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Nintendo - worst company to support right now?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Everyone realized the Wii was a dud when good games stopped coming out for the console. By then, though, the damage was done.

People wised up to Nintendo, though, with the WiiU.
Working in Walmart, where we legit sell everything (except used games) cheaper than any other place, I can tell you I've sold almost NOTHING for the Wii U or the consoles themselves since it dropped. Nor has anyone else in the department to speak of, really.
A few games, a system every month or so, but the stockpile I have is almost identical to the one I had around christmas.

It bombed. Huge.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Agree with a lot of this (and amazed someone knows about Folklore...underrated game imo).

But I see a lot of danger signs that remind me much of the Dreamcast.

Dreamcast was labeled as ahead of its time with its innovation and capabilities. But these were ultimately things that led to its demise as other consoles that followed it (PS2/Xbox) made standard and better as well as having a larger array of games. Additionally, WiiU is suffering the same situation the Dreamcast did with the VMUs. It seemed like a great idea, but companies didn't really know how to make use of it.

The WiiU tablet is a gimmick. It doesn't present anything special that I couldn't get from any other tablet or smartphone atm. The ability to continue playing uninterrupted if someone else wants to use the TV is a great idea, but is rarely used as the tablet is generally an intrigal part of the game play.

And as much as I love Mario and Zelda (just started a fresh game of OoT on my 64 last night :D ), Nintendo isn't bringing anything new to the table that sparks any interest. Dreamcast at least brought a few things to the table that people still adore such as Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, and Power Stone.

Nintendo has always been somewhat family oriented, but focusing soley on that aspect is killing them.
Your correct their system is very gimmicky and like you said developers just don't understand how to use it. Like you said I liked the idea of using the pad to play your game while someone uses the TV for something else, but LBSH, how often is that going to happen and, also is this really a selling point to market it, Zombie U, I've heard wasn't even good enough of a game as it was suppose to be and that was like Nintendo's way of saying look we grew up, but they still keep wanting the kids.

The Dreamcast had it potential and IMO would have taken over its gen, but Sega made too many mistakes in the past and never could keep up with the times as well. I guess maybe its time for the fall of a titan.

BTW, I still play Folklore that was such an inventive and creative game, it is underated and was very overshadowed and to this day I cry salty tears that it will never see a sequal.

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
BTW, I still play Folklore that was such an inventive and creative game, it is underated and was very overshadowed and to this day I cry salty tears that it will never see a sequal.
I also love when people say "Zomg! Wii motion controls are so innovative!" and then I point to games like Folklore and say "PS3 says 'Hi'."

I really felt games like Folklore got the motion controls right where it wasn't the entire focus, but just enough to give more immersive and interactive gameplay.


Nintendo wil make money regardless of what they do. It's just the nature of things in the gaming market. Everyone says that they are doing no good by only focusing on the casual market, yet it seems to be working wonders for them. The Wii sold a hell of a lot of units and I think it's fair to say that 60% of the games on that system were dancing/working out games.

The fact is, I think a lot of people are still living in a fantasy world were competitive/hardcore gamers are the only ones who matter. I think it's fair to say that we were all casuals at one point in our gaming lives. So what Nintendo is doing is no fault of theirs, they know there is a market there. I'm sure they fully acknowledge the hardcore/competitive gaming scene is there, but why bother with it considering the other two consoles are the current kings when it comes to that crowd? As long as they have Pokemon and their own franchises, they know they will be around for a long time.

As for the Wii U, yeah, it has been bad so far but how about giving it some time? I don't remember the PS2/PS3 and 360 running out of the line right away when they first launched. Also, even though they have not embraced the online aspect of things, it hasn't stopped a hell of a lot of players from putting in close to 400 hours each in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
After seeing how the Wii was.. I wasn't quite interested in the Wii U.

Seeing this now, I have no reason to support Nintendo. They'll probably kontinue to go under the radar once more with me..

Too bad. I'm a big fan of 2D Metroids and other Nintendo games. That isn't going to make me buy an entire konsole though. They should really just become a developer like Sega at this point when it komes to home konsoles. For handhelds I think they kan keep doing what they're doing.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I also love when people say "Zomg! Wii motion controls are so innovative!" and then I point to games like Folklore and say "PS3 says 'Hi'."

I really felt games like Folklore got the motion controls right where it wasn't the entire focus, but just enough to give more immersive and interactive gameplay.
Thats exactly how I felt with it, often developers either said no to it or they tried so hard taht it didn't work, play the first Epic Mickey, I bought that POS for my 5 year old and like all games I buy for him I test out first to teach him and I found it so hard play that I couldn't even begin to imagine how to teac him to do it. Folklore used it to add to the games already creative design, this game had the element of exploration, mystery, a wide range of enemies to face(which also becam a new special attack), and it had the whole Gotta Catch em All syndrome in it, not to mention it catered to both children(the colorful and cutesyness) and the adults(the very adultlike story involving death) alike.

