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Upcoming Events in Your Area? Includes On The Edge 3 (NY) & Vindication (CA) This Weekend


If you've got nothing planned for this weekend, watch out as there are multiple events about to flood this weekend in to next week. Today is our friendly reminder to all of our members and followers about the events that are very likely in your area and you don't even know it! These events reach from New York to California and to Canada. It also just so happens that this weekend there are currently eight events you may want to check out.

Below we have the events listed followed by respective information:





Deleted member 9158

the closest one to me is vindication, but I work all day anyways

Trip Se7ens

Nom Nom
We need more Texas events! Even if they are smaller side tournys at colleges or what not! ANYTHING is better than nothing!


I wish I could make it to Throwdown :(. Hope you guys post the Top 8 players AND the characters they used. Not to be a douche, but sometimes you guys don't.


Administrator and Community Engineer
I wish I could make it to Throwdown :(. Hope you guys post the Top 8 players AND the characters they used. Not to be a douche, but sometimes you guys don't.
Danger317, sometimes that information isn't readily available. So have to do the best we can. I'm sure it won't be a problem for ECT though, as those guys are usually on top of everything.

Immortal Kombat

almost moderate success
Oh man, sacrementos only 4 hours away from me. Too bad its mothers day weekend. Anyone know if they have more games planned for later in the year in sacramento?


Watching the stream and all I can think is. Jesus Christ. Who on EGP doesn't use Superman?


Where are the pretyped front page articles for vindication. It was the biggest injustice major to date with over 100 entrants. East coast bias? Nahhhh