People still need to be aware though for other tournaments that the best option is probably the 360 for most fighting games and no matter how much you practice you cant be prepared when issues come up due to the console your playing on. Theres no way anyone knows all the situations when game might start lagging on a particular console. You can try testing scenarios all you want but matches almost never end up playing exactly the way you plan them. So you can practice on the PS3 but its only going to go so far when it comes to preventing issues with the console itself because no one knows every situation that causes that console to lag during a match.Right, but if you are a tournament player the obvious thing to do would be to practice on the system that's being used so you are used to everything. The reason it's there is not relevant since it's not going to change
This is why most if not all players would rather play on the 360 but as stated for pad players its still a lot more convenient to play on the PS3. Sorry to 360 players but unless you have that 360 controller with the improved dpad your controller sucks for fighting games. No im not being biased i have all 3 consoles this gen and yes i play all my fighting games on the PS3 however theres pros/cons to every console. Just keepin it real.