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Nintendo - worst company to support right now?

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
I for one would have kept my wiiu and 3ds were there games to own FOR those respective consoles. I mean I played zombiu til rayman got super delayed and announced on other consoles. I think the wiiu section at gamestop looks just like the vita section. I refuse to spend that much money to play one good title every couple months. I mean the exclusives when I say this, the game experiences I can't get anywhere else. I have a ps3 and an xbox, if a title came out for all 3 consoles i'd get it on one of those before a wiiu because they get the worse end of the game ports from my short experience. hand helds can only survive on pokemon for so long. I feel like nintendo can be revolutionary with hardware, because I think the wiiu as a system is great. Software however, I feel like japan has been lacking in that department. They were once the gaming industry super power, then final fantasy 13 came out...


Learn to draw the Rob Liefeld way
GIMMIE HD Zelda, that shit should have been a launch title.
Rehashing Zelda will do nothing to attract new gamers. That only appeals to hardcore Nintendo fans. What about other gamers who want to see Nintendo produce some hardcore games on the WiiU?

Well, with EA now, they won't be getting Battlefield 4 anytime soon now, will they?
Reactions: MKB


Mid Tier
Rehashing Zelda will do nothing to attract new gamers. That only appeals to hardcore Nintendo fans. What about other gamers who want to see Nintendo produce some hardcore games on the WiiU?

Well, with EA now, they won't be getting Battlefield 4 anytime soon now, will they?
Dude, lets be fair, everybody loves Zelda games man, and they are always awesome. Except Twilight Princess, that was only good.

I honestly don't think they need to attract "new" gamers, they gamers are there just waiting for them to put some shit out worth playing, and do it more then 2 times a year.

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
I don't know about anyone else, but I've had horrible, HORRIBLE experiences with my last new systems (3ds, vita, WiiU) game wise. So I'm done buying them, I can upgrade my pc for cheaper than buing a system and get some great gaming action with less problems. So sad about nintendo. WiiU was probably the first system I actually looked forward to and was excited about probably since my gaming life began to be honest.

I'm actually glad EA stopped making games for something. Outside of NHL they can't do much right.


Learn to draw the Rob Liefeld way
I honestly don't think they need to attract "new" gamers, they gamers are there just waiting for them to put some shit out worth playing, and do it more then 2 times a year.

To dominate in the console market, you will need to attract new gamers to your console. Can't survive on Zelda and Mario rehashes for the hardcore Nintendo fans forever. It simply won't do it.

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
To dominate in the console market, you will need to attract new gamers to your console. Can't survive on Zelda and Mario rehashes for the hardcore Nintendo fans forever. It simply won't do it.
This is true, I got the console for zombiu and was SO looking forward to the wonderful 101, anything in between would have been extra.
What would you like to see Nintendo do? What could help them?
Pokemon MMO would be a WoW killer. They could make it subscription based, or sell expansions every year.

They need to be accepting of online functionality, and get rid of this idea that it is Nintendo's responsibility to be the parent of the people that play their games.

They literally could've done something like this:

- Wii-U Launches (Launch Title: Pokemon MMO) - "Hey fanbase, our goal with the new console is to adapt with the changing times and put more emphasis into online gaming!"
- Pokemon MMO: First 150, first island. Let it sit for a year until the fans want more.
- Next Year: new expansion: Next 150, new island. More competitive features, more stuff to explore, etc.

rinse and repeat that blueprint for the next 6-7 years.

Oh hey, we seem to have sold millions of consoles and are looking profitable. It turns out that 3rd party developers are interested in developing on our consoles because they see the potential to profit. That's awesome!

In the meantime:

- New IP - Nintendo Universe - "Lets blend all of these micro-universes we've created (Mushroom Kingdom, Hyrule, Dreamland, Donkey Kong Jungle, etc.)
- Your main character is your Mii! pick a class (Mage, Archer, Knight, etc.), traverse through the various areas, keep players engaged.
- Help Mario, Help Donkey Kong, Help Samus, Help Marth and Roy, etc.
- Defeat Ridley, Defeat Bowser, Defeat King K. Rool, etc.
- Expansions/micro-transactions/profit

- New Zelda (Everyone loves Zelda!)
- New Mario (Mario always sells well)
- New Super Metroid sequel (Side-scroller, it's been a while since we've done that!)
- New StarFox (Strictly an Airplane shooter, but now with online multi-player (Co-op, Challenge Modes, Different Maps, etc.)

