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Guide Archery's A Hobby - Green Arrow Living Combo Thread


Hey fellow archers, this is the new Green Arrow combo thread. We are on our way to build an ultimate archives covering every possible ingame situation to think of. Post your new found stuff here to support GA on his way to victory. Your thoughts on the already found tech are also welcome and feel free to point out mistakes, too. And last but not least: Have fun reading:)
BNB Combos - the highest damaging combos for each situation
Combo Archives - all available combos
Test Section - combos that have to be tested for damage
About the combos
The combos are sorted by combo starters and are ranked in damage from high to low. Each starter is subdivided into the following sections:​
- No Arrows, no meter​
- Special Arrows, no meter​
- Special Arrows, meter​
shaowebb said:
MOD NOTE: If you add a combo please type shaowebb somewhere in your post and I will make certain it gets added to this first page's list so your combo doesn't get buried. Either that or ask Erazor to do it for you. Either way I wanna make certain stuff doesn't get lost this time around

1 = Light
2 = Medium
3 = Hard
4 = Trait
:ex/MB = Meter Burn version of a move
~ = Special Cancel
> = Dash
, = do not dash. Hold still and time strings properly.
(input in parenthesis) = whiff this move on purpose/opponent blocks the starter string
BNB Combos
This post only contains BNB's. For all existing combos check the next one.​
Midscreen Combos
113, ji2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 30% (press j2 as soon as your opponent is vertical)

113~electric arrow, b3, j3, 33~Stinger =35%

113, j2,11~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 32% (last hit doesn't connect)

f2d13, >, 223~Hurricane Bow = 28%

f2d13~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, j2, 111~Load Arrow = 31%
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, j3, 33~Stinger = 31%

f2d13, electric Arrow, >, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27%

b23~load arrow = 14%/19%

Ice Arrow, b3, >, 3~Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 28% (Sky Alert inputs reversed)
Ice Arrow, j2, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27%
Ice Arrow, j1, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 26% (much more consistent)
Ice Arrow, b3, j3, j2, 111~Load Arrow = 25%
Ice Arrow, b3, j3, j1, 111~Load Arrow =24%
Ice Arrow, b3, >, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 24% (wait a little before Sky Alert)
Ice Arrow, b3, >, 3~Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 24% (Sky Alert inputs reversed)

low fire arrow, d1~hurricane bow = 15-19%

Sky Alert, 33~Slide = 24%

D2, B3, j3, 22~Ice Arrow, reload Ice Arrow, Super(Reset)/j3, 22 freeze, b3, j3, 22~Stinger = 20%/53%

AA 3~Arrow, Stinger = 12% (If the Stinger whiffs you'll still be at advantage)
AA 3~Ice Arrow, b3, j2, 33~Stinger = 26%

AA 1, 111~Stinger = 20%
AA 1~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 33~Stinger = 26%
AA 1, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j2, 11~Stinger = 26 %

d2~Up Shock Arrow, j2, 22~Hurricane Bow = 20%

j3, 223~Hurricane Bow = 30%
j3, 223~Stinger = 28%/:ex 34%
j3, Dead on = 20%/:ex 34%

j3, 22~Ice Arrow, walk forward, b3, j3, b23~Load Arrow = 34%
j3, 22~Ice Arrow, walk forward, b3, j3, 111~Load Arrow = 34%

j3, 11~bb/db MB, j3, 1~Low Ice Arrow, j2, 223~ Load Arrow = 40%
j3, 11~bb/db MB, j3, 1~Low Ice Arrow, j2, 33~ Load Arrow = 40%
j3, 22~Ice Arrow, >, 3~:exSky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 39%

b3, dash, 3~Sky Alert(the input actually needs to be reversed so you're technically doing df instead of down back) 3~Sky alert(again reversed), 22~hurricane bow = 38%
b3, j3, j2, 111~Stinger=36%

J3, 223, Hurricane Bow = 30%

Corner Combos:
b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~hurricane bow = 44%/47%

b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, (buffer)b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 47%/50%

Replacement for Killerfrost, Catwoman, Hawkgirl, Raven because B2~Up Haven Blast doesn't work:
b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, f2d13, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 44%/47%
b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, f2d13, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 42%/45%

Stinger, 11, 11, 111~Hurricane Bow = 32%

Stinger, d1~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Stinger = 43%
Stinger, d1~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 39%
Stinger, d1~Ice Arrow, j2, f2d13, 111~Hurricane Bow = 32% (vs Killer Frost/Raven/Hawkgirl/Catwoman)

b13~Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 33%/37%

b13~Electric Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 35%/39%

113~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 41%/44%
113~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 38%/40%

f2d13, b23~Sky Alert ,b23~Hurricane Bow = ca. 40%
f2d13, 111 , Sky Alert - 111~Hurricane Bow = 40% (much easier)
f2d13~Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 36%/39%

f2d13, b23~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Hurricane Bow = 42%/45%

f2d13~Electric Arrow, d2, nj2, 223~Hurricane Bow =
f2d13~Electric Arrow, 33~Electric Arrow, 22~Hurricane Bow = ca 35%

j3, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 42%

j3, b23~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~Up Haven Blast, b23~Hurricane Bow = 46%

f3, 3, db1, 3~Sky Alert, 33~Hurricane Bow = 37%

f3, 3~Sky Alert, 3~Sky Alert, 33~low Ice Arrow, 33~Hurricane Bow = 39%
f3, 3~Sky Alert, 3~Sky Alert, 33~low Ice Arrow, 111 bb MB (stage transition) = 45%

Low Fire Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 42%

Never use Ice Arrow to get the b3, the down scaling is to high.

