The Longbow Hunter.
Hello everybody,
Every day that I come on this site I see some kind of thread about nerfs and buffs. I really don't get it and it is really frustrating and annoying. I know some people came newly to this site for Injustice and maybe they are not familiar with MK9 and the result of the all around crying and demanding for nerfs and buffs for that game. But it's not only new members. A lot of long time members seem to have forgotten too. Even sadder is that a lot of so-called top players are doing the same thing.
I will give an example of why this is annoying because it could lead to a specific problem. It could lead to unfair nerfs and unwarranted buffs.
Everybody need just look at the first EVO for MK9 which Perfect Legend won. PL fought REO's Mileena in the grand finals and everybody who saw the grand finals I think would remember the 24 low hat comeback. The 24 low hat was good but nowhere overpowered. Kung Lao also had the spin with pushback which great players like Tom Brady could dash and punish while others still couldn't seem to do at that time. After that first MK EVO I remember a lot of people starting using Kung Lao especially online. We all know how the online is for MK9. People all over the world started crying just like a lot are doing now for Injustice about buffs and nerfs. Scrubs and so-called top players alike. They got their wish. Kung Lao was unfairly nerfed and many other characters went under the radar and we now know in what beasts they turned out to be.
By now some of you might be saying "what is this guy talking about? Unfairly nerfed GTFOH!". I will explain my statement. Look at the second EVO. Perfect Legend came back and won it again. He won without 24 low hat and without the spin+pushback. He won it with an unfairly nerfed Kung Lao. I wonder if people see something there. In my opinion, by the time of the second EVO for MK9 people still didn't know how to fight Kung Lao. Even with his nerfs Perfect Legend still bodied his opposition.
I truly believe to this day that Perfect Legend didn't win because Kung Lao was too good. Kung Lao was good indeed but not in any way a Kabal or Kenshi good. This can easily be seen by the success rate of other players using Kung Lao. and I mean solely using Kung Lao. CDjr did good with him for a while but CDjr is a great player that can do well with any character he chooses.
Some of you might not believe me or maybe your ego's will make you deny my following statement. Perfect Legend won those two EVO'S for MK9 because he knew and played the game better than all of us. He outplayed all of us (MKC). He was on a higher level than most of the MKC. Many people just panicked and cowered at his Kung Lao. People where terrified of the teleport late/instant 3, his dashing in hitting buttons etc and many people didn't do shit to punish him. Nobody abused the fact that Kung Lao had no mid hitting starting normal and could only jail you with his most useful strings after a jump in punch.
That was the past. I kindly request everybody to go look at the old EVO footage and think for yourselves how different the outcome of those matches would be if it happened right now. Think even which characters would be used (by you) now. Which characters would most likely be used now in the finals.
Maybe this is a rant by a nobody (as I'm sure some of you might be thinking this) but let me assure you I can play both these games and I know what I'm talking about. As a reminder and an example look what happened with the same Perfect Legend when a unknown beat him a VXG. He got beaten cause by that time people knew how to blow up Kung Lao, not taking away that GROSS is a real good player too. At this moment most of you know how to blow him (Kung Lao) up too. Everybody knows how to punish all his stuff and how to exploit his weaknesses. He is still good but I'm sure you guys would blow up the old Kung Lao too.
That is why Kung Lao was unfairly nerfed. By now at the current level of the majority of the MKC every decent player could blow up the old Kung Lao just the same as if he was the nerfed one.
All of this was just one example. With time people will level up. I takes time to learn match ups. It takes time to learn how to punish properly. Some people are really talented and learn the in's and out's of a game fairly quickly while others have to grind it out. I belong to the latter part sadly.
I beg everybody to please stop wasting everybody's time with the crying for buffs and nerfs for Injustice. Just play the game. Explore it. I'm sure many things have to be found out before anything that is truly overpowered and can not be countered in any way needs to be patched. The block infinites, inescapable resets and truly things that have no counter to stop it or beat it I agree should go. Leave the rest alone. Let the game develop. As time goes by we will know what are the best strategies and tactics to use. We will lear how to punish properly. People and myself included should just level up. That is the nature of all fighting games. At first everything is hard. As time goes by everything becomes easy. MK still has fucked up things but we still play it. We have adapted. Lets not ruin the Injustice characters with stupid nerfs and buffs and let's just explore, learn and adapt to the game and it's mechanics etc.
Till here my post. I hope you guys enjoy this read and feel free to blow me up or whatever. What I wrote here is a proven phenomenom. It takes time to master a fighting game. It takes time to master anything really. People consistently hit one frame links in other games and here we are crying about timing wake up attacks and many other stuff too. It just takes some time.