Some developers though were exploring possibilities like Gearbox did with A:CM, even though it was sooooooo bad and sold so horridly that they had to cancel the WiiU version, were even exploring more uses for that game with the motion controls and the extra screen. Stuff like implimenting the motion detector where the user could raise it towards the screen liek you were actually using the device, but others just don't even bother.


TYM White Knight
In my honest opinion as an avid nintendo fan throughout my entire life, Nintendo bit the big one when they decided the casual market base was the best market to cater too.

Big name publishers can't sell their big name games to the casual market place. Shovel ware companies who do not spend hundreds of millions of dollars on their games, can make money with the casual gaming market.

EA, and Company...cannot. There is a reason why there hasn't been a legit sports game on the Wii or Wiiu...the base just isn't there. Factor in Nintendo's oddly restrictive online functionality and you get a complete lack of interest from 3rd party developers.

People have been clammoring for YEARS for a console version of pokemon. THat or an mmorpg where you can actually catch pokemon with your friends. They continue to ignore this, as well as other demands (traditional top down zelda for handhelds, 2d side scrolling metroid for wii (other m does not count), along with the revival of long lost franchises.


They dont. They really really dont. The casual gamer isn't going to rush out and buy your games or 3rd party games. They are going to buy what is fun to play with their friends. Unfortunately, that makes Zelda, Metroid and other franchises obsolete. It makes Mario on the consoles a test of marriage.

Innovation is wonderful, but Nintendo is trying to innovate for the wrong audience. They turned their back on the hardcore gamers, and in return, the publishers of mass market games (who cater to hard core gamers) have turned their back on nintendo, as have the gamers themselves.

I own a Wii Mini (the red one without wireless). I got to play zelda, mario, etc. I do not miss the online functioning on that system at all....which is sad.

I have no reason to buy a Wii U. Fool me once with "True 1:1 motion" shame on me. Fool me twice with a giant tablet gimmick, shame on you.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
In my honest opinion as an avid nintendo fan throughout my entire life, Nintendo bit the big one when they decided the casual market base was the best market to cater too.

Big name publishers can't sell their big name games to the casual market place. Shovel ware companies who do not spend hundreds of millions of dollars on their games, can make money with the casual gaming market.

EA, and Company...cannot. There is a reason why there hasn't been a legit sports game on the Wii or Wiiu...the base just isn't there. Factor in Nintendo's oddly restrictive online functionality and you get a complete lack of interest from 3rd party developers.

People have been clammoring for YEARS for a console version of pokemon. THat or an mmorpg where you can actually catch pokemon with your friends. They continue to ignore this, as well as other demands (traditional top down zelda for handhelds, 2d side scrolling metroid for wii (other m does not count), along with the revival of long lost franchises.


They dont. They really really dont. The casual gamer isn't going to rush out and buy your games or 3rd party games. They are going to buy what is fun to play with their friends. Unfortunately, that makes Zelda, Metroid and other franchises obsolete. It makes Mario on the consoles a test of marriage.

Innovation is wonderful, but Nintendo is trying to innovate for the wrong audience. They turned their back on the hardcore gamers, and in return, the publishers of mass market games (who cater to hard core gamers) have turned their back on nintendo, as have the gamers themselves.

I own a Wii Mini (the red one without wireless). I got to play zelda, mario, etc. I do not miss the online functioning on that system at all....which is sad.

I have no reason to buy a Wii U. Fool me once with "True 1:1 motion" shame on me. Fool me twice with a giant tablet gimmick, shame on you.
I think you hit the nail on the head here, the casuel market typically wants to play waht everyone else is playing...

The only erason I still even have a Wii is for the few retro old schol games I downloaded and the fact that I have so many old Gamecube games that I use to love,wish I had RE1 Remake though :(, IDK though Eternal Darkness is finally getting a spiritual successor, maybe it will bring in some bucks for em, but I doubt it since its also going to be on the PC platform.


bad at things
Their ideas are pretty neat, but their consoles are just gimmicks that started after Gamecube was a relative flop console for them, even though IMO it's probably among their top 5 consoles of all time.
among their top 5 consoles? am i missing something? didnt it go

1) NES
3) N64
4) Gamecube
5) Wii
6) Wii U

did you mean top 5 console in general out of all companies? if so i feel like thats a hard argument to make but of course its opinion. i'd rank the gamecube after NES, SNES, and N64 among nintendo's own consoles and below the xbox1, xbox360, ps1, ps2, ps3, and sega genesis.