113~ SUPER, B3, Ice Arrow, 33~Hurricane Bow = 46-48%
113~Super~Ice Arrow~B3, J2, Hurricane Bow = 17 Hits, 43% damage (without ice 45%)

F2D13~Super, b3, j3, 33~Stinger = 54%
F2D13~Super~Ice Arrow~B3, J2, Hurricane Bow =17 Hits, 46% damage

113~Shock Arrow, b3, Jump In 3, 223~SUPER, b3, Jump In 3, b2~df1 = 85%
113, j2, 22~Ice Arrow, J1, 111 super, b3, J3, 22~bowspin -=78% (27/51)
113~Ice Arrow, Load Ice Arrow, Super, j3, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 11~Slide = 74% (19%/55%)
113, dash, 22~Ice arrow, j2, 111~Super, b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 29% + 28% = 57%

111~Super~Ice Arrow~B3, Hurricane Bow = 13% + 54%

f2d13~Ice Arrow, j1, 111~ Super, b3, j3, 111~Load Arrow = 51%
f2d13~Ice Arrow, j1, 111~ Super, b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 51%

f3 - d2xxdb4 - 1 - 111xx4 - jump back Super - b3 - dash - d2xxdb4 - 1xx4 - j2 - 33xxdb4 (damage to be tested)

b3, >, d2, Load Ice Arrow, d1~Ice Arrow, Load Ice Arrow, Super, b3, d2~Ice Arrow, j1, 33~Hurricane Bow = 70% (16%/54%)

j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~sky alert, 11~low freeze, backdash, super, b3, j2, j2, 111~hurricane bow = 93% (37% + 56%)
j2, b23~low freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~sky alert, 11~ Super Reset, b3, j3, 22~Slide = 92%


Combo Archives
Contains all combos found so far. Check here if you are looking for ideas or if you want to see whether your stuff is already tested or not.

Midscreen Combos
113, ji2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 30% (press j2 as soon as your opponent is vertical)
113, >, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27% (Dash as soon as GA's boot connects)
113, j2,11~Hurricane Bow = 25%
113, j2, 11~freeze, j2, b2~arrow = 25%

113~electric arrow, b3, j3, 33~Stinger =35%
113~electric arrow, b3, j3, b2~Hurricane Bow = 34%
113~electric arrow, b3, j3, b23~Load Arrow = 33%
113~electric arrow, b3, j3, 33~Load Arrow = 33%
113~electric arrow, b3, j3, 11~Stinger = 32%/:ex 36%
113~electric arrow, >, 223~Hurricane Bow = 29%
113~Electric Arrow, b3, >, d2~Load Ice Arrow, d1~Ice Arrow = 25%

113, j2,11~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 32% (last hit doesn't connect)
113, j2, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 11~Stinger = 32%
113, j2, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j2, 11~Stinger = 31%/34%
113, dash, 11~Ice arrow, b3, j2, 11~Hurricane Bow = 30%
113~Ice Arrow, b3, dash, 3~Sky Alert (reverses positions), 223~Load Arrow = 29%
113~Ice Arrow, b3, dash, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 22~Hurricane Bow =28% (31-32%)
113~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 3~Hurricane Bow = 28%
113, j2, 11~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~Arrow = 25%

113, bb R2, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 32%
113, bb R2, j3, 22, Ice Arrow, ji2, f2d1~Hurricane Bow = ca. 36%
113~:ex Up Haven Blast, >, :ex Stinger, Load Arrow 31% (Unpunishable by 10 frame wakeup)
113, j2,11~:ex Stinger = 28%
113~:ex Up Haven Blast, >, Stinger, Load Arrow = 26% (Unpunishable by 10 frame wakeup)
113~:ex Up Haven Blast, Low Electric Arrow, Load Arrow = 24% (Unpunishable by 10 frame wakeup)

f2d13, Dash, 223~Hurricane Bow = 28%
f2d13, Dash, 111~Stinger = 26%/30%
f2d13, d1~Hurricane Bow = 19%/25%

f2d13~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, j2, 111~Load Arrow = 31%
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, j3, 33~Stinger = 31%
f2d13, >, 22~Ice Arrow, b3, jp 3, b2~Hurricane Bow = 31%
f2d13~Ice Arrow, b3, >, 3~Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 30 %
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, j3, b23~Load Arrow = 28%
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, :ex Up Haven Blast, Low Arrow = 8 hits, 25% damage
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, :ex Stinger = 7 hits, 25% damage.
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, J2, Hurricane Bow = 11 hits, 25% damage.
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, :ex Savage Blast = 7 hits, 24% damage
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, >, d2~db4, 223 = 24% (inputs of db4 are reversed)

f2d13, electric Arrow, >, 223~Hurricane Bow = 30%

b23~load arrow = 14%/19%

B2~:ex Savage Blast, Load Arrow = 18% (Unpunishable by 10 frame wakeup)