Every day that I come on this site I see some kind of thread about nerfs and buffs. I really don't get it and it is really frustrating and annoying. I know some people came newly to this site for Injustice and maybe they are not familiar with MK9 and the result of the all around crying and demanding for nerfs and buffs for that game. But it's not only new members. A lot of long time members seem to have forgotten too. Even sadder is that a lot of so-called top players are doing the same thing.
I will give an example of why this is annoying because it could lead to a specific problem. It could lead to unfair nerfs and unwarranted buffs.
Everybody need just look at the first EVO for MK9 which Perfect Legend won. PL fought REO's Mileena in the grand finals and everybody who saw the grand finals I think would remember the 24 low hat comeback. The 24 low hat was good but nowhere overpowered. Kung Lao also had the spin with pushback which great players like Tom Brady could dash and punish while others still couldn't seem to do at that time. After that first MK EVO I remember a lot of people starting using Kung Lao especially online. We all know how the online is for MK9. People all over the world started crying just like a lot are doing now for Injustice about buffs and nerfs. Scrubs and so-called top players alike. They got their wish. Kung Lao was unfairly nerfed and many other characters went under the radar and we now know in what beasts they turned out to be.
By now some of you might be saying "what is this guy talking about? Unfairly nerfed GTFOH!". I will explain my statement. Look at the second EVO. Perfect Legend came back and won it again. He won without 24 low hat and without the spin+pushback. He won it with an unfairly nerfed Kung Lao. I wonder if people see something there. In my opinion, by the time of the second EVO for MK9 people still didn't know how to fight Kung Lao. Even with his nerfs Perfect Legend still bodied his opposition.
I truly believe to this day that Perfect Legend didn't win because Kung Lao was too good. Kung Lao was good indeed but not in any way a Kabal or Kenshi good. This can easily be seen by the success rate of other players using Kung Lao. and I mean solely using Kung Lao. CDjr did good with him for a while but CDjr is a great player that can do well with any character he chooses.
Some of you might not believe me or maybe your ego's will make you deny my following statement. Perfect Legend won those two EVO'S for MK9 because he knew and played the game better than all of us. He outplayed all of us (MKC). He was on a higher level than most of the MKC. Many people just panicked and cowered at his Kung Lao. People where terrified of the teleport late/instant 3, his dashing in hitting buttons etc and many people didn't do shit to punish him. Nobody abused the fact that Kung Lao had no mid hitting starting normal and could only jail you with his most useful strings after a jump in punch.
That was the past. I kindly request everybody to go look at the old EVO footage and think for yourselves how different the outcome of those matches would be if it happened right now. Think even which characters would be used (by you) now. Which characters would most likely be used now in the finals.
Maybe this is a rant by a nobody (as I'm sure some of you might be thinking this) but let me assure you I can play both these games and I know what I'm talking about. As a reminder and an example look what happened with the same Perfect Legend when a unknown beat him a VXG. He got beaten cause by that time people knew how to blow up Kung Lao, not taking away that GROSS is a real good player too. At this moment most of you know how to blow him (Kung Lao) up too. Everybody knows how to punish all his stuff and how to exploit his weaknesses. He is still good but I'm sure you guys would blow up the old Kung Lao too.
That is why Kung Lao was unfairly nerfed. By now at the current level of the majority of the MKC every decent player could blow up the old Kung Lao just the same as if he was the nerfed one.
All of this was just one example. With time people will level up. I takes time to learn match ups. It takes time to learn how to punish properly. Some people are really talented and learn the in's and out's of a game fairly quickly while others have to grind it out. I belong to the latter part sadly.
I beg everybody to please stop wasting everybody's time with the crying for buffs and nerfs for Injustice. Just play the game. Explore it. I'm sure many things have to be found out before anything that is truly overpowered and can not be countered in any way needs to be patched. The block infinites, inescapable resets and truly things that have no counter to stop it or beat it I agree should go. Leave the rest alone. Let the game develop. As time goes by we will know what are the best strategies and tactics to use. We will lear how to punish properly. People and myself included should just level up. That is the nature of all fighting games. At first everything is hard. As time goes by everything becomes easy. MK still has fucked up things but we still play it. We have adapted. Lets not ruin the Injustice characters with stupid nerfs and buffs and let's just explore, learn and adapt to the game and it's mechanics etc.
Till here my post. I hope you guys enjoy this read and feel free to blow me up or whatever. What I wrote here is a proven phenomenom. It takes time to master a fighting game. It takes time to master anything really. People consistently hit one frame links in other games and here we are crying about timing wake up attacks and many other stuff too. It just takes some time.