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
I own a PS3 only. If I were to pick up a second console, it would probably be 3DS or WiiU, strictly because of how many exclusive titles they have. The XBox360 is almost identical to the PS3 as far as game lineup goes, and therefore not worth picking up, IMHO.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I own a PS3 only. If I were to pick up a second console, it would probably be 3DS or WiiU, strictly because of how many exclusive titles they have. The XBox360 is almost identical to the PS3 as far as game lineup goes, and therefore not worth picking up, IMHO.
You also don't have to pay a subscription to play online either:)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
among their top 5 consoles? am i missing something? didnt it go

1) NES
3) N64
4) Gamecube
5) Wii
6) Wii U

did you mean top 5 console in general out of all companies? if so i feel like thats a hard argument to make but of course its opinion. i'd rank the gamecube after NES, SNES, and N64 among nintendo's own consoles and below the xbox1, xbox360, ps1, ps2, ps3, and sega genesis.
You're forgetting Game Boy series, the DS series, the Game & Watch, Virtual Boy, etc.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Working in Walmart, where we legit sell everything (except used games) cheaper than any other place, I can tell you I've sold almost NOTHING for the Wii U or the consoles themselves since it dropped. Nor has anyone else in the department to speak of, really.
A few games, a system every month or so, but the stockpile I have is almost identical to the one I had around christmas.

It bombed. Huge.
Yeah, I haven't heard too much of the sales, but I can only imagine how much worse it is at the Walmart I work at...it's in country land lol.


Nintendo y u so lame?!?

I stopped supporting Nintendo after the Wii. I don't even use my Wii for gaming anymore, just for Netflix lol. The WiiU looked really lame and not worth my money, and 3DS wasn't really that appealing either.

Pokemon MMO would be kewl, but I'd also like a 3D Pokemon fighting/RPG game (think Star Ocean). I'm also one of those people who hate the new Pokemon. 1st/2nd gen were the best IMO.

I would've loved to see a Metroid Prime Hunters 2 or something for the Wii. MPH was one of my favorite games for the DS (my first FPS too) so using a Wiimote for it would be awesome.

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Hey, it counts as much as Sega Saturn and Dreamcast.
Dreamcast was awesome. :(

Saturn was......Sonic-less.

Virtual Boy was, well, like the Wii U in people's point of views today, only it impaired vision and gave headaches too!

I owned one until my mom found a dead mouse inside the case that came with it, and threw the entire thing out without my consent. -_-

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Just thought i'd pitch in: I have never really been a big Nintendo fan, even when I was younger and the type of games they made were supposed to appeal to me. I love a large portion of their NES, SNES, and N64 games (nothing Mario though) but now they just don't seem to make great original games anymore. And for those who are making the Dreamcast comparisons... no. The Dreamcast had some awesome games but lost to the PS2 because of its DVD player and the hype surrounding the console. Wii U doesn't compare.
After the being let down by the Wii I can tell you as someone who grew up with Nintendo the Wii U is the first Nintendo system I am not buying.

I played the games on my GameCube and N64 more then I did the Wii.


I live near seattle and I fucking hate nintendo.
1. They use loopholes for less then humane employment even moreso then microsoft.

2. Since they bought the seattle mariners baseball team they have run the franchise into the ground. They have set record low attendence records for years running. Have invested in projector screens and have ignored supporting the team leaving us with a minor league team in the majors. They have increased ticket prices while doing so. They are a problem for city developement as they played a big role in trying to prevent investor chris hansons efforts to build a new arena to bring back the NBA and obtain a NHL team.

Their control over the safeco stadium has fucked everyone in seattle over. Higher taxes, more traffic and they insist on not allowing others to use the facility leading to the building of century link field(seahawks, Mls, concerts)

This year will be the first time that: there is a concert permitted(paul mcartney) and that the CEO of nintendo will ever come to a game.

They have turned my money away at their parking garages telling their employees to not allow sounders(MLS) fans park there. This was the final straw for me. Being turned away for supporting a different seattle team is obsurd. They also have the balls to play mariners propaganda to seahawks and sounders fans that have to walk by the stadium.


Scarlett Viper

Let's begin the witching hour.
Just thought i'd pitch in: I have never really been a big Nintendo fan, even when I was younger and the type of games they made were supposed to appeal to me. I love a large portion of their NES, SNES, and N64 games (nothing Mario though) but now they just don't seem to make great original games anymore. And for those who are making the Dreamcast comparisons... no. The Dreamcast had some awesome games but lost to the PS2 because of its DVD player and the hype surrounding the console. Wii U doesn't compare.
No what killed Sega were they're fuckups with the Saturn.