Plenty of people have had issues with frame rate and subsequent input drops on PS3, myself included. It's not some made up console fanboy bullshit, it's real and it can potentially be a serious issue. On my PS3 it's only regularly occurred on the stage with the sun in the background, but last week at a tournament during winners literally every stage we tried lagged at random points. That was on an old PS3, but mine is fairly new and it's a recent model. The frame drops aren't particularly consistent, which is a problem in and of itself. The only issue is other games being standard on PS3 for whatever reason, and many people want that changed in the case of MvC3. ArcSys stuff tends to run fine on both consoles with minimal differences, same with SF4. The only reason PS3 should ever be considered is if it's what TOs have. It's all well and good that many of you haven't experienced this bullshit, but I'd like to see how many of you still prefer PS3 if suddenly a simple string doesn't come out at random points during a tournament. Shouldn't matter how rare or infrequent it is, the fact that it can come up at all is a serious issue that NRS needs to look into.
Amadeous How many Europeans are going to travel to the US for Injustice? How many Japanese?