where you were born? And then if you are born some where with no sports team it gets generalized to a "coast" and possibly country. Rooting for a sports team is essentially nationalism which is trash.
Well, when I played Little League the team I played for was the Mets, so I became attached to the Major League team. I never felt that I was a member of the pro team, but I've rooted for them to do well ever since.

In regards to the topic, I don't know. If I can help it I generally avoid saying "we" (like if I'm typing on twitter or something) but if it slips out, it's no big deal. It doesn't bother me when other people say it either. It just flows easier than saying "my team" 20 times during the course of a conversation


Forum General Emeritus
I do not understand the pride of having your sports team win. How do you even pick who you want to win? Some arbitrary decision based on.where you were born? And then if you are born some where with no sports team it gets generalized to a "coast" and possibly country. Rooting for a sports team is essentially nationalism which is trash.
I don't know that I would called rooting for a sports team "trash" but I can see your POV to a certain extent.


I do not understand the pride of having your sports team win. How do you even pick who you want to win? Some arbitrary decision based on.where you were born? And then if you are born some where with no sports team it gets generalized to a "coast" and possibly country. Rooting for a sports team is essentially nationalism which is trash.
Firstly its for entertainment. And you already take it more serious than most casual fans.

Secondly, who gives a shit why someone likes a sport team?

The idea is watch, be entertained, and share a portion of the gratification that comes with winning.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Well, I'm in the UK, and the football team I support are often at the butt end of jokes, so I know that feel. That said, I don't mind dishing it out when I can.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
I worded my thoughts wrong, there is nothing wrong with rooting for your sports team. When you think you are better than other people because "your" team won is the problem. You are essentially taking the glory for doing nothing important to them winning. And not to mention people can be huge dicks about it.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I worded my thoughts wrong, there is nothing wrong with rooting for your sports team. When you think you are better than other people because "your" team won is the problem. You are essentially taking the glory for doing nothing important to them winning. And not to mention people can be huge dicks about it.
Yeah the whole 'we' shtick sucks.

I find it much worse when they are obvious plastic bandwagonning fans though. If someone supports a team with lots of wins and money, and they aren't even from that town... something smells rotten.

Like, I support Arsenal, its my local club in North London. I have a friend who supports Man U, and honestly, I don't think I take him very seriously when he gives me crap about Van Persie or how we haven't won a trophy in so many years, when I know that hes just supporting them because they are winning.
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