Ice Arrow, b3, >, 3~Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 28% (Sky Alert inputs reversed)
Ice Arrow, j2, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27%
Ice Arrow, j1, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 26% (much more consistent?)
Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 111~Stinger = 26%
Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 33~Stinger = 25%
Ice Arrow, b3, j3, j2, 111~Load Arrow = 25%
Ice Arrow, b3, j3, j1, 111~Load Arrow =24%
Ice Arrow, b3, >, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 24% (wait a little before Sky Alert)
Ice Arrow, b3, >, 3~Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 24% (Sky Alert inputs reversed)
Ice Arrow, b3, j2, j2, 223~Load Arrow = 23%
Ice Arrow, j2, 113, j2, 223~Load Arrow = 23%
Ice Arrow, b3, j3, b23~Load Arrow = 23%
Ice Arrow, b3, Sky Alert, d2~db4, 223 = 19% (leaves you in a very good position)
Ice Arrow, b3, d2~db4, 223 = 17% (inputs on db4 are reversed, leaves you in a very good position)

low fire arrow, d1~hurricane bow = 15-19%

Doomsday Anti-Air: Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 22~Hurricane Bow = 29%

Sky Alert, 223~Hurricane Bow = 24%
Sky Alert, 33~Slide = 24%

d2, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 22%

d2, B3, j3, 22~Ice Arrow, reload Ice Arrow, Super(Reset)/j3, 22 freeze, b3, j3, 22~Stinger = 20%/53%

AA 3~Arrow, Stinger = 12% (If the Stinger whiffs you'll still be at advantage)
AA 3~Ice Arrow, b3, j2, 33~Stinger = 26%

AA 1, 111~Stinger = 20%
AA 1~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 33~Stinger = 26%
AA 1, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j2, 11~Stinger = 26 %

d2~Up Shock Arrow, j2, 22~Hurricane Bow = 20%

j3, 223~Hurricane Bow = 30%
j3, 223~Stinger = 28%/:ex 34%
j3, b13~Stinger 28%
j3, 111~Stinger = 28%
j3, b23~Load Arrow = 23%
j3, Dead on = 20%/:ex 34%

j3, 22~Ice Arrow, walk forward, b3, j3, b23~Load Arrow = 34%
j3, 22~Ice Arrow, walk forward, b3, j3, 111~Load Arrow = 34%
j3, 22~Ice Arrow, b3, jump 2, 3~Hurricane Bow = 32%
j3, 11~low Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 11~Stinger = 33%

j3, 11~bb/db MB, j3, 1~Low Ice Arrow, j2, 223~ Load Arrow = 40%
j3, 11~bb/db MB, j3, 1~Low Ice Arrow, j2, 33~ Load Arrow = 40%
j3, 22~Ice Arrow, >, 3~:exSky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 39%
j3, f2d13~:ex Stinger = 31%
j3, 33~:ex Stinger = 32%

j3, f2d1~low Ice Arrow, J,3 (cross up)~:ex Dead-on = 40%

b3, dash, 3~Sky Alert(the input actually needs to be reversed so you're technically doing df instead of down back) 3~Sky alert(again reversed), 22~hurricane bow = 38%
b3, j3, j2, 111~Stinger =36% (j3 a little bit closer to the ground)
b3, J3, J2, 223~Load Arrow = 32% (j3 a little bit closer to the ground)
b3,J3, 111~Stinger = 32%
b3, j3, 33~Stinger = 31%
b3, dash, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 22~Hurricane Bow = 31%
b3, (buffer)Dash, 3~Sky alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 31%
b3, (buffer)Dash, Sky alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 30%
b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 28%

b3, j3, 22~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~Arrow = 29%

b3, ji3, ji2, 11~Low Ice Arrow, >, crossover j3~:ex Dead On = 42%
b3, ji3, ji2, 1~Low Ice Arrow, >, crossover j3~:ex Dead On = 41% (simpler to perform)
b3, ji3, 22~Low Ice Arrow, >, crossover j3~:ex Dead On = 39% (simpler to perform)

J3, 223, Hurricane Bow = 30%

Corner Combos:
b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~hurricane bow = 44%/47%
b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~slide = 43%/45%
b23~Hurricane Bow = 22%/27%
b23~Stinger = 20%/25%
b23~Load Arrow = 14%/19%

b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, (buffer)b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 47%/50%
b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 11~low Ice Arrow, nj2, b23~Stinger = 45%/48%
b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, (buffer)b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Stinger = 45%/47%

Replacement for Killerfrost, Catwoman, Hawkgirl, Raven because B2~Up Haven Blast doesn't work:
b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, f2d13, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 44%/47%
b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, f2d13, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 42%/45%

B23~low Ice Arrow, b3, jump back 3, 33~Hurricane Bow = 37%.

