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Nintendo - worst company to support right now?


Get over here!
Yeah. I have not been too fond of the decisions Nintendo has been making. It is entertaining to read everyone's salt based on their bad decisions. One of these days they will learn. :16Bit


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Nintendo wil make money regardless of what they do. It's just the nature of things in the gaming market. Everyone says that they are doing no good by only focusing on the casual market, yet it seems to be working wonders for them.
The issue Nintendo faces is that the "casual market" is no longer the one they dominated with the Wii, and they appear unwilling to adapt.

The growing casual market is now dominated by iOS. There will not be a return to casual proprietary consoles in the foreseeable future. Why would someone purchase a Wii for a light gaming experience when they already have a smartphone or a tablet?


Get over here!
I think they aren't pushing the right games... they need to remake some classics games, add another game to one of their iconic franchises, or innovate and make a new franchise. It just seems like they are trying to do shitty party games or gimmicky games. They spend way too much time developing hand held games. Why would I purchase a console from Nintendo when they are pushing hand held games? Maybe if they would hurry up with the new Smash Bros.:16Bit


My problem with Nintendo is that they keep giving me the same franchises over and over again. Just Mario, Pikimin and zelda are NOT enough for me to throwdown $400+ for the console. Where are the new IP's?!?!

At this point, with the new consoles coming, it's almost like throwing your money away if your getting a Wii-U.
Reactions: MKB


Get over here!
My problem with Nintendo is that they keep giving me the same franchises over and over again. Just Mario, Pikimin and zelda are NOT enough for me to throwdown $400+ for the console. Where are the new IP's?!?!

At this point, with the new consoles coming, it's almost like throwing your money away if your getting a Wii-U.
That is true... but what can Nintendo do that Ps3 and Xbox cant? I personally think they need to stick to what works. :16Bit


That is true... but what can Nintendo do that Ps3 and Xbox cant? I personally think they need to stick to what works. :16Bit
Nintendo should'nt have put themseleves in a position where they are playing catch up. Instead they release an inferior console to that of the upcoming generation, and expect it to compete. It's ridiculous. Sticking to what works is getting them nowhere right now. Im just gonna wait till Nintendo consoles die, and they just becomes a software developer, so i can play their games on my ps4/nextxbox


Get over here!
Nintendo should'nt have put themseleves in a position where they are playing catch up. Instead they release an inferior console to that of the upcoming generation, and expect it to compete. It's ridiculous. Sticking to what works is getting them nowhere right now. Im just gonna wait till Nintendo consoles die, and they just becomes a software developer, so i can play their games on my ps4/nextxbox
Yeah. That is what I am waiting for as well. I still think if they remade some classics like Ocarina of Time on the next gen consoles that it would sell. But you are right. It isn't really doing anything for them now. :16Bit


Yeah. That is what I am waiting for as well. I still think if they remade some classics like Ocarina of Time on the next gen consoles that it would sell. But you are right. It isn't really doing anything for them now. :16Bit
Imagine Ocarina of Time with graphics like Uncharted or something? That would be hype. Too bad we'll never see current gen graphics for zelda because Nintendo will be behind. Always.


Forum General Emeritus
Sessler nailed it on Nintendo in all aspects.

I would LOVE to go back to a Nintendo system, but the games I want to play do not exist on the WiiU (let alone any other games.) The games Nintendo has been pushing are rehashes with very few new and original IPs. The WiiU hardware specs are equivalent to the PS3/360 at best. Nintendo continues to repeat the same mistakes they have made with previous consoles, thinking that things will be different. That is the legal definition of insanity. If they pulled their heads out of their asses and got with the times (hardware and software) I would drop Sony like a bad habit. It's not like Nintendo doesn't have the money to shell out!

I've said this before and I'll say it again. I foresee Nintendo, eventually, going the way of Sega - in that they will leave the console market and be reduced to producing games only. In honesty, I wouldn't be opposed to that move if Nintendo did become a game-only company as hardware was never really the company's strong suit.

nintendo do not cater to us anymore. they cater to 'them'. i dare speak their name.........

Nintendo caters to the almighty dollar, like any other business.

GIMMIE HD Zelda, that shit should have been a launch title.

They need to stop worrying about re releasing the old games that made thier systems great and get to making new shit.


The issue Nintendo faces is that the "casual market" is no longer the one they dominated with the Wii, and they appear unwilling to adapt.

The growing casual market is now dominated by iOS. There will not be a return to casual proprietary consoles in the foreseeable future. Why would someone purchase a Wii for a light gaming experience when they already have a smartphone or a tablet?
Because there a clear difference between both platforms. As much as people love games like Angry Birds or Temple Run, there will always be a crowd for people who want more from their light games. A perfect example would be myself. Probably the most played game for me on the 360 this past year has been Dorito's Crash Course. It's a free game but damn is it a fine one. doritos Crash Course 2 just came out and it's a much better game with added goodies and secrets to attain. Some people are already writing it off as inferior to the original due to it being harder. but a lot more of us have taken a much better stance because it is that much better due to the extras.


Forum General Emeritus
among their top 5 consoles? am i missing something? didnt it go

1) NES
3) N64
4) Gamecube
5) Wii
6) Wii U

did you mean top 5 console in general out of all companies? if so i feel like thats a hard argument to make but of course its opinion. i'd rank the gamecube after NES, SNES, and N64 among nintendo's own consoles and below the xbox1, xbox360, ps1, ps2, ps3, and sega genesis.
If you flop the NES and SNES, the sad thing is that the order of preference for those systems is eerily similar...


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Because there a clear difference between both platforms. As much as people love games like Angry Birds or Temple Run, there will always be a crowd for people who want more from their light games. A perfect example would be myself. Probably the most played game for me on the 360 this past year has been Dorito's Crash Course. It's a free game but damn is it a fine one. doritos Crash Course 2 just came out and it's a much better game with added goodies and secrets to attain. Some people are already writing it off as inferior to the original due to it being harder. but a lot more of us have taken a much better stance because it is that much better due to the extras.
But that depth can be offered from the same platform. If the market demands heavier games, heavier games will be made, but they will be more profitable if they are made available to the largest possible consumer base.

If I already have an Xbox for heavy games and a tablet for light games, why would I even consider purchasing another platform for mid-light games?


Imagine Ocarina of Time with graphics like Uncharted or something? That would be hype. Too bad we'll never see current gen graphics for zelda because Nintendo will be behind. Always.
Please no. OoT doesn't need another re-release. I liked SNES a lot, and N64, but after that, Nintendo has had little to offer. I lean toward casual, but I want quality and variety and Nintendo isn't offerin it. If I was a ten year old girl, I would love 3DS however, so there is that.


Too old for this Shit
Nintendo needs to go the way of Sega, and license out the big name titles to Microsoft and Sony... Link, Mario, meet your new mentor.. Sonic!!!


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Nintendo needs to go the way of Sega, and license out the big name titles to Microsoft and Sony... Link, Mario, meet your new mentor.. Sonic!!!
I honestly see that happening, because if they go out of business and allow those to die with it, their will likely be a riot.


Filthy Casual
Not sure if this was said:

I think you guys are looking at this all wrong...

-Handhelds are MASSIVE in Asia.
-Wiiu is practically a giant handheld that can run better games
-Nintendo caters to kids, kids are ALWAYS going to be playing video games and there is always a supply of kids haha, while adults tend to grow out of video games.
-If you're a kid I don't think you're really thinking of technical things or caring about DLC *depends on age*

I really think Nintendo is catering well to their demographic...parents will want to buy a WiiU for their kids especially since they can watch tv as their kid is entertaining themselves...