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Video/Tutorial Batgirl - Official Reveal Gameplay Trailer w/ Back Story + New Joker Skin


So, I guess she has a Claw/No Claw stance change? For example, she switched to claw stance and hooked Joker with her grappling hook, and then switched to no claw stance and did her super at 2:00.

And did she have to jump for her super, or was that just part of the animation? I'm guessing the latter. And is it required for her to not have her claws out to do her super? Pretty interesting stuff lol.


The future of law enforcement.
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Wow, she looks awesome. Why is she in the fucking game, again?


TYM White Knight
I'm sorry what? You did not just say Todd is better than Grayson? Dick kicks all kinds of ass (oh dear) as either Robin or Nightwing!

My bad only just noticed you were talking strictly costume-wise. My fanboy panties get in a twist whenever someone doesn't give Grayson his dues so sorry again!
I think Tim Drake was the best Robin tbh.


Waiting for Havik
I think they could have done SO much more with Batman but they gave the moves to BatGirl instead. I think Batman should have had her Teleport because he always disappears in the TV shows and comics like a ninja...
Batman SHOULD have had that teleport, he had it in Justice League Task Force and in MK vs DC, NRS take out that from him to give it to Batgirl, now Batgirl looks more Batman than himself!... Bastards... ;_;


Despite the trolling I did on her she looks pretty fun to play with.. I still wouldve liked Zatanna over her tho
Looks like the Batgirl fans were right, as soon as her trailer comes out a lot of people are gonna do a 180.

Gameplay looks awesome, loving her telaports, her super (ouch by the way) and winpose is more badass then Batman's but LMFAO at her running animation in the clash, it looks so goofy.

Also really conflicted on Joker skin, on one hand yes it's awesome on the other can we please get skins for someone who isn't in the Bat franchise?

Overall I'm gonna give her a chance but from the looks of things I might already like her if the gameplay footage is any testament to how fun she can be.


This one's for you
Definitely a Batman clone, maybe not in the way she plays but just the way all her stuff looks. Hoping for a better second DLC pack