B23~:ex Sky Alert, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 45%/47%

Stinger, 11, 11, 111~Hurricane Bow = 32%
Stinger, 11, 111~Hurricane Bow = 30%
Stinger, 11, 111~Stinger = 28%
Stinger, d1~Hurricane Bow = 18%
Stinger, d1~Savage Blast = 15%
Stinger, d1~Arrow, d1~Load Arrow = 13%

Stinger, d1~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Stinger = 43%
Stinger, d1~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 39%
Stinger, d1~Ice Arrow, j2, f2d13, 111~Hurricane Bow = 32% (vs Killer Frost/Raven/Hawkgirl/Catwoman)

b13~Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 33%/37%
b13~Arrow, b23~Hurricane Bow = 28%

b13~Electric Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 35%/39%

113~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 41%/44%
113~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 38%/40%
113, 11, b23~Hurricane Bow = 29%
113~Up Haven Blast, 113~Hurricane Bow = 29%/33%

113, b23~Sky Alert, b23~:ex Stinger = 40%
113, 11, b23~:ex Stinger = 32%

113~Up Haven Blast, b23~Electric Arrow, 111~Hurricane Bow 40%
113, Electric Arrow, d2, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 32 %

113~Up Haven Blast, b23~Ice Arrow, dash back, j2, b23, Hurricane Bow = 41%
113~Up Haven Blast, b13, Ice Arrow, f2d13~Hurricane Bow - ca. 35%

f2d13, b23~Sky Alert ,b23~Hurricane Bow = ca. 40%
f2d13, 111 , Sky Alert - 111~Hurricane Bow = 40% (much easier)
f2d13~Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Load Arrow = 36%/39%
f2d13, 11, b23~Hurricane Bow = 31 %

f2d13, b23~Sky Alert, b23~:ex Stinger
f2d13, b23~:ex Sky Alert, b23~:ex Stinger
F2D13, 223~:ex Sky Alert, 223 = 37%

f2d13, b23~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Hurricane Bow = 42%/45%
f2d13, b23~low Ice Arrow, b3, jump backwards immediately and j3, 111~Hurricane Bow = 41%

f2d13~Electric Arrow, d2, nj2, 223~Hurricane Bow =
f2d13~Electric Arrow, 33~Electric Arrow, 22~Hurricane Bow = ca 35%

j3, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 42%
j3, b23~Hurricane Bow = 31%

j3, b23~Ice Arrow, j2, b2~Up Haven Blast, b23~Hurricane Bow = 46%

j3, 111~Electric Arrow, 111~Hurricane Bow = 40%-41% (depends on if all hurricane bow hits connect)

j3 ,113~:ex Sky Alert, b23~Hurricane Bow = 38%
j3, b23~ :ex Stinger = 35%

j3, b23~low Ice Arrow, Dash back, j3, b23~:ex Stinger = 46%

f3, 3, db1, 3~Sky Alert, 33~Hurricane Bow = 37%

f3, 3~Sky Alert, 3~Sky Alert, 33~low Ice Arrow, 33~Hurricane Bow = 39%
f3, 3~Sky Alert, 3~Sky Alert, 33~low Ice Arrow, 111 bb MB (stage transition) = 45%

Low Fire Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Stinger = 41%
Low Fire Arrow, 111~Sky Alert, 111~Hurricane Bow = 42%

Never use Ice Arrow to get the b3, the down scaling is to high.

Super, b3, j3, 22~low Ice Arrow, j2, 223~hurricane bow = 57%

113~ SUPER, B3, Ice Arrow, 33~Hurricane Bow = 46-48%
113~Super~Ice Arrow~B3, J2, Hurricane Bow = 17 Hits, 43% damage (without ice 45%)

F2D13~Super, b3, j3, 33~Stinger = 54%
F2D13~Super~Ice Arrow~B3, J2, Hurricane Bow =17 Hits, 46% damage

113~Shock Arrow, b3, Jump In 3, 223~SUPER, b3, Jump In 3, b2~df1 = 85%
113, j2, 22~Ice Arrow, J1, 111 super, b3, J3, 22~bowspin -=78% (27/51)
113~Ice Arrow, Load Ice Arrow, Super, j3, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j3, 11~Slide = 74% (19%/55%)
113, dash, 22~Ice arrow, j2, 111~Super, b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 29% + 28% = 57%

111~Super~Ice Arrow~B3, Hurricane Bow = 13% + 54%

f3 - d2xxdb4 - 1 - 111xx4 - jump back Super - b3 - dash - d2xxdb4 - 1xx4 - j2 - 33xxdb4 (damage to be tested)

B3, J3, 22~ice Arrow, (well timed reload Ice Arrow) 23%, (blockstring)F2D13 (0.30%)~Super, B3, J3, 22~Ice Arrow, J2, 22, Savage Blast~Reload Arrow 53% = 76.30%
b3, >, d2, Load Ice Arrow, d1~Ice Arrow, Load Ice Arrow, Super, b3, d2~Ice Arrow, j1, 33~Hurricane Bow = 70% (16%/54%)

j2, b2~Up heaven blast, 111~Sky Alert, 11~low Ice Arrow , j2, 111~Super, j2, j2, 111~Hurricane Bow (45+56) = 101%
j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~sky alert, 11~low freeze, backdash, super, b3, j2, j2, 111~hurricane bow = 93% (37% + 56%)
j2, b23~low freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~sky alert, 11~ Super Reset, b3, j3, 22~Slide = 92%


Test Section

The combos listed here have been posted without their damage. Feel free to try them out and provide us with the correct numbers.