- Virtual Console (With Online Multi-Player, play multi-player games you purchase with other people that have purchased those games).
- Virtual Console lobbies for games (find other people playing those games, chat, etc.)

- Allow ease of communication (messaging system, usernames, simple to add, simple to communicate, simple to see what friends are doing) Don't lock me out like i'm a 2 year old.

- etc. (It's getting late.)
Someone might have already said this but recently they've been getting crazy with flagging LP'ers on Youtube the past few months.

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
Someone might have already said this but recently they've been getting crazy with flagging LP'ers on Youtube the past few months.
I don't necessarily agree with them taking all the profit with ads, but they could've just as easily removed all videos with their product like a lot of companies do.
I don't necessarily agree with them taking all the profit with ads, but they could've just as easily removed all videos with their product like a lot of companies do.
Thing is not all LP'res make money, some just like uploading videos and showing off their speed runs for bragging rights. By removing the videos that are not even making any money they are only removing free advertisement for their games. That and making the gaming community have a less then popular opinion of them.

VGB Joe Kerr

Insane Brilliance
Thing is not all LP'res make money, some just like uploading videos and showing off their speed runs for bragging rights. By removing the videos that are not even making any money they are only removing free advertisement for their games. That and making the gaming community have a less then popular opinion of them.
I thought they werent removing any? Thought they were just adding ads with their own revenue.
Nintendo has a 3D main series Pokémon game releasing for the 3DS in October. Auto-best gaming company in 5 months.

That aside, methinks Nintendo is going to die relatively soon, sadly. Their ideas are pretty neat, but their consoles are just gimmicks that started after Gamecube was a relative flop console for them, even though IMO it's probably among their top 5 consoles of all time.
It's sad Gamecube did so poorly. I loved my Gamecube, I have found memoeires of playing some of my favorites on there like Eternal Darkness, Metroid Prime 1 & 2, RE remake, RE0, SSB Melee, Soul Calibur 2, Super Mario Sunshine, Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee, Prince of Persia Warrior Within, 13, and a crapton more.

Now everything is gimmicks. And not the good fun kind like guest fighters.
Why haven't they made a legit Pokemon game for consoles yet? I don't mean Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Bullshit, a legit high definition Pokemon RPG that has the same elements of handheld pokemon, just better with better graphics? Seems like a no brainer, so there has to be a good reason why they haven't done it yet. I would even buy a WiiU only to play it, been wanting one since R/B/Y lol.
Hell why not just a Pokemon fighter? SSB has shown they can make a decent moveset for Pokemon in fighting games.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
The issue I see with Nintendo is the failure to adapt to an ever changing market. They always are innovating, but the current gen IMO just wasn't ready for a full motion control gaming system. Most the developers made bad games for it, because they did not understand how to use the technology. Many forget that the PS3 controler and console actuaally came out with a motion control function on day one as well and developers just ditched working with it too, mainly after the huge flop that was the game Lair, great concept terrible execution, but some games used the function welll though in the beginning with Heavenly Sword and Folklore. The Wii also was too far behind on tech. though, it lacked an HD function and the WiiU is mostly just an HD Wii. Nintendo though, has also been smart though, they managed to aviod the contravery of current gen, because they never allowed the crazy DLC practices and other weird things that happened this gen to happen with them.

To me their problems are mainly that they focus too much on old franchises and gear towards the children more than the adult audience, which those that grew up with Nintendo are now the adults that moved onto PS3 and X-Box. The adults wanted more mature games, plain and simple.

However, I have more respect to them though for the reason that EA will not be producing games on their system, which is due to them giving EA the finger on allowing Origion on their system, unlike Sony and MS, which will gladly allow them to use it. If any who don't know Origion is a terrible program...

The thing we all need to keep in mind though, is the WiiU is still reletivly new and just like the current gen consoles, it likely has much very unlocked potential, its library may eventually grow much larger and become more embraced over time. Also they do still dominate the handheld console market, granted IOS and other smart devices are growing significantly, the 3DS is still doing well, whereas the Vita hasn't done crap. Its likely that Nintendo is starting to lie low a lil and is watching closely and waiting before they make a their next move.
WiiU sucks balls, Nintendo has been failing since the original launch of the Wii.

The Wii, was good in terms of sales as a new console but the Wii was created to save Nintendo from going bankrupt as a desperate effort.

