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Um... yeah... after hours of playing with myself(take that how you will, pervs), I've realized one thing...

Yeah... I ain't getting better playing against the computer. I just, it doesn't do it.

And I can't lie to myself. The reason why I practice is because I want to become better at the game. I want to enjoy playing this game, knowing the ins and outs of strategies and executing combos, etc. And sitting down getting bodied all day by people better than me isn't really fun. Of course, you learn through losing, but there's only so much a person can tolerate before they say "You know what? Screw this! I'm gonna bust my ass to get better because I am damn tired of losing!"

Winning is fun, no matter what people might say.

Being a casual player or not, I really enjoy this game. So I want to put in the effort and dedication to try and improve myself in the game, playing with others here on the Test Your Might forums.

My XBL gamertag is - DCComicsFanboy

Yeah. Baller gamertag. Creativity flowing through my veins. Lol.

If you wanna play, add me up. And please drop me a message on XBL letting me know who you are on Test Your Might.

Plus, I am sure there are some people out there that wanna beat my ass in this game. Lol.

And if you are down to help me get better, I would appreciate that greatly.



Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
You looking for any specific person to play? Like a batman or something? Or just any high skill player to whoop your ass?


Trust me, losing helps. When you're trying to get better, you'll always encounter moments like this, which is why you see a lot of these threads around here (I've made one before here as well as many others). I know it sounds simple, but just keep playing. Just don't give up, accept a loss as well as you can when you get one. At this level, your goal as a "newbie" shouldn't be to win, it should be to get better. When you get a lot better, then you should change your goal to winning. Right now, don't judge yourself by the amount of wins and losses you have, judge yourself by your performance each match. If it doesn't change, keep playing, look around on the forums, and just don't give up. Take breaks, but don't give up.
Add me pal..... tag is pkb belloz - leave me mesaage sayin ur from tym. I wanna try my supeeman out so can give u some games and help if u want
Anyone else wanna play?
I would if I could. (No I:GAU, or Xbox)
TectonicSuperPlates said:
Um... yeah... after hours of playing with myself(take that how you will, pervs), I've realized one thing...
Yeah... I ain't getting better playing against the computer. I just, it doesn't do it.
My XBL gamertag is - DCComicsFanboy
Yeah. Baller gamertag. Creativity flowing through my veins. Lol.
I didn't notice the innuendo until I got to the parentheses. :p
When you can beat the computer consistently, you've only adapted to the A.I.'s playstyle. Human players are a whole different experience, with their differing styles of play an' all.

You think yours is uncreative? Just wait till you check out mine.
(Black265. Favorite color, dammit! I was still a young boy when I made that. ; - ;)

T God

Old new member
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I'm gonna add you if it's cool. My GT is XxTHUNDERGODxX