D1~Ice Arrow, B3, J3, 22, Stinger(MB)
D1~Ice Arrow, B3 J2, J2, 22 Stinger (MB)

D1~background interactible kick, J2, 22 Ice Arrow, J2, 22 Stinger
D1~background interactible kick, J2, 22, Ice Arrow B3, J3, Hurricane Bow

D1~Ice Arrow, J2, 22~(background interactible kick), B3, J3, 22, Stinger (MB)

f2d13~up haven blast, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~hurricane bow (only works on big characters)
f2d1~up haven blast, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, b23~hurricane bow (only works on big characters)


This one's for you
Great stuff man, thanks for doing all this. GamerBlake90 could we maybe sticky this? :D

If this is only going to include bnbs, there's a few things I would personally change. The simpler the better imo. You can take this or leave it, it's completely cool with me :)

113, j2, 11~freeze, j2, b2~arrow = 25%
113~freeze, b3, dash, 3~sky alert (reverses positions), 223~load arrow = 29%

b3, j3, 22~freeze, j2, b2~arrow = 29%

b23~load arrow = 14%/19%
b23~stinger = 20%/25%
b23~hurricane bow = 22%/27%

Stinger, 11, 11, 111~hurricane bow = 32%
Stinger, d1~hurricane bow = 18%
Stinger, d1~arrow, d1~load arrow = 13%
Stinger, d1~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~sky alert, 111~load arrow = 39%
Stinger, d1~freeze, j2, f2d13, 111~hurricane bow = 32% (vs Killer Frost/Raven/Hawkgirl/Catwoman)

f2d13, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~hurricane bow = 42%/45%
f2d13~arrow, 111~sky alert, 111~load arrow = 36%/39%

j3, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, b23~hurricane bow = 46%

113, dash, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27% (Dash as soon as GA's boot connects)
113, j2,11~Hurricane Bow = 25%
113~electric arrow, b3, j3, 11~Stinger = 32% (EX 36%)
113, j2, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j2, 11~slide = 31%/34% (24, 27 with j3)
113, dash, 11~Ice arrow, b3, j2, 11~Hurricane Bow = 30%
113~Ice Arrow, b3, dash, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 22~Hurricane Bow =28% (31-32%)
113, bb R2, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 32%
113, bb R2, j3, 22, ice arrow, ji2, f2d1, df1 ca. 36%
113, j2,11~EX Stinger = 28%

f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, :eh Up Haven Blast, Crouching Arrow = 8 hits, 25% damage
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, Stinger MB = 7 hits, 25% damage.
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, J2, Hurricane Bow = 11 hits, 25% damage.
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, Savage Blast MB = 7 hits, 24% damage.

j3, b13~Stinger 28%
j3, f2d13~EX Stinger = 31%
j3, 33~EX Stinger = 32%
j3, 22~ice arrow, b3, jump 2, 3~Hurricane Bow = 32%
j3, 11~low freeze, b3, j3, 11~slide = 33%

b3, dash, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 22~Hurricane Bow = 31%
B3, (buffer)Dash, Sky alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 30%
b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 28%

B23~low Ice Arrow, b3, jump back 3, 33~Hurricane Bow = 37%.

b13 xx 4 -> b23 xx Hurricane Bow = 28%

113, 11, b23~Hurricane Bow = 29%
113~up haven blast, 113~Hurricane Bow = 29%/33%
113, b23~Sky Alert, b23~EX Stinger = 40%
113, 11, b23~EX Stinger = 32%
113~up haven blast, b23~Electric Arrow, 111~bowspin 40%
113, electric, d2, nj2, 223 xx hurricane bow = 32 %
113~up haven blast, b23~Ice Arrow, dash back, J2, b23, Hurricane Bow = 41%
113~Up Haven Blast, b13, ice arrow, f2d13~Hurricane Bow - ca. 35%

f2d13, 11, b23~Hurricane Bow = 31 %
f2d13, b23~Sky Alert, b23~EX Stinger
f2d13, b23~EX Sky Alert, b23~EX Stinger
F2D13, 223~EX Sky Alert, 223 = 37%
f2d13, b23~low Ice Arrow, b3, jump backwards immediately and j3, 111 xx Hurricane Bow = 41%

j3 ,113~EX Sky Alert, b23~Hurricane Bow = 38%
j3, b23 ~ EX Stinger = 35%
j3, b23~low Ice Arrow, Dash back, j3, b23~EX Stinger = 46%

j3, 223~Stinger = 28%/34%
^Why is there a 34% next to this combo?

j3, 22~Frozen Arrow, b3, j3, b23~Load Arrow = 34 %
^This combo was included twice.

