Couldn't agree more but be careful saying the netcode sucks around here, you might be labeled a troll or you might have ulterior motives. I don;t think theres a fix for this netcode, it's just badly designed. I think they should fix the ragequit glitch and COMPLETELY REMOVE RECORDS from player matches. What is the point of showing your player match records, isn;t that what ranked matches are for? This would be better and certain players wouldn't feel "pressured" when they come across someone with a "good record", because alot of the time they flat out decline you if your record is "good".
Lol i could give a fuck if they label me a troll for stating something i feel could be improved for the greater of the game and community. Even Art stated it on his Injustice stream a few days ago about how its a joke that certain members on TYM try to defend this netcode. I think they could slightly improve the netcode which has happened before for other fighting games with a new patch but i agree when a netcode is already been implemented theres no making it drastically better.
That is unless you make a new netcode which isnt going to happen. Dont get me wrong ranked matches are fun and its cool to see that number next to your name on the leaderboards. It gives you an incentive to play to see how high you can get in ranked matches but seriously with the netcode the way it currently is certain characters have an advantage over others. Hell that applies with all fighting games online but even more so with that more than noticeable input delay. To label someone a troll because they are complaining about an aspect of the game that would benefit all players who play online sounds pretty damn stupid if you ask me.
I also agree with completely removing records but do you know how many people would be pissed off saying its not fair that everyone be punished. NRS in my opinion fucked up with the online once again and even online for the PS3 version if you run into someone with a wireless connection theres a chance you could get disconnected from them during the character select screen which happens more than it should. You dont want to start to have the reputation of making great games with mediocre netcodes because thats what some people already feel about NRS fighting games.
Hell before i even bought the game i was trying to ask people about how the game played online and i was hearing the game sometimes disconnects. I was like alright but when it doesnt how does it play online? The response i got and still get is well it plays better than MK. Hey im glad it plays better than MK online but thats still not saying much with other fighting games released a few years ago still playing better online than Injustice. Its not going to stop me from playing online because the game is just that damn good and thats why it should play better online. The netcode is the only real complaint i have about this game.
Yea its good that the disconnectors are being punished but im pretty sure the damage is already done because im pretty damn sure some of the current top ranked players are disconnectors. If anything i want all my disconnects to be removed because i take all my losses and regardless of input delay if you beat me then you deserve that win. Just remember though some people will still rage quit if your beating them badly just to deny you a win. Thats online but me personally i just want the best online experience i can get which means the game playing its best online. Thats just me though im more concerned about how well the game plays online oppose to punishing people for something there probably going to do regardless.