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Breakthrough Sinestro's possible midscreen reset


I knew I had to play this character from the beginning)Here is a mid screen reset which can be done out of Pig's set up at the end of the combo (see Pig's tech) with Shackles>d1>b2>MB Arachnide. The reset is strict on timing and I am even more unsure than before if it will be practical. In order to be 100% guaranteed it requires all 3 shots of trait (one to cover up the gap in MB Arachnide) and a bar of meter. In the video at the end of the reset the opponent is Shackled almost full screen away from Sinestro, but with precise timing it is possible to land him closer to you (I did it couple of times). So here we go

Pig Of The Hut
Reset #666.2


Damn, i knew this was possible. I tried this about week ago when i found out about the MB Arachnid but couldn't get it to work

Good stuff


I write too much.
Great find! I need to start working the Arachnid stuff into my game.

Similarly, we can reset midscreen using Shackles>move forward slightly>F3. I am finding this option more and more useful since it's ridiculously positive on block (I was able to dash in and grab before they left blockstun in training mode, but can't seem to make it work online) and the animation for it looks really strange.

I've been employing it a lot more often in my online matches recently (Oh yeah disclaimer: I'm definitely an online warrior with the occasional offline play) and while I can't seem to grab people out of blockstun, either because I'm slow, online lag or I mistested it before, only ridiculously fast moves beat it, and those get beat by doing a B13 (Or B12 if you want to play it safe since they don't have time to crouch block it seems) or F2D1, which has always worked for me and leads right back into a shackles.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player

Dude I knew he could

I knew I had to play this character from the beginning)Here is a mid screen reset which can be done out of Pig's set up at the end of the combo (see Pig's tech) with Shackles>d1>b2>MB Arachnide. The reset is strict on timing and I am even more unsure than before if it will be practical. In order to be 100% guaranteed it requires all 3 shots of trait (one to cover up the gap in MB Arachnide) and a bar of meter. In the video at the end of the reset the opponent is Shackled almost full screen away from Sinestro, but with precise timing it is possible to land him closer to you (I did it couple of times). So here we go

Pig Of The Hut
You sir are an excellent member of the yellow corp

Great stuff :) :) :)


I have tried this with Green Lantern, Lobo, and Doomsday. The timing appears to be different for each character. It can be done but it seems you have to know the match-up timing of every character, but I could be wrong. You guys try it out and let me know if you notice the same thing.


i can not get this to work on any consistent bases :(

Knowing that its timing is character dependent, does anyone know of a character that is much easier to connect this on?


i can not get this to work on any consistent bases :(

Knowing that its timing is character dependent, does anyone know of a character that is much easier to connect this on?
I had the easiest time doomsday, but the timing if still very hard. You want to time the first trait to hit almost simultaneously with unblockable arachnid; then use your second trait and shackles, much easier said then done. It seems you may have a safe jump here if the opponent is not to far away.
what are people doing to get max damage off a 3/4 screen shackles? i wonder if you have time to dash dash 112 or dash j2 at this range....


You can always get 2 shakles when you do a naked one first. Can you do 3 shakles? Then theres a reset we talking about.