Ice Arrow, j2, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27%
^Maybe make a note that j1, 113 has extremely higher consistency for 1% less damage.

b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, (buffer)b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~hurricane bow = ca. 45%
^Should be 47%/50% if done perfectly.
A lot of the corner combos that I added cause the last hit of hurricane bow to whiff. I was mainly going for max damage, so I'll try to sort that all out soon.

f2d13, 111 , sky alert - 111~hurricane bow = 38% (much easier)
^This combo can do 40%.

Any hurricane bow combos where the last hit whiffs are probably not worth including because you can be punished during its recovery.

Maybe give the notations a little more consitency. Like only use one name for slide/stinger/bf3, and either include j2 damage for all combos or don't include that at all.

Great stuff again man, I know this had to be a ton of work.


Great stuff man, thanks for doing all this. GamerBlake90 could we maybe sticky this? :D

If this is only going to include bnbs, there's a few things I would personally change. The simpler the better imo. You can take this or leave it, it's completely cool with me :)

113, j2, 11~freeze, j2, b2~arrow = 25%
113~freeze, b3, dash, 3~sky alert (reverses positions), 223~load arrow = 29%

b3, j3, 22~freeze, j2, b2~arrow = 29%

b23~load arrow = 14%/19%
b23~stinger = 20%/25%
b23~hurricane bow = 22%/27%

Stinger, 11, 11, 111~hurricane bow = 32%
Stinger, d1~hurricane bow = 18%
Stinger, d1~arrow, d1~load arrow = 13%
Stinger, d1~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~sky alert, 111~load arrow = 39%
Stinger, d1~freeze, j2, f2d13, 111~hurricane bow = 32% (vs Killer Frost/Raven/Hawkgirl/Catwoman)

f2d13, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~hurricane bow = 42%/45%
f2d13~arrow, 111~sky alert, 111~load arrow = 36%/39%

j3, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, b23~hurricane bow = 46%

113, dash, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27% (Dash as soon as GA's boot connects)
113, j2,11~Hurricane Bow = 25%
113~electric arrow, b3, j3, 11~Stinger = 32% (EX 36%)
113, j2, 11~Ice Arrow, b3, j2, 11~slide = 31%/34% (24, 27 with j3)
113, dash, 11~Ice arrow, b3, j2, 11~Hurricane Bow = 30%
113~Ice Arrow, b3, dash, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 22~Hurricane Bow =28% (31-32%)
113, bb R2, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 32%
113, bb R2, j3, 22, ice arrow, ji2, f2d1, df1 ca. 36%
113, j2,11~EX Stinger = 28%

f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, :eh Up Haven Blast, Crouching Arrow = 8 hits, 25% damage
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, Stinger MB = 7 hits, 25% damage.
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, J2, Hurricane Bow = 11 hits, 25% damage.
f2d13~Ice Arrow, B3, Savage Blast MB = 7 hits, 24% damage.

j3, b13~Stinger 28%
j3, f2d13~EX Stinger = 31%
j3, 33~EX Stinger = 32%
j3, 22~ice arrow, b3, jump 2, 3~Hurricane Bow = 32%
j3, 11~low freeze, b3, j3, 11~slide = 33%

b3, dash, Sky Alert, Sky Alert, 22~Hurricane Bow = 31%
B3, (buffer)Dash, Sky alert, Sky Alert, 223~Load Arrow = 30%
b3, j3, 22~Hurricane Bow = 28%

B23~low Ice Arrow, b3, jump back 3, 33~Hurricane Bow = 37%.

b13 xx 4 -> b23 xx Hurricane Bow = 28%

113, 11, b23~Hurricane Bow = 29%
113~up haven blast, 113~Hurricane Bow = 29%/33%
113, b23~Sky Alert, b23~EX Stinger = 40%
113, 11, b23~EX Stinger = 32%
113~up haven blast, b23~Electric Arrow, 111~bowspin 40%
113, electric, d2, nj2, 223 xx hurricane bow = 32 %
113~up haven blast, b23~Ice Arrow, dash back, J2, b23, Hurricane Bow = 41%
113~Up Haven Blast, b13, ice arrow, f2d13~Hurricane Bow - ca. 35%

f2d13, 11, b23~Hurricane Bow = 31 %
f2d13, b23~Sky Alert, b23~EX Stinger
f2d13, b23~EX Sky Alert, b23~EX Stinger
F2D13, 223~EX Sky Alert, 223 = 37%
f2d13, b23~low Ice Arrow, b3, jump backwards immediately and j3, 111 xx Hurricane Bow = 41%

j3 ,113~EX Sky Alert, b23~Hurricane Bow = 38%
j3, b23 ~ EX Stinger = 35%
j3, b23~low Ice Arrow, Dash back, j3, b23~EX Stinger = 46%

j3, 223~Stinger = 28%/34%
^Why is there a 34% next to this combo?

j3, 22~Frozen Arrow, b3, j3, b23~Load Arrow = 34 %
^This combo was included twice.

