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You gotta be more specific dude. Telling us you have a losing record only tells us that your losing, not why your losing or what your losing to.
im 22-73 in player matches 0-2 in rank matches. I seriously need help ne1
do what every other player on the internet does. smoke balls teleport. smoke balls teleport, smoke balls teleport, smoke balls teleport, smoke balls teleport, and so on and so forth. no im kiddinng thats the most annoying thing ever.


do what every other player on the internet does. smoke balls teleport. smoke balls teleport, smoke balls teleport, smoke balls teleport, smoke balls teleport, and so on and so forth. no im kiddinng thats the most annoying thing ever.
or smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls, smoke balls until one hits :top:


Play someone who can tear you apart trust me you will get better in no time! You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent!


Shame you don't play on PSN.

Playing vs me would give you some confidence. I'm something like 4-40 so chances are you'd beat me 10 times before I win once.


Dojo Trainee
i think i have the worst record of anybody with a considerable amount of matches. last time i remember i was like 4-94. something close to that.
I started out in the same boat, mostly because I was (and still am) new to the game and getting waxed by what most would consider "cheap" moves. I just spent a lot of time in training mode learning the characters movesets and trial and error online. Eventually I started winning more. A big thing for me is the difference the lag makes online, so its frustrating to know the whole time you spent in training was worthless because none of it translates over to online with how the netcode is currently.

So in short, like others previously posted practice & don't be afraid to keep playing. Challenge everyone (you pretty much have to if you want to play because everyone denies you or won't play tag)

If you ever need someone to play against my gamertag is The Maktastik.
Best advice I can say is pick 1 character, stick with him/her. Download Tom Brady's guide for the character and learn the ins and outs. next, find a sparring parter (practice partner) and play private matches with them to learn different match ups and situations on when to attack, defend, use certain moves etc. Finally take your player online and play the people with decent records.(people who are bad will not get you any better). remember online record doesnt mean anything esp with lag.. But if you just play, it will get you better. Hope this helped
Shame you don't play on PSN.

Playing vs me would give you some confidence. I'm something like 4-40 so chances are you'd beat me 10 times before I win once.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously tho, Whoever you use/like, when you loose, do NOT switch characters. The only way you can get better in high level play is to stick with the character you really want to learn. This MK is unlike alot of MKs, you cannot character jump. Giveus more info and we can and WILL help you. You came to the right site bro.