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Has the fighting genre just become too complex for me?

This is the first fighting game for me sign sf2 and mk2/3, I did ok at those games. Now I love the offline and sitting next to friends playing igaus, I decided to practice offline a ton to try to learn all the techniques and combos used these days, but I can't put it together.

So ive spent hours practicing and my online record after two weeks is 54 to 206.
II don't think I've seen a worse record. I panic trying to land string combos( usually landed lucky button mashin) I can't land wakeups. Is there hope left at getting any better? The competitive nature in me wants to win a bit more but seems like I can't till I can pull combos longer than 4, find out how not to get pummeled in opponents combos and learn the nuances from these games compared to straightforward design of old school 2d fighters.


Too old for this Shit
Don't give up man... You have had a long time off.. It takes some time getting back into the swing if things. They compare everything to riding a bike.. Once you learn, you never forget... Well if you take that much time off biking- you will not make your return ride the X-Games.. Pace yourself.. Overall this is a 2D fighter on 3D graphics engine.. So you don't have to worry about side stepping action.. Pick a character you can relate to.. Learn easy combo's to start and start to build from there..look online for how other people use said character and try to build. Stay calm and cool when playing against others.. It's not for money or FIGHTING GAME CHAMPION OF THE WORLD.. It's for fun..

Sure things have gotten slightly more complicated.. But as long as Ryu still throws the same fire ball the same way.. And Scorpion still throws his spear the same way.. You got a chance. :)


Don't worry man. I actually had the same problem. I played lots of different genres in my life and took a break from Fighting Games for like 10 years. Then with the possibility to play online, I started to play Fighting Games again with Super Street Fighter IV (2 years ago).

And damn, everybody was beating me. I lost to every scrub mashing dps all day. I had a 20 or 30% win rate or something, it was pretty sad. But you will get used to it after some time. It may take a while, not days, it will be weeks and months until you notice improvements with your gameplay. Don't lose hope yet and don't take these games too serious when you play online, you will only rage a lot.


Eternal student
You can always try SSFIVAE. You don't really need to know optimal combos to play online and do well. You just need to be smart and have the ability to pull off the moves.
Ok I got the mini hori fighting stick. I haven't used it online yet, not sure to stick with the thumb numbing d pad instead because button placement on the controller seems easier.


You can always try SSFIVAE. You don't really need to know optimal combos to play online and do well. You just need to be smart and have the ability to pull off the moves.
Well to be honest. If he has problems with Injustice, then I think he will do worse in SSF4. Because Street Fighter is harder to learn and to master imo.


Too old for this Shit
Ok I got the mini hori fighting stick. I haven't used it online yet, not sure to stick with the thumb numbing d pad instead because button placement on the controller seems easier.
Give your stick a go and see which one feels better to you.. Word of advise though.. There is a learning curve between the two controllers.. So the longer you play and better you get on stock controller the more difficult it will be to go over to stick.