Ice Arrow, j2, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27%
^Maybe make a note that j1, 113 has extremely higher consistency for 1% less damage.

b23~low Ice Arrow, j2, (buffer)b2~Up Haven Blast, 111~Sky Alert, 111~hurricane bow = ca. 45%
^Should be 47%/50% if done perfectly.
A lot of the corner combos that I added cause the last hit of hurricane bow to whiff. I was mainly going for max damage, so I'll try to sort that all out soon.

f2d13, 111 , sky alert - 111~hurricane bow = 38% (much easier)
^This combo can do 40%.

Any hurricane bow combos where the last hit whiffs are probably not worth including because you can be punished during its recovery.

Maybe give the notations a little more consitency. Like only use one name for slide/stinger/bf3, and either include j2 damage for all combos or don't include that at all.

Great stuff again man, I know this had to be a ton of work.
Glad that you like it. I guess the best solution would be to have the BNB's in the first post and all other possible combos in the second, so everybody can check what has already been explored. As far as the jump ins are concerned, if someone provides me with the numbers, I'll add them. Fixed/added the stuff you posted.

Ice Arrow, j2, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27%
^Maybe make a note that j1, 113 has extremely higher consistency for 1% less damage.
-> Do you mean more consistency in matches? In training mode, I had no trouble to pull it off.

Stinger, 11, 11, 111~hurricane bow = 32%
-> Any tips on the timing? I haven't had any success landing the 11 after the stinger.


This one's for you
Ice Arrow, j2, 113, j2, 223~Hurricane Bow = 27%
^Maybe make a note that j1, 113 has extremely higher consistency for 1% less damage.
-> Do you mean more consistency in matches? In training mode, I had no trouble to pull it off.

Stinger, 11, 11, 111~hurricane bow = 32%
-> Any tips on the timing? I haven't had any success landing the 11 after the stinger.
J2 into 113 has a tendency to whiff almost everytime at practically any spacing against most characters. I think it might be consistent against a couple really big characters like Lex.

The 11 after slide is really difficult and probably not worth it in a match. You have to do it a lot later than you'd expect, just try to watch how your opponent falls to get the timing a little better. Sinestro seems like a good one to practice it against


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Thank you for doing this.

I'd like to ask that if anyone has a combo they add to post Erazor or shaowebb in your post so that either erazor can add it or so that I can go and add it to the list on the first page as soon as I see the notification. That way no matter how busy the boards get we dont miss anything.

Wanna help me optimize a corner combo?
f2d13,stinger, sky alert...
Thing is sky alert doesn't connect on some of the cast in the corner but the MB version does...and does 26 damage on its own even outside of combo. Even meter burned Up Haven Blast only nets 13.65 so I'm trying to use this since the sky alert pushes them up high enough that it might convert into something even with that horrible recovery. If it doesn't then Up Haven Blast may just do something here given that even though its less damage its got really good recovery on it if it can connect to convert easier.

Been wanting to grind and optimize this for awhile now. Main point of this combo is that stinger in the corner if done as part of combo no longer knocks them away it knocks them straight up. They're pretty low though so similar to Wonder Woman shenanigans I'm using another move to pop an airborn foe high enough to convert into more.

The idea is to work in stinger as an option for Queen's Gambit to give it a low follow up to make it even harder to read his corner pressure. If we can find something that combos after sky alert then this is great damage and meter and a low follow up to Queens Gambit in the corner. Im not certain Up Haven Blast will help though because I'm using sky alert to pop them up...if nothing else maybe substitute D2 after Stinger if possible to get them up in the air.


This one's for you
Wanna help me optimize a corner combo?
f2d13,stinger, sky alert...
Thing is sky alert doesn't connect on some of the cast in the corner but the MB version does...and does 26 damage on its own even outside of combo. Even meter burned Up Haven Blast only nets 13.65 so I'm trying to use this since the sky alert pushes them up high enough that it might convert into something even with that horrible recovery. If it doesn't then Up Haven Blast may just do something here given that even though its less damage its got really good recovery on it if it can connect to convert easier.

Been wanting to grind and optimize this for awhile now. Main point of this combo is that stinger in the corner if done as part of combo no longer knocks them away it knocks them straight up. They're pretty low though so similar to Wonder Woman shenanigans I'm using another move to pop an airborn foe high enough to convert into more.

The idea is to work in stinger as an option for Queen's Gambit to give it a low follow up to make it even harder to read his corner pressure. If we can find something that combos after sky alert then this is great damage and meter and a low follow up to Queens Gambit in the corner. Im not certain Up Haven Blast will help though because I'm using sky alert to pop them up...if nothing else maybe substitute D2 after Stinger if possible to get them up in the air.
The sky alert seems way too slow to land by itself after the stinger. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. You could do something like...
f2d13~stinger, 111~sky alert, 111~load arrow = Somewhere around 40%

Personally I wouldn't use f2d13~stinger very much. You don't have an overhead to mix it up with, but you could be using it if you expect the other person to poke out...However they can OS d1 to safely avoid this. If I'm expecting my opponent to poke I'll just follow the f2d13 with d1 since I'm at +1.
F2d13~stinger seems like a shenanigan (I could be wrong), but I bet it'll work for a while since people don't know how to block it :)

While we're at it, here's a couple combos that only work on the largest characters:
j2, f2d13~up haven blast, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, 111~hurricane bow = 48%
j2, f2d1~up haven blast, b23~freeze, j2, b2~up haven blast, b23~hurricane bow = 48%


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Thanks for the help Erazor. I'm noticing a problem with Green Arrow though...his zoning, while good at stopping offense and setting up stuff, doesn't do enough damage to make him really do anything noticeable to the match if he has to run away from someone's stuff a lot in a match.

