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Question Batman best strings/ mixup tools?

What is batman's best option for applying overhead pressure? Im guessing b2-3? (The second hit is an overhead). Im a batman main myself, ive been learning and playing him since i got the game on release =). I love his speed and how safe he is on most of his strings, however imo he seems to be lacking fast overheads compared to other rushdown based characters like nightwing and killer frost? Your really not safe from either of them no matter if your blocking High or low. whereas it looks like once people start to learn batmans move strings better he might end up with a weaker overhead game. as long as you block the first hit low, stand block after, your fairly safe =p. On the plus side you can cancel those strings into a 50/50 because you can cancel any of em into the slide for a low hit instead of the overhead. I am by no means calling batman weak, I would just like to hear your recommendations for what his best overhead is =).


After a knockdown, Batman has a sweet 50/50 mixup with his b1 (low) and f3 (overhead). That is why a lot of the other threads talk about ending combos with the sky grapple for a hard knockdown. b23 is the probably the most used combo ender since it does the most damage, but it leaves batman far from the opponent making it harder to mix them up without your bats out.

You can also do the 113 string and the third hit is an overhead but yeah like you said they can just stand block and that string can be interrupted. But you can still catch people slipping with it occasionally.

Also once you start getting more advanced you can even start cancelling strings into your trait that will give you frame advantage and you can move into even more high/low/cross-up mixups from there. There is a thread on this also so start reading! Hope this helps!

Edit: Also forgot to mention that b112 starts from a low and ends in an overhead too. Doesn't lead to anything but it's something to point out.
Thanks. I wasnt aware of being able to cancel certain strings into the bats. My favorite ones so far are f2 and b11 cancel into trait. They seem to give a pretty big advantage on block =). My only issue that I dont like about batman right now is his overheads. I play my friend in this locally about 3 times a week, and hes pretty darn good lol. When i use batman, he can react to the f3 and the jumping overheads, leaving him pretty much safe as long as he crouch blocks, also crouch jab seems to beat out alot of batmans strings ><. Im having trouble applying decent pressure so far with him, but im sticking with him. My secondary nightwing, I can pretty much destroy him with lol. Your not safe from him standing or crouching, hes got 8 frame overheads and 12 frame sweeps and low pokes, both which lead to big damage combos =p. Am i playing batman wrong? He does seem to have better defensive tools though. Gotta love that parry. Only other disadvantage he seems to have is all of his high attacks mixed in with his combos. I gotta stick more to f3, b1, and the b2 strings. others whiff and get punished during certain parts of the string ><


Remember to also utilize throws in your game. They can be very useful in throwing your opponents reactions off-rhythm. Batman players are going to have to use lots of mind games when mixing up their opponents. Conditioning your opponent to tech throws or block low or block high can lead to easy opportunities. You should really only be using f3 as a meaty on wakeup. Much harder to react to and will give you a huge advantage on block. If you have bats out, you can do the 113 overhead string and if you think he will just mash crouch jab, release the bats after the 11 and you get a free combo. If he's just crouch block into stand blocking, you can use the 123 string that ends with a low and is only -5 on block.

Hope this helps! Batman is by no means broken and he will take a lot of work once people start figuring him out. However, I think he is super solid and easily one of the best characters in the game.
Thanks =). Also something else I realized is that it seems his b112 (the overhead) is a hard knockdown, kinda like the sky grapple. Sometimes it may be better to end a combo with that and it leaves you literally right next to the opponent with a small amount of recovery time, enough to go for some type of 50/50 mixup. Batman also seems to have a lot of high's in his combos, minus the b112-3, b23, and f23 strings i noticed. I only use his 223 combo after a sucessful hit confirm from an air 2. his 113 and 123 also start with a high. Do you think thats gonna be much of an issue once people start realizing theres alot of highs that can be interrupted? I try and stick to the b11 string as my main pressure tool, and alot of times if I think they are gonna start off low blocking then block high, i cancel it into slide. I feel the same way and think batman is a solid character, im just looking for some workarounds on some of the strings =p. If you play the AI on very hard in training, it showed me all the strings he has that can be interupted in some way xD.

Reptile Orion

A Fire Will Rise.
I've been running into that same issue. My combos are constantly being interrupted. My only solution so far is to mix things up with Stay Down, 122 combo, back 112, back 113 and 123 combo. It helps to constantly apply pressure and take a rushdown mentally. After one match I ended up receiving a rage email :mad: from a fellow player about spamming the same moves over and over again. My response: "I'm going to keep doing it until you prove you can stop it." :rolleyes:. The joy of XBL roid rages. :D
yeah i noticed that works to. if your doing a 11 string and you think they are gonna try and poke you out of it, you can always do 112 instead of 113, they will eat the last punch and get comboed if you have meter. Also the sugestion that dust posted about using the bats in the 113 is good. they either try and interrupt and eat the combo, or they get pushed back and we get advantage on block =D. 123 is also a great combo. But like i said its issue is it starts high. therefore a crouch jab happy person is gonna poke you out of your combo, and theres really not a whole lot of reason to not be crouch blocking batman. His overheads are kind of slow. the 1 in 123 is a 6 frame start up though, so its a REALLY good punisher that can lead to 40%+ damage if you have a bar, even more with bats out. I try to avoid 223 and 113 as much as possible though. i use 223 if i can hit confirm a jump in as it leads to big damage. I prefer to use b112 as my overhead pressure though. it conditions alot of people to start stand blocking after the first hit, at which point you cancel into slide and it starts to screw with their brain xD. His only combos with no high in them iirc are b23, f23, and the b11 strings. b1 starts at 9 frames also, so its not bad, but a crouch jab happy person will also win that war ><. Ive been using alot of f2 recently and it seems to catch alot of jab spammers off guard cause its got tremendous range, can also be trait cancelled to for safety =D, but i dont think it gives you advantage.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
If your opponent knows how to block your strings then I really only like to mix up people off an ex batarang from the 112 string or on wakeup; F3 or B113 in both situations


Goro Lives 
After a knockdown, Batman has a sweet 50/50 mixup with his b1 (low) and f3 (overhead). That is why a lot of the other threads talk about ending combos with the sky grapple for a hard knockdown. b23 is the probably the most used combo ender since it does the most damage, but it leaves batman far from the opponent making it harder to mix them up without your bats out.

You can also do the 113 string and the third hit is an overhead but yeah like you said they can just stand block and that string can be interrupted. But you can still catch people slipping with it occasionally.

Also once you start getting more advanced you can even start cancelling strings into your trait that will give you frame advantage and you can move into even more high/low/cross-up mixups from there. There is a thread on this also so start reading! Hope this helps!

Edit: Also forgot to mention that b112 starts from a low and ends in an overhead too. Doesn't lead to anything but it's something to point out.
I knew I wasn't alone in using Sky Grapple to create an oki - mixup window. :)


strongest mixup ive found is in the corner after a B113 walk forward F3 is a crosses up 50/50 or you can dash once then neutral jump into J2 or do a late glide 2 into a crossup


Goro Lives 
Could you share the combos you 're using?
Sure. All of these are midscreen, in the corner I'm still using the BnBs with B+2 3 as ender.


(J2) 1 2 3, J2, 2 2 xx Sky Grapple - (30%) 25%
(J2) B+1 1 3, 1 2 3, B+2 xx Sky Grapple - (29%) 24%
(J2) 2 2 3, B+3, J3, B+2 xx Sky Grapple - (36%) 32%

1 Bar of Meter

(J2) 1 2 3, B+2 xx Sky Grapple [MB], B+3, J2, B+2 xx Sky Grapple - (39%) 36% - You end in the same side you started
(J2) B+1 1 3, 2 2 xx Sky Grapple [MB], B+3, J2, Sky Grapple - (34%) 30% - You end in the same side you started
(J2) 1 2 3, B+2 xx Sky Grapple [MB], B+3, dash under, 1 1 xx Sky Grapple - (36%) 33% - You switch sides
(J2) B+1 1 3, 2 2 xx Sky Grapple [MB], B+3, dash under, 1 1 xx Sky Grapple - (33%) 29% - You switch sides
(J2) 2 2 3, B+3, J3, B+2 xx Sky Grapple [MB], dash, B+2 xx Sky Grapple - (40%) 36% - You end in the same side you started
Just remember to keep applying pressure. After any combo I end in b 2+3 which is almost all my combos I always dash up right into my opponents. I try to bait a wake up attack and punish or start the b11 non sense while mixing in throws if I need too. You can't block batman forever when he's rushing u Down.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Yes always rush down after a knock down. U dont want to get rid of that pressure. Edpecially against strong zoners
What do you follow up the rushdown with? Batman's mix up game always seems to come late for me where most of them hit overhead at the end of the string.


Black lantern
What do you follow up the rushdown with? Batman's mix up game always seems to come late for me where most of them hit overhead at the end of the string.
I like to do b23 pressure if i trained my opponent to block low or after a knockdown (b23 dash b23 ) then from here you can either do b11 into full combo or neutral jump 2 to full combo. Or if i know they are gonna mash wake up special i counter with parry ( move dependent .. Works great against flash special moves for example)
Yep I pressure like hell with b2+3. If u are able to use ur trait do b11 trait and u have a free mixup. Jump 2 b11 grab or 113 is what I do.

Epoch Masamune

The North never forgets
I usually just concentrate on doing the b23,112,b11, b112, b113,123 strings. I do the 113 and 223 strings very seldomly because either it won't hit becuase they know to how to block Batmans strings or they interrupt the string because they know how to deal with Batmans strings. I like switching off with the b11 strings and the 123 string for high/low head games. You condition the opponent to block high and hit with lows and vice versa.

Epoch Masamune

The North never forgets
Does anyone here not use the 123 string much as it can be so easily crouch poked out of(in the begining) and blocked? It seems very slow and easily avoided, I strictly just use it now just to connect my air confirms,b23, and strings when in the corner.

Adam Todd

Does anyone here not use the 123 string much as it can be so easily crouch poked out of(in the begining) and blocked? It seems very slow and easily avoided, I strictly just use it now just to connect my air confirms,b23, and strings when in the corner.
I stopped using it since most people block it now, unless I hitconfirm a j.2 then I usually go for 123 if I have the meter. I'm beginning to think Batman's mixups aren't as strong as the other members of the cast. A lot of these other characters have safe strings which end in 50/50s, but Batman feels more limited except after a knockdown.

Epoch Masamune

The North never forgets
I stopped using it since most people block it now, unless I hitconfirm a j.2 then I usually go for 123 if I have the meter. I'm beginning to think Batman's mixups aren't as strong as the other members of the cast. A lot of these other characters have safe strings which end in 50/50s, but Batman feels more limited except after a knockdown.
Yup my feelings exactly, I actually watched many of Reo's matches with him using Batman to see what strings he uses and he only uses it when confirming off of an air to air or off of a b23. When I get a Ji2 confirm I usually go for a 223 combo becuase its so easy. Batman's strength is def his b23 pressure, bats, his J2 air to air, and zoning with his batarangs and mb batarangs.


Hey guys long time lurker at the forums :p Any comments about his 122 combo string AKA "Tricky bat" ? Personally I love the whole animation of it but I know that its very unsafe on block and it has a lot of recovery frames. Do you think that this string has any usage at all ? other than looking cool ?


Hey guys long time lurker at the forums :p Any comments about his 122 combo string AKA "Tricky bat" ? Personally I love the whole animation of it but I know that its very unsafe on block and it has a lot of recovery frames. Do you think that this string has any usage at all ? other than looking cool ?
So far I've found it useless.


Ex Shadow Kick
I think Batman's B3 is great as a footsie tool, i mean its pretty slow but at max range its great. Its +12 on block so you get a great counter hit setup with F2 and hit confirm that into MB Grapple, if they block the F2 you're at +1 so its safe. Sometimes i do (B3, F2 B11xxTrait) for pressure.