MK is kinda dope
I think over time, the word "broken" has lost it's meaning. Broken should stand for game BREAKING. Kabal was not game breaking in UMK3 nor MK9. He was just really fucking good. There is a big difference. Sentinel/Magneto/Storm/Cable were not broken from MvC2. I might get shit for this but they weren't. Why? There were chars on the roster that could beat them. It was all about matchups and execution. Most chars could not compete in the game, but for 11 years straight, you saw multiple sets of teams in tournaments over the years. Ogres/Mishimas in Tekken Tag Tournament (the original), were undisputed top tier, not broken. They had far superior tools but nothing game breaking.You should never really accept something really broken though, that's just poor judgment.
Inb4 Lrn2adaptswitchmainsinteractables
Glitches are IMO game breaking. They have no place in games, period. Now, IMO, infinites have no place in games either. I am aware MvC2/UMvC3 have them and people love them, and that's great, but my personal opinion, that's broken.
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo Akuma, literally an unbeatable char. He was perfect in every single way. No char could compete w/him, most of the cast was a 9-1 matchup automatically. It was prison rape trying to fight him, you just have to sit back and accept it, then ponder how you got yourself into this situation. And cry as well. Soul Calibur 3, there were about 4 chars that could win a tournament and pretty much nobody else. Xianghua was one of them and had a literally game breaking move that wasn't fixed until arcade (even though console came first, yes I know this is confusing) plus a glitch where you can stop certain moves by cancelling them in a way the game did not design for. Broken
It just really annoys me to no end when a top tier char wins, people cry right away "derrr that's broken!" and they just didn't adapt to the char and got their ass kicked. I play Bane and Superman. One takes a massive amount of skill to win and one is pretty brain dead, but nothing actually broken about anything so far minus Cyborg's infinite (IMO)