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Greetings from the land of Oz


Hello TYM, my names OzPsych0 and I've just started playing the new Mortal Kombat, I'm on pretty much everyday and most of the night (depending on what times the wife let's me play) and I'm doing all I can to improve in all areas of my game.

I'm always up for a game, PSN is what I play on and my PSN tag is OzPsych0 << last character being the number zero. I look forward to talking to you guys as I gradually improve.

Ze Dingo

D4->F2 = unblockable. Ice Clone = unpunishable.
Welcome. Latency permitting, hit me up on PSN sometime - dingodile_r89


Blue Blurs for Life!
Glad you're enjoying MK9. Welcome and don't be afraid to ask questions, because in spite of the overwhelming hype for Injustice...there are those of us who support the MK franchise as always.


Thanks for the welcome GamerBlake, and to be honest Dingo I don't really have a main yet, as I'm still pretty new to the game. That being said I like four characters so far, Raiden, Sub Zero, Kabal and Scorpion and I am trying to learn their combos.

As for Injustice, I'm holding out on getting it for a while as I literally just bought MK9 two days ago lol

Ze Dingo

D4->F2 = unblockable. Ice Clone = unpunishable.
Thanks for the welcome GamerBlake, and to be honest Dingo I don't really have a main yet, as I'm still pretty new to the game. That being said I like four characters so far, Raiden, Sub Zero, Kabal and Scorpion and I am trying to learn their combos.

As for Injustice, I'm holding out on getting it for a while as I literally just bought MK9 two days ago lol
A fellow Subby and Scropion player, brilliant. Pay no attention to what the fools say about tier lists, Sub and Scorpion are 1337. And ew, Raiden, I hate that bastard. Happy gaming, hope to see you on some time. Time difference will probably be a bitch, tho


I've never paid much heed to tier lists to tell you the truth whether it be in Street Fighter or here, I usually just find my niche with a character then work my butt off trying to perfect said character