I'd like to see if we could find some better midscreen combos using fire or electric arrows since Ice is our main tool so far due to how far out he pushes folks. If we can find a few high 30 combos to 40's using either electric or fire we could have an easier time in matches as it'd make his runaway options far more threatening in the long run if we could simply rock those arrows on him more often. Fire or electric combos for BNB mean I also gain better damage on runaway.

Either I need better fire/electric combos or I need some damned nice setups for arrow loading so I can effectively always have whatever I want easily. My kingdom for mid air arrow swapping or a load recovery cancel.
shaowebb I have come up with a nice little 40% -41%(if all hits of hurricane bow connect) corner combo:
ji3, 111, electric arrow, 111,hurricane bow. electric arrows allow for some nice combos in the corner.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
shaowebb I have come up with a nice little 40% -41%(if all hits of hurricane bow connect) corner combo:
ji3, 111, electric arrow, 111,hurricane bow. electric arrows allow for some nice combos in the corner.
Added it to corner combo j3. Nice stuff. Sweet Simple an damaging. We're needing more electric and fire combos badly right now. If I can make it so I dont need Ice arrow all the time it'd be great since then I'd likely have a much scarier run away game to make me more of a threat at mid screen. Electric Arrow gets easier punish conversions and fire does respectable damage over time so I'm putting all my efforts into those for now.

Keep em coming :)


To note, I'm using joker to practice and I guess I must be scrub because b23 combos are actually silly to pull off for me ('side from loading arrows)

In a quick crossover situation (and for J3 combos):
Ji3~Dead On is a quick 20% (up to 34% MB) on Joker-sized players.

It's an incredibly easy 30%+ MB to do as long as you remember to motion QCF instead of QCB once you're in the crossover position (I'm sure you guys know that already :D); when blocked Dead On is only a -2... I'm a little scrubby but so far online this hasn't been successfully punished on block.

As for the fire arrows, they seem to be a lost cause unless used low on a player who's waking up, I can't seem to link any of GA's attacks from it (aside from the previously existing combo). Everything I could find with 'em were outclassed by 113, ji2, 22.

However, fire arrows go really well with keep-away distancing. Maybe that's what they were intended for, but shock arrows do all the same.

Speaking of which, specialty arrows link into d2, doing things like

d2~up-shock arrow, Ji2, 22-Hurricane Bow (10hits, 20%).

Not impressive, but notable if no one's been working with it. I'll be exploring some shock arrow combos when I get home from work tonight to see if we can think of any 34%+ combos, but I think fire arrows are combo-enders or wake-up pressure only.


Added it to corner combo j3. Nice stuff. Sweet Simple an damaging. We're needing more electric and fire combos badly right now. If I can make it so I dont need Ice arrow all the time it'd be great since then I'd likely have a much scarier run away game to make me more of a threat at mid screen. Electric Arrow gets easier punish conversions and fire does respectable damage over time so I'm putting all my efforts into those for now.

Keep em coming :)
I had added it already. The combos are sorted the following way:
No meter/no arrows
Special arrows/no meter (ice and electric seperate)
normal or special arrows/meter

Edit: j2 is no combo starter, as it can be added to every combo and without it it's easier to maintain the order :)


Update: I'll put the BNBs in the first post and the full combo archives in the second one. If you want a combo to be added to the bnbs let me know. We should determine which combo is the best either for damage or to load an arrow.
OK i got a couple of things not yet up there.

- f2d13 xx freeze arrow , b3, ji3, ji2, 111 xx arrow creation. ( 31% damage) -- you can do this with any string that didn't launch the guy yet so you don't get a reccuded height b3 -- 31% WITH arrow creation midscreen out of f2d13 is worth mentioning i think ;)

-Super with freeze arrow
Super, b3, ji 3, 22 xx low freeze arrow, ji2, 223 xx hurricane bow ( 57% damage )

In the corner with freeze arrow,

- ji2, b2 xx Up heaven blast, 111 xx dead on, 11 xx low freeze arrow, backdash , ji2, 111, Super, ji2, ji2, 111 xx Hurricane Bow (45+56 = 101% damage :D )

Also out of f2d13 with ice arrow you can also do ( for style )
-f2d13 xx freeze arrow, b3, dash, sky alert, sky alert, 111 xx arrow creation ( 30% damage ) This and the 31% one also works with all combo's with no launch before b3. Im thinking d1, 22, 11, 3, b2, f2d1 etc. :D
Do you need me to type out all of my combos. I'm not sure if you have all of them yet or do you just want to shoot the video up on the OP


Do you need me to type out all of my combos. I'm not sure if you have all of them yet or do you just want to shoot the video up on the OP
Notations would be great. You can check the combo archives (second post) first that might save you a lot of work.