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Video/Tutorial Sinestro - Mid Screen "Triple Trait Tactics" and "Trait of Terror" by ApertureBlack


Although it take a little bit to charge Sinestro's character trait it is well worth as you will see in these combos by ApertureBlack. In these two videos check out mid-screen combos dealing upwards of 40% without the use of his super move. In addition, you are able achieve 42% damage full screen with Sinestro's fireballs along with this character trait.

Source: ApertureBlack



Part-Time Kano Hostage
"Sinestro does no damage" said randomgamer54.

Grats to the whole Sinestro forums. You guys wont stop until you solidify Sinestro as one of the best characters in the game.

I wish more character forums would be thinking up tech as much as the Sinestro players instead of just praying to the NRS gods for buffs.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
"Sinestro does no damage" said randomgamer54.

Grats to the whole Sinestro forums. You guys wont stop until you solidify Sinestro as one of the best characters in the game.

I wish more character forums would be thinking up tech as much as the Sinestro players instead of just praying to the NRS gods for buffs.
we're honestly working really well together and 96% of us lo are really delivering and contributing.

It'll only get better from here


Good stuff. If you ask me, Sinestro's trait should not be made where it needs to be charged by the player themselves but instead, should be built up as a bar from combos, hits, damage taken like a traditional super bar is.


Good stuff. If you ask me, Sinestro's trait should not be made where it needs to be charged by the player themselves but instead, should be built up as a bar from combos, hits, damage taken like a traditional super bar is.
i prefer it be the way it is, this way i can use it to bait attacks and punish
Oh wow. Another Wii U Sinestro player. I thought I was the only one. Hope we don't get left out to dry with any balance patches (like we're missing out on everything else.) Good stuff all round. Mainly been using trait as a defensive tool. Never really tried implementing it into my BnBs.


The Only Player On The Wii U
Oh wow. Another Wii U Sinestro player. I thought I was the only one. Hope we don't get left out to dry with any balance patches (like we're missing out on everything else.) Good stuff all round. Mainly been using trait as a defensive tool. Never really tried implementing it into my BnBs.
Kickass man, Im a hige Nintendo fan, so was like, "Hey, why not get this new fighting game?" Turns out to be fun.

But Traits are all up to to player to use. Personally my Bnb is B1,3,J3,4,B3,J2,B1,2,DB1,J2,F1,D2,3=39%/42% with jump in 2, 1 TRAIT

I also remember that the Wii U is getting the patches and stuff in June.


The Only Player On The Wii U
If you set the computer to auto block the AI will block the trait after a successful mb fearblast if they are standing.
Trait combos into MB Fireball ya know...which is the combo showcased here because I didn't realize I basically screwed up the initial link.

4,DF1(MB),4,DF1(MB),4,DF1(MB)=42% FULLSCREEN


Trait combos into MB Fireball ya know...which is the combo showcased here because I didn't realize I basically screwed up the initial link.

4,DF1(MB),4,DF1(MB),4,DF1(MB)=42% FULLSCREEN
Yes trait then mb fearblast.....not mb fearblast then trait. I believe LEGEND was talking about hitting trait after fearblast which won't work if they block. It will work if they are already in a juggled state.


Time for the Bland Salami!
I have never seen a practical BnB combo end in either of those moves, ever.
Green Arrow: D1xxIce Arrow b3 b3. But most characters don't have such simple unclashable combos. And if you're quick enough you should be able to clash the Ice Arrow, hard though.