See -- http://www.computerandvideogames.com/378029/features/revolution-the-story-of-wii/

WiiU is marketed horribly, their whole console pitch is terrible. There are no AAA games or exclusives that I want to get, it's a next gen console that's trying to sell you current gen games, which do not even run that well on WiiU. It relies on gimmicks, no one in their right mind enjoys motion control gaming, if you enjoy this, you're probably a Filthy Casual. And even if you do legit enjoy Motion Control gaming, no company has even implemented it correctly where it feels fluid and seamless as a natural part of the game instead of it feeling tacked on and super gimmicky. And no, the Kinect and Move suck balls too, motion control gaming needs to die, no one plays that shit, no one likes it.

WiiU is also I hear and haven't found anything saying otherwise, Wireless only for netplay, alright, LOL. Also, the console's big draw is the touch pad and social gaming, but, wait, it only comes with 1! Whomp Whomp Whomp. I have to spend another chunk of my money to buy another Touch Pad, no thanks. Touch Pad doesn't even feel ergonomic or natural or even a good element to the game, it feels really gimmicky.

Developers do not even want to make games for this thing, there is no Frostbite Engine being developed for it, EA has no plans to make games for it, Epic has stated that WiiU cannot support UE4 (even though they retracted that statement for PR reasons, I am sure there are issues), Insomniac Games.

It's sales suck, Wii is outselling it, Nintendo is desperate to stay alive so it's taking AD Revenue from YouTubers instead of just filing a Copyright Infringement and removing the videos...

They are advertising on their dashboard to Wii owners that the WiiU is an "HD Console" that just doesn't sound like a new console, terrible choice of words.

They are in a situation where they need to either, ride the WiiU out and start making worthwhile games (I think it's too late), or release a new real next-gen console midway through WiiUs life and push out AAA games, alongside their kiddy games. Either way, they're going to lose money.

http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=556294 - Insomniac

http://www.computerandvideogames.com/405866/pachter-wii-u-sales-still-in-decline-outsold-by-wii/ - WiiU Sales

http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-05-14-frostbite-engine-in-the-works-for-mobile - EA/Frostbite


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I agree with almost everything here, I was just trying to be a il optimistic about it earlier, but I just wanted to say look why EA is not adopting the console, it is mainly due to the Origion program that EA uses for all there transactions and digital services. Nintendo said no to them and they have been butt hurt since. I do feel this partially why they are also failing.

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
Agree with a lot of this (and amazed someone knows about Folklore...underrated game imo).

But I see a lot of danger signs that remind me much of the Dreamcast.

Dreamcast was labeled as ahead of its time with its innovation and capabilities. But these were ultimately things that led to its demise as other consoles that followed it (PS2/Xbox) made standard and better as well as having a larger array of games. Additionally, WiiU is suffering the same situation the Dreamcast did with the VMUs. It seemed like a great idea, but companies didn't really know how to make use of it.

The WiiU tablet is a gimmick. It doesn't present anything special that I couldn't get from any other tablet or smartphone atm. The ability to continue playing uninterrupted if someone else wants to use the TV is a great idea, but is rarely used as the tablet is generally an intrigal part of the game play.

And as much as I love Mario and Zelda (just started a fresh game of OoT on my 64 last night :D ), Nintendo isn't bringing anything new to the table that sparks any interest. Dreamcast at least brought a few things to the table that people still adore such as Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, and Power Stone.

Nintendo has always been somewhat family oriented, but focusing soley on that aspect is killing them.


cr. HP Master
I like the Mario/Zelda franchise, but that isn't enough for me to purchase a Nintendo console. They've simply fallen behind times. They have strong exclusives, but there consoles aren't diverse enough to handle what the kids love today. They need to get on the COD bandwagon and push exclusive deals with the franchise while continuing to push there exclusive titles.


"Heaven Will Fall!"
I lost all my respect for Nintendo back when they screwed over Sony. Atleast that screw job brought forth the age of the playstation though. Nintendo needs to go hand held only but none of it really matters cause right now they supply like 70% of japans gamers. Nintendo has this huge ego problem were instead of working with other companies they think they can do everything on their own and better than everyone else. Imo Nintendo is bad company to support right now with Microsoft being right behind them. Neither company gives a damn about their fans and what they want. On the plus side though I just got 2 